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10 Good
  1. So space is getting a major overhaul, operations will get them as well and what else .... the game may actually be decent in a year.
  2. revers engineer the items you make. With luck, green turns to blue, blue turns to purple.
  3. Plus all the nice conversation options about more money yet all we get is chump change. That huge ship and nothing to use it for, doesn't really feel like a smuggler. But the missions do pay ok. I have been spending a fortune on leveling my crafting skill to 250 and just made 50K running a few missions on Tatooine. I hope there is a real money sink for lvl 50 because once I have my crafting at 400 that expense will drop and money will not mean a thing.
  4. I would also like to know. I made it to Nar Shadaa yesterday and got all exited about the "contested zones" but could only find NPCs.
  5. And that is why I love my Smuggler. I don't just sit there spamming one heal after another. I tend to run in, use a flash bang, give you one in the back with my shotgun, one on the head and a kick in the balls. Then I'll check who needs a heal, give them one or a slow release medpack and go back into action. Most of the time I end up with four medals (lvl23).
  6. Ja das sollte man auf jeden Fall machen wenn man eine Schlange sieht. Was mir beim Gruppenbilden leider noch fehlt ist ein Voice Chat im Spiel. TS ist leider keine Alternative da man noch IP und Login Daten austauschen muss.
  7. Ist das aber nicht auch ein Fehler im Leveldesign. Die Wege in SWTOR sind ENDLOS lang aber die Missionspunkte bestehen teilweise aus ein oder zwei Räumen in denen es dann zum Stau kommt .... das passt nicht so ganz zusammen.
  8. Was willst Du denn erwarten wenn Du als "Lueckenfueller" dazu kommst weil einer aus dem Spiel geflogen ist. Runde neu starten? Genau dann sollten alle auf dich warten.
  9. Das ist aber nicht so. Wer angreift steht in einem Raum rum und wartet bis es fuer beide Teams los geht.
  10. Why hate? How about just changing the way the toon looks .... plastic surgery is acceptable in our own society and Star Wars medicine is light years ahead of our own so it ought to be in there.
  11. Yeah, right. I have been at that point three times with three different classes and was told that this is a final decision every time. This game is about the story, don't use the spacebar.
  12. Pretty cool, isn't it? I had a lot of fun going after a lvl21 with my lvl 13 yesterday. Sometimes he would win, other times I would. Yes he had a few more tricks to use but it did not really matter.
  13. That and once you find a "clean" server it will work for 72 hours. After that time you are stuck in a 500+ queue again. So yes, currently there is no solution other then wait for them to get their act together. Maybe we should be more forgiving. Yes we paid but there has never been an MMO before so a company like BW/EA can not prepare for the unknown ..... wait a second.
  14. That may be a phenomenon of western societies. When somebody does something the vocal minority does not like we get a law making things illegal instead of actually looking at the issue with a cool head. In SWG we received "loljedis" due to all the ************ (we are force chocking and murdering people in this game but a word with a bit more punch is censored, what a messed up world).
  15. That is OK because a decent computer can be upgraded for much less. I am still playing with a 5 year old CPU but with a new video card.
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