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  1. Benjamind49(?) has made some nice graphs. without set bonus with 2 piece set bonus First target would be 350-400 defence, after that prefer absorb over shield rating (about 2:1 ratio) Edit: Very hard to get even near those numbers with current itemisation, but sithwarrior had some suggestions.
  2. Shock is energy damage, which is affected by armor just as much as maul/trash etc. which are also energy damage. Discharge is trickier, surging and dark charge discharges are unaffacted by armor, lightning discharge is energy, which is affected.
  3. afaik all aoe damage abilities are limited to max five targets, whether they specify it or not. Some ofc have even less targets.
  4. Complete, unbiased and equal random is very much the wrong way to go. However it seems to be traditional way of distributing loot. Maybe because companies fear messing things even more badly if they try to make even. Token system is one way to diminish effect of the random, but only affecting parts of the game. But that aside, there's no way of knowing if RNG is broken or not. Anecdotal "evidence" doesn't even offer reason to doubt that it wouldn't be working. Once someone submits full data for month or more of raiding there might be tiny chance to find something that would cause mild reason to suspect something. But that is highly unlikely, since only the most extreme cases would be statistically significant.
  5. If there is RNG, there will be problems. Random is random, someone will have to wait his set for hundreds of runs. Many people will have wait their set for tens of runs. Many people will have their set in few runs, some will get in a one or two. But most importantly, saying RNG is broken, doesn't make it so. "evidence" shown in this thread would make statisticians cry. Now, I'm not saying that RNG is working perfectly, programmers are known to make some funny mistakes. What I'm saying that something that has happened to you or your friends doesn't even begin to show evidence that RNG is broken. That would require some data mining and is probably impossible for everyone else but Bioware.
  6. Hmm, after little more thought... This is probability for 3 of the same pieces for specific class. For 3 same pieces for any class it's 4 times that, so 0.0624. Furthermore, if you kill for example 8 bosses that each drop 3 set pieces, probability that atleast one of those drops 3x same piece is 1-0.9376^8 ~ 0.4028. So 40%.
  7. There is thousands of boss runs each week. So it can easily happen 100+ times a week. Actually I have no idea how many runs there is, but plenty in any case. It's rare enough that people will feel wronged and might complain at forum. Strangely enough, people who get about even distribution won't feel the need...
  8. It tells you exactly nothing. Basicly you can only hope that it either A) works B) will be fixed if it doesn't Even if you keep record of the drops: Single player has no way of knowing if it works or not, there just isn't enough data Single clan has no way of knowing if it works or not, there just isn't enough data Single server probably has no way of knowing if it works or not, unless it's totally screwed, there won't be enough data. Forums are the absolutely worst place to draw information about the matter.
  9. Ah, random and MMOs, always such fun. Given the number of iterations, almost anything is statistically possible, even likely. Getting same drop 10 times in a row won't happen too often (~1 in million) but it will eventually happen to someone. Combined with observation bias and lack of data, RNG will always feel broken... Unless it isn't random and developers have tweaked it so that it actually is broken and gives unnaturally even distribution.
  10. I'd go for resolve whenever possible. However, you get higher lever forcewielder armoring from commendations, so they might be easier.
  11. Yes. That would make game easier. Game already is too easy. Hence threat meters would make game worse. Now, if facerolling way too easy bosses once a week is your preference, then fine. But sadly it would also be rather hard to find a guild that doesn't require threat meters, and finding "competitive" guild that doesn't require it would be nearly impossible. Threat mechanics is also one interesting tool for tuning bosses, which is trivialised by threat meters. But it will result to that if you keep paying attention and trying to do your best. Threat meters just makes things too simple, you just go on doing your rotation and see straight away if you have to do something about threat.
  12. It isn't useless, but using it regurarly will make getting 3 harnessed darkness slowers, which is bad. It's rather ironic, energize should get your harnessed darkness faster, but if you use force to get energize procs, you actually won't have enough force to use them well...
  13. You'll get more conversations once you advance your class quest. Companion conversations are tied to both affection and class quest.
  14. Class variance is good thing. Not everyone has to have charge. Edit: And oh, it is a form of charge type ability, just tiny bit slower and doesn't require a target.
  15. Well, actually nothing in tooltip suggest that you would get anything more than 5 endurance per rank. However it's very easy to misread.
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