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10 Good
  1. I did receive the message and the attached Barnacles. I greatly appreciate it.
  2. I sent a reply with the character name a few hours ago. Let me know if you didn't receive it. I put my toon on the steps if front of the temple.
  3. I definitely do. I'm at work right now, but I'll message you as soon as possible.
  4. As the title says. I only want it to finish the Lokin Achievements, and I suck at ops, especially with the low drop rate for this item. Willing to go 1mil, or even a little more. Will check daily to see if there is any interest.
  5. I'm an idiot. Somehow, it completely escaped my notice that there was a panel BEHIND my toon that I needed to activate in order to use the first grapple point. Everthing went as expected once I made that discovery. Now that I have the Pub fleet datacrons, is there any benefit whatsoever in getting the Imp ones?
  6. Sorry I haven't replied sooner. Work and all. Anyway, turns out I had managed to overlook the fact that there was a panel BEHIND me that I needed in order to activate the first grapple point I needed. Once I realized that, went off without a hitch. I appreciate the time and effort of everyone thet took a moment to reply. I am on the Ebon Hawk server btw. I do have a follow up question: would going after the Imperial fleet datacrons have ANY benefit whatsoever? I know it wouldn't as far as Legacy is concerned, there one applies as both, but as far as stat bonus is what I'm wondering. The same question goes for the Republic and Imperial purple willpower datacrons on Corellia. Only one purple willpower is listed in the Legacy panel, so either will fulfill the list, but is it still worth going after both?
  7. Just tried to solo the Republic Fleet datacron, but the magnetic grapple points don't seem to be working. It's probably me, but if it is, I can't figure out what it is. Anybody do this in the last week or two that can tell me if it's been changed or anything?
  8. I literally can't go any further (without falling off), and I've positioned myself the same as in the videos I've seen. And one of my characters is way closer than the other and his grapple point isn't lighting up either.
  9. Has anyone else run into this? I'm going after the Fleet Datacrons, and I've gotten into position, but the points that the magnetic grapple gun is suppose to work on don't seem active. I'm basically stuck. Am I doing something wrong, or has something been changed recently?
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