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  1. Ooooooo.......... I like this guy. Keep it coming. (tl;dr... I agree)
  2. If you are bored with the MMO you are Sub'd to you already lost value on it. I cancel my Sub and go play another MMO or participate in another hobby or recreational activity for a while, sometimes many months. It is why even though I have been associated with this MMO since Beta that I have not accomplished much here... because I find far too many things I disagree with Bioware on to stay more than a month or two at a time. Sub money lost is money lost and can be regained. Time lost is lost forever. If you are bored with TOR go do something that you find is worth your time and come back to TOR later when you are ready to play again. You will enjoy a MMO much more when you are not creating reasons to stay... trust me I made this mistake in other MMOs many times all in the idea of "customer loyalty". Learn from my mistakes if anything else. I sincerely hope you find the answer you seek, even if what I said doesn't fit your needs.
  3. "Choose Your Path" = Play Darkside!" My number one complaint about the video... but the video wasn't for me as a sub, it was for people that never played before. Nothing new to see here. Advertizing Execs created a Video that appeals to the highest common denominator. As in real life, so goes the MMO as well. Some things are so predictable. When given the choice most humans choose evil. (anyone that says "Darkside" isn't evil is stretching definitions beyond hope of reason.) I sometimes ask myself why I bother playing a game so focused on the Empire when I fell in love with Star Wars because of the struggle to save the Republic and it's ideals.... especially since it seems that Bioware too is enamored with the Darkside much more than trying to at least keep the focus balanced.
  4. I instinctively run screaming in terror away from any blog that posts what you just did. I guess I am not one of your clients. Now I need to go change my linens.
  5. Choose Light side? Where exactly in the video was the Light Side promoted at all? OK maybe a little bit LOL It was a video of Star Wars:The Old Empire thru and thru. I am glad Bioware isn't going to allow us the option to change Factions.... or I think most Players would take their Republic characters to Empire. It would be a might bit lonely for us Republic diehards then. I agree it was just a commercial trying to drum up new business. Glad that's all it was after how they worded the stuff yesterday.
  6. Only if TOR got new classes would I get a Togruta character. (and I am fairly certain there will never be new classes so I will not be purchasing this new race or using it if released in an expansion.... but since I would rather see new classes than new races I thought I would speak my mind on this.)
  7. On this we disagree. I don't consider my stance on this to be a falsehood. I see the wording of the SWTOR EULA and TOS prohibiting all non sanctioned and non authorized Star Wars based gaming and products. That includes SWG emulators.... until a Court or a Legal Firm states otherwise. That's how I see it. I think it's foolish for others to take it so lightly, however that's on them. Enough said by me.
  8. I play SWTOR ... If I were to log into the server at SWGEmu I would be violating the EULA and TOS of SWTOR that I agreed to when I began playing this game. Now perhaps yes Disney would not consider that being the same as hosting the emulator, but I do see it as the same. I would be a accessory to the fact. Equally at fault as the Admins. You all do as you see fit, but I won't go anywhere near an Emulator of a MMO if the Emulator admins haven't acquired the rights to host it from the IP owner. AFAIK no SWG emulator Admins have gained permissions and/or rights from Disney, Lucasarts (past tense), or EA to recreate SWG. If they have acquired the rights then that is another story.
  9. I started seeing no Sage skills available to train at level 19 on Taris (by selecting "see all" when I did not have any, Sage shows zero skill I can train all the way to level cap). I am at level 23 now (on Nar Shadda now)and show Sage requiring trraining in my abilities tab under Sage, but Jedi Counselor Trainer still offers no skills for training. For me it is not related to a Planet. No Sage skills period. Bug Reported today. Will check for Training on Fleet. **confirmed: I was able to train my Sage skills on Fleet**
  10. This is why I won't go anywhere near a SWG Emulator. Too many Attorneys looking to buy a summer condo... not enough lawsuits. Bad combination. If Disney ever went after the admins of the Emus I would bet they would go after the players as well... and no game is worth that nightmare.... no matter how good it is or was. To me SWG is dead and will remain so until the IP owner brings it back.
