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Alericus last won the day on March 3

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  1. nope he is right just tried now it does nothing, likely expired I also tried other codes and they do say expired, probably only set to do so after the date May 16th and I did have one worked I forgot about so oh well
  2. Not to sound obvious but 1)as this system is new ensure all windows updates and drivers are uptodate. 2)reboot the system 3)if you are trying to use wifi try a hard line ie ethernet 3)engage swtor help support@swtor.com or call them if needed. currently all swtor servers are up so the issue has to be with your laptop or your connection
  3. yup sadly Ive played numerous mmos and everytime in pvp the game runners listen to the select few subs or guilds who once they get to the "top" always want to have things their way and gate keep, it always destroys the game. And its an ongoing battle for the game runners to keep out the cheaters and win traders, who will always deny this occurs. I always laugh at that claim since its the one thing pinned at the top of the pvp section, "How to Report Cheating and Win Trading". If it doesnt exist then why do they guard against it? At this point I think the new game runners may be making little tweaks but who knows they might make major changes hopefully to attract new players. The daily requirement isnt a problem, the weekly I get the issues its a tad grindy. And yes the queues need to change. Ive played with really good premades, but they always wanted to play other premades as a honest challenge that was actually fun.
  4. so basically you like ranked think there is no cheating or exploits..guess Ive imagined the numerous players banned over the years.....next time shorten up the argument too. You like ranked and face stomping new players..I get it you think thats fun but the numbers say otherwise for most players pvp is dying. Its not about gate keeping the game its about improving it
  5. And I do think a lot of the afk behavior is due to players knowing theyve lost right from the start. Iits easy to spot cheaters and known win traders or just goofs who love to mess around in matches so you know almost within the 1st minutes when your side is hooped, or when your in a hutball match and the enemy ball carrier has no opposition or they grab the ball and (Ive seen this) they leap from mid to end zone and score. So mix it up change the maps, change the scoring and ya dont have premades play solo..and of course the premade players dont want that changed,why would they it works for them and their guilds. but if we did that and afk or dropping dramtically slowed, we have the solution. If not change it up again. As for the afk if we removed the penality of early leaving to say 3 times in a day (ie daily limit) then blocked for a day I think its a compromise , I also think the lockout shouldnt start until gate is down so you join, you see the same players who throw matches or win trade you get a pass to avoid them, but again maybe only 3 times for a day and then penalties start. Just brainstorming some ideas.(and I recognize some of this is just as vunerable to abuse as vote kicking) but my primary goal in all this is to bring back players to increase the base not just keep a small core of hardcore pvpers happy, thats just killing the game. In the end it should be fun and not a grind.
  6. ranked isnt coming back, it became nothing more than win trading and cheating. Its that simple and I believe the devs have implied as much.. Premades arent the issue. having premades constantly playing randoms is. the queues need to be simple , solo vs solo and premades vs premades. And rather than expect everyone to have the minimum gear, the top gear need to be sorted away from the bottom gear so the lowers can catch up. Only other thing I can add is yes we should allow players to pick what maps they want. I think a lot of afk behavior would end if that feature was added but I dont know how that might play out. Seems to me players want the death match style of arenas but they want the easy rewards of 8 man regs. The daily is fine at 3 matches but still think a loss should get squat otherwise theres incentive for win trading. The weekly I think should be reviewed like the other features 1 at a time as you see how each change impacts the game. But first thing to make things easier for newbies and take away the vets who have total knowledge of each map and know the exploits and tactics like a glove, change the maps on a regular basis to level the playing field. I think its time to retire the hutball maps completely its not pvp its just capture the flag and has always had issues with win trading, cheating, lag and glitching.
  7. Id report them for win trading myself
  8. lol ..thanks for posting Im sure you just got flagged and that trade match will be reviewed LMAO
  9. Alericus

    PVP Confusion.

    cool usually get 7 of you on my team ..freaking fantastic losing constantly due to this idiocy..Im assuming you like dueling in the weeds as the enemy caps the objective?
  10. didnt think they could make these quests even more obscure and grindy...wow and when you finally get back to Kane you only get 2 Hidden Chain Insignia and some reputation points...yeeesh Could we at least get the title Grind Master? still if they could get the voice actor for HK to be a hk voice in the Mandoverse shows Id be happy
  11. yes> 1,2,3,4,5,6,10 no 8(reward for win traders),7,9 (just punishing class might as well say no stealth), the only reason I reject 7,8,9 usually the only reason this happens is the other team is sually buysy ignoring the objectives (ie ball carrier) and a)dueling b)afk c)win trading those just punish stealth scoring something I have no problem with. you obviously do . What I have a problem with is hutball and its varients worst maps and the one where I still see the most cheating, next is Ancient Hypergate Id prefer these maps were just removed totally and replaced.
  12. ask yourself and this is where video is good, did the "desync" the "choppiness" the sink into walls/floors or sudden leaps..was it you doing it or the enemy ball carrier? Ive always found about 98% of the convenient instances of lag seem to benefit 1 team over another. I played beta I know what it looks like when the game is just getting started. Dont take my word for it report it let the team figure it out. I think if you are paying attention youll notice a lack of certain players after that for a certain amount of time.......
  13. possible but its interesting because its only ever in pvp, not story, flashpoint or ops..just pvp where the existence of it has a strong impact on outcome of the match. and as always a few days after I reported it just stops
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