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  1. EDIT Nevermind! I figured it out! This forum wont let me delete my response to I'm editing instead
  2. That only happened to me on the first attempt to launch
  3. And now with finally playing 6.2's "Echoes of Oblivion" I find myself here to figure out why Tenebrae and Vitiate were two different races/species. And i'm perfectly happy with these explanations.
  4. On the second car some of the hook layouts place the hooks beneath the floor preventing them from being clickable.
  5. This is what i was wondering about.. Once we reach the cap there's no point in continuing until the reset. At least with reputation we can stock up on trophies. Of course this hadn't occurred to me until i reached the cap and was like.... wait a minute.... It explains why the queue was taking so long. Everyone's done already! (Shadowlands) So, I'm like boooooo solo here we go...
  6. Can you all expand on this? I'm a little confused. What/where exactly is "Planetary Perks". It's sounding to me like it's saying there's a way to transport anywhere for free using the new galaxy map. Are they referring to the five Travel perks to CZ, Oricon, Rishi, Yavin and Odessen; or something else?
  7. I've always liked the Jaggalors on Corellia. Would really love a creature companion of this. And a mount, obviously.
  8. UGH! of all tha! And where the hell is that?
  9. whoo! glad someone finally said something.. Here I am trying to find what i did hahaha
  10. Everywhere a spoiler. I'd like to suggest less spoilers in the game's social media, website and the launcher. I always know what's happening next from these things. Which companions are about to be introduced/reintroduced, Story plots, etc... You get the idea. I know it's too late to bring this up now. But, in the future; how about some mystery? Suspense even? Thanks
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