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  1. This did not work for me. If I get the Empire Betrayed quest, it automatically has at the top that it is a group quest. I talk to the generals and they give the tactical flash point only so when I get their Battle of Ilum quest, it is for the tactical. If I abandon the tactical quest, the mission indicator does pop above the droid, he gives me the solo version, I get the droid thingie in my inventory BUT when I try to go through the screen, I get an error message that says it is a different level than what I have which is tied to the quest the generals gave me. If I abandon everything and just talk to the droid, he gives me solo quest version, I accept it, I try to enter and run into error message again. But there isn't anything in my mission log related to Ilum and I don't have any flash point quests for anywhere else in my mission log. This is frustrating, I have tried for 2 hours tonight trying to get in, I just want to finish the storyline on Ilum. What is especially frustrating is that I had just run my Knight through this with no problems last week. ARGH! OK, I guess the trick is to get mad enough to figure another step out. Do as above person suggested, take generals' quest, drop tactical flashpoint, talk to droid and take solo one, key step for me was to right click on my portrait and reset all flash points. When I was trying to reset it through my mission log, it didn't do anything but the right click did. Good luck and thanks for the suggestion BlackFulcrum.
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