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  1. Its never okay, even on an RP server. There is no RP community that encourages people be ***** to each other. If you have an expressed agreement with people you commonly play with and they are fine with that, it's one thing. If you are doing this to random people in your group, it's quite another. Part of RP is give and take and making sure everyone enjoys themselves. There is a difference between an RPer and someone who is a griefer hiding behind RP. This is a fairly obvious case of griefing hiding behind RP. One common tactic is to pick and choose to RP when it benefits them (ninjaing) and not RP when it does not. Loot rolls don't make any logical RP sense. In reality there is no pop up windows and no dice rolls. In reality items don't get stuck to you and can't be traded. In reality if someone steals from you, there are consequences and legal recourses. In this case there is nothing the person who is ninja'd from can do. Hell, even if they wanted to give the person a chance to duel them for the item or whatnot the game mechanics prevent it with binding items. So No, it's not okay. Its using RP as an excuse to pick and choose when to RP and when to hide behind game mechanics in order to grief people and its not acceptable in any serious RP community.
  2. You can avoid fighting him as a Lightside option as well, but you have to be really clever. Also, you can nail Watcher 2 before you fight Jadus but only if you haven't flirted with Kayilo. Your dialog options may have something to do with it, too.
  3. I gave the info to the Minister and went rogue. I considered staying a part of Imperial Intelligence or trying to work within the system but decided that was silly. Even if the sith recreate Intelligence it will always answer to the Sith. You can't pretend to be a good guy while willingly answering to people you know are insane monsters. Besides which, if anyone deserved to get the info it was the Minister. He fate is left unanswered but I would have liked the option to use the blackmailing info I have to protect him. He went through a ton of **** and was only trying to help you and the Empire. Yea, he signs off on the brainwashing but it wasn't like it was his idea. It was basically that or have the Sith kill you. Even after the Empire throws him away he calls in all his favors not to save his own skin but to secretly rebuild Intelligence just to give you a shot at taking down the Cabal, despite knowing he might be killed for it. That guy deserves my loyality, not the Sith who do nothing but worry about themselves to the detrement of The Empire.
  4. Technically, alacrity doesn't reduce the GCD, the GCD just isn't triggered in the first place for abilites with a 1.5 second cast time. If you reduce the cast time below 1.5 seconds you can use abilites faster then the GCD would normally allow you to, but you aren't reducing it, you just aren't triggering it at all. This is why it doesn't help for instant casts but does for 1.5 second casts.
  5. Okay, lets use an example with round numbers. Lets say I have an attack that does 100 damage. By default a crit would do 50% more, so thats 150. In this case, my crits increase my damage by 50. Now lets say I put on an item with 20 power and this particular ability sacles 1:1 with power. Now I do 120 damage on that attack. A crit of 50% bonus would result in 50% more, or 180 damage. In this case, my crits increase my damage by 60. So by increasing my power I've increased the amount my crits benefit me by as well. It was 50, now it's 60. This is why balancing both would be beneficial.
  6. The energy return on the talented Stim boost in Lethality only works out to 0.33(Repeating, of course) energy per second which isn't really all that great, and thats assuming you pop it every 30 seconds on the dot. It's also costing you TA every 30 seconds instead of 45-60 so that energy isn't free. Sure you could wait til it's about to fall off and only refresh it every 60 but then you are only getting 0.15 energy per second or so. There is some utility there in being able to dip deeper into your energy pool and get back to high regen again, though. Just don't think it's a 'must have' because it really isn't. 6% crit is extremely nice, but I'd rather have Accomplished Doctor for 30% extra healing on Injection crits then Lethal doses 8% extra crit chance only on Kolto Probe. Something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffbzGoRzcZZGbbkM.1 I guess it kind of depends. If you are doing operations and main tank healing I'd say Accomplisheed Doctor is better, if you are group healing for some reason, then Kolto probe crits are probably better. For a 4 man it likely depends on the encounter, I would think and how much damage is directed at the tank as opposed to the rest of the group.
  7. I noticed a severe jump in difficulty as well on the final two planets. One option is to use Dr. Lokin as he will help you survive a lot longer. I did just fine with Ensign temple though. Make sure your gear is up to date, use up those commendations or buy stuff on the GTN if you have to. Ditto for your companion. Take the time to CC mobs. Make sure you are interrupting when you can. Don't be afraid to use flashbang to CC a group, 8 seconds of a few weaks or a single silver not beating on you is huge. If you use a dps companion make sure they are focusing your target. Medpacks. They can effectively increase your health in any given encounter by a huge amount. Adrenals and stims can help too but might not be cost effective. Don't be afraid to LoS or CC and heal, even if you aren't a healer. Wait for your DoTs to fall out, Flash bang, use the 8 seconds to heal. It can save your life.
  8. It's a matter of degree. It's okay for credits to enter the system, in fact thats vital for the economy to function. The problem is when the amount of incoming credits is completely out of line with the amount of outgoing credits. You can't farm mobs with 8 different characters at once while logged off. There are also only so many mobs and the only respawn so quickly, compared to the limitless number of slicing missions that could be run.
  9. You're partially correct, there are those without slicing who think this won't effect them, and it will. There will be less credits coming into the economy and that will certainly effect everyone. The thing is, this HAD to happen. The alternative would have hurt everyone even more in the long run.
  10. I think a lot of players are reasonable people who honestly don't understand the nerf because they never played in beta and they've never had another trade skill. They think it's perfectly normal to get profit from running gathering trade skill missions and don't understand the impact on the economy slicing missions were having. I never intended for this to be an 'end all be all' conversation, merely my opinions of what was wrong and why it had to be changed in the hopes that it would inform some people.
  11. So you basically paid 250 for a 1-2 points of skill and a chance to get an item you can sell. Seems balanced to me considering other gathering professions pay 1250 for some materials that are worth considerably less.
  12. I think you have a point here. I played beta and I knew the situation with Slicing was completely unreasonable. I had also tried out other professions so I was aware how out of balance Slicing was. Other players didn't have the benefit of that, and are blindsided by this. That's why I wanted to make this post to try to explain how out of control it was and why it had to be changed. They just assumed it was normal to be able to make money off running missions. They had no idea other professions can't do that. Perhaps slicing is less useful then other trade skills now. I don't think we'll know until things normalize. Right now there isn't much profit from nodes because there is so much competition and the market is flooded. So it might make sense for BW to wait a bit before making changes.
  13. If we want to be pendantic.. "It is my opinion that Slicing, as a gathering profession, should not be intended to make money off running missions." I've given my reasons for why that is the case, if you disagree please post your reasoning and we can discuss it.
  14. Supposing you are correct, then we could say you are no longer intended to profit off missions and are now intended to profit off nodes. Slightly different I admit but ultimately the same for our current situation.
  15. You are losing money running missions. You were never intended to make money running missions. You make money harvesting nodes.
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