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10 Good
  1. Thanks a lot dude for your two guides. I am used to play as a tank. Are u gonna prepare one as you did before ?
  2. Thank you for your answer. I was used to use trash instead of lacerate. I was not aware of the trauma debuf which is effectively good. I am kinda impressive by your dps stats in the screenshot you made That's why I asked you the rotation as I am mostly playing like in PvE.
  3. Hello Krea, What à Nice guid for the class!! I am playing assa tank and i now play with your stats (full endurance). I find the assa not very strong in pvp compare with other tanks but I still do like playing it. Btw, could you tell us what is your rotation as it is the only thing missing in your top guid ! Thank you
  4. Pour la retroconfection justement, est ce qu'il indique les 20% de chance d'apprendre un nouveau plan pour les sophistications 30 et 31? C'est pas le cas chez moi actuellement. J'ai entendu dire qu'il fallait mettre la sophistication sur une pièce héritage puis l'enlever pour la retroconfectionner. C'est vrai?
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