  11. Wanna Bet?? I think the phrase "Your mileage may vary" should be used here. I do only the Class Storyline missions and the planetary side missions. No Flashpoints, No Operations, and NO Heroics. No PvP of any kind. No Guild memberships so no XP boost there. No Group content of any kind. None, Nada, Zip. I do kill mobs as I go from mission to missions... and I am always over level on every planet! I will say that again. I do zero group content nor PvP and I am overlevel on every planet. If the 12 times XP was offered to me I would turn it down flat. SWTOR can be a singleplayer game for those who wish it to be, and in practical sense to me that is what it is whether it was intended to be or not. I sometimes go several days without interacting with anyone else ingame. That wouldn't be possible in a real MMO (I've played quite a few over the years so I can make that call.) What's good about SWTOR is that if a Player wants it to feel like a MMO, like a true multiplayer game, that too can happen. And SWTOR in my opinion already gives out too much XP and so I don't agree with OP that Class Storyline Missions need a boost to XP.
  12. This. I want a XP Disabler and I would be perfectly happy with these limitations. In fact I think this is the only way it could be done in SWTOR without messing the PvP side up.
  13. I would have expected a Player with the forum signature such as yours would have read all the forum posts in a thread with three pages of responses before responding to one of them. I read them all and I have a similar history to your own. I expected wrong. I apologize. As far as "Majority of Players goes".... AFAIK the XP disabler isn't used by most people in the MMOs I have played and yet it is a useful tool to allow a Player to better manage their character's level progression, for both grouping purposes and for solo players. If every feature in a MMO had to have the "majority" use it much in MMO gaming would not be. It is another feature like many to attract and keep certain customers for both the benefit of the MMO Business and for the benefit of the customer that will enjoy the use of such a feature. That is "reasonable" enough for most of the smaller features that are not used by the majority. I also don't group in SWTOR. I am not a part of the "1% or less grouping", but what does this matter? This MMO is made for grouping as well as Solo play and if a Player decides to Group up to play they shouldn't be made to feel like a second class Player just because some Players want to see SWTOR be just a singleplayer RPG. I don't group but even I see this MMO needs opportunities for both Group and Solo as any good MMO does. The XP disabler in other MMO does not require one or the other. I've listed why I want to see a XP disabler feature in SWTOR. I consider those reasons as valid as anyone else's reasons they might list. I don't believe that all new MMO features should pass the "majority" test. Other Posters like Calypsissmexy have left good reasons for it too. I will leave this thread now and perhaps Bioware Staff will read this and pass it along. (And no I do not want a belt of invulnerability. That's no fun at all for me and how I play.)
  14. I outlined in my post directly above your own how it would benefit a Player... Me. Attention to detail.
  15. I would pay money for a XP disabler so I could stop my Character's progression at about 51 or 52. I don't PvP so if the Devs wanted to make me ineligible to enter a PvP status or a PvP zone that would be fine with me. If Bioware does not provide a XP disabler than once each of my characters reaches 51 to 52 point then that character goes into retirement. I'll use it for Underworld Trading or other Crew Mission but that's about it. I have been holding back my character's progression for years now and it's becoming increasing more difficult to do because I do enjoy playing this game. However.....There is no content yet provided in this game that I am interested in participating in past Act 3. A XP Disabler would allow me to continue to play as I wish to. I am not Gold Farmer or other profiteer ... I will gain nothing significant with stopping my characters's XP gain accept enjoyment..... I just desire to be able to still take my characters out into the game world and kick some NPC tail without overleveling the content. There is nothing enjoyable or fulfilling in fighting grey Mobs. Not "Did", but "Still do" is the key here. Lord of the Rings Online has it (an item bought from cash shop), World of Warcraft has it (pay ingame gold to a NPC). and trust me... I am a Moron... you can ask Players from a Land called Wurm about that (Covenant of the Phoenix Guild here in TOR).... and I never forget my XP disabler is On. That argument doesn't wash. In any MMO when the Disabler is on the XP bar goes gray and it's very obvious it's off.
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