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10 Good
  1. I decided to check it out for the first time. Played a bunch of matches and not one of them was even remotely close. Most games a single kill was a miracle. We can't even get someone past 75% most times even when its 3v1. And every single game is like this. Is this just the state of PvP in this game generally?
  2. Both. At the same time.
  3. You should check your alignment to see if you have any light side points. Your actual alignment is the sum of Darkside+Lightside. So if you have 10,000 DS points and 500 Lightside points your alignment will be 9500 darkside.
  4. Rowsdower. Rowsdower? Rowsdowwweerr. Rowsthdower? I wonder if there's beer on the sun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6OPyfQxwDM
  5. http://www.oldrepublic.net/content/attachments/1936d1335347156-praxon-bloodline.jpg/ Because I think it looks cool. That is all.
  6. Body type 2 for everything because its the only one with reasonable body proportions.
  7. Why is the main Old Republic splash screen reversed? I'm assuming it's reversed because everyone is left handed in it and since something like 90% of the worlds population is right handed it make sense that the artist(s) are as well and drew the splash screen with that in mind. And if anyone is wondering why on earth I had this particular train of thought, I have a less than stellar computer and spend a larger than average time on loading screens, so I've had lots of time to contemplate them.
  8. The butts on jedi knight robes? Because... well.... you know...
  9. You should be fine, but at minimum you should set "Character Level of Detail" to high. Low on that setting has some odd graphical glitches.
  10. I'm just curious as to what is encompassed by "unauthorized third party program or devices". I recall reading quite a few years ago about some programs copy protection that would lock you out if you had cd burning programs installed on your computer. Not that I think that's the case here, but it would be nice if they were less vague about it.
  11. Smog that's had a gender change?
  12. Sasquatch... I don't think I understand this game.
  13. It would be a good idea if we didn't need it. By that I mean, it would only work if there weren't crappy people who would down rate someone for something trivial or meaningless. Think someone has terrible gear? Downvote Don't like the way someone plays? Downvote Someone hurts your ego? Downvote Disagree over the nature of the higgs-boson? Downvote The system would only work as well as the quality of the majority of people. And a lot people would abuse it in some way.
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