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  1. Every one i find through google is for pre 2.0! I just came back to the game and have no idea what i'm doing!
  2. An in-game combat log, Macro support, or addon support.
  3. To whom it may concern: I just cancelled my account today in the middle of doing my PvP daily with the thought of "What is even the point anymore?" It was a losing Civil War against a group from the better republic guild on the server. They were 3 capping us. Just before that, I was in a game where I was just thinking, "Why am I even doing this?" Same Routine: Log on and grab the daily Check my friends list to see if anyone is on to queue with queue up and spend the next hour to 3 hours trying to get 3 wins. Turn the daily and get the "reward" Walk over to the War Hero vendor and sigh realizing I still need 3000 rated warzone marks to get the piece I want Number 5 is the first thing on my list of reasons. 1) The grind for War Hero gear: In the 11th hour, a day before 1.2 was going to hit, Bioware crushed the dreams of many PvPers. Rated Warzones were not going to be added in 1.2. Many people resubscribed just for this feature alone and at the last possible second they remove it. In its place, in order to keep the PvPers from all leaving, they added a absurd grind to even get one piece of gear. The cheapest set piece is 2000 rated marks. That is 6000 WZ marks. Before they even applied the change to the rewards after 1.2, you would average maybe 80 for a win and as few as 15 for a loss. You can do the math yourself. A War Hero weapon is 3400 rated marks. That is over TEN THOUSAND warzone marks. To me this screams, "Hey here is a treadmill for you to run on while we sort everything out." And imagine if PvE bosses didn't drop any gear. They only dropped "denova commendations". Varying amounts based on the boss with the max being about 100. Say you got 400 for a full clear and you wanted to buy your weapon for 3400 denova commendations. That would be 9 weeks of raiding just relaying on the drops. Say they had a weekly that would give you another 100. So you are looking at 8 weeks of raiding. That would be a pretty horrible system right? Well that is what the PvP grind is like right now. 2) Removal of Rated Warzones the day before the patch went live As I covered before, there was a little blog post about how rated warzones were being removed from 1.2 the day before it hit the servers. This wasn't a decision they made that day. It takes time to compile a patch and get it ready to go live. They obviously knew they weren't going to include them at some point before they told us, and they chose to not say anything until the day before. That is just underhanded. People were resubscribing just for that feature and they pulled it the day before. This leads into number 3. 3) The changes to expertise and the lack of any sort of balance People complained before 1.2 that healers were too strong. 2 or 3 healers could keep each other up indefinitely while their DPS killed you. This is true. I won't deny that, although the same thing can still happen now. So in order to combat this Bioware did two things 1) Nerfed Mercenaries/commandos and sages/sorcerers and 2) they changed how expertise worked. Before 1.2 expertise was an even increase of the 3 things it provided. 10% damage increase, 10% healing increase, and 10% damage taken reduction. Now Expertise is not even accord all stats. Damage increase is higher than damage decrease, and the healing increase stayed roughly the same. Now the stats look something like this 22% damage increase, 18% damage taken decrease, and 9% healing taken increase. The change to expertise and several questionable buffs to classes have made the game much faster. That is not what MMO combat is about, in my opinion. The combat in MMOs is about know what to do when something happens, and knowing how to position yourself to stop bad things from happening. 1.2 turned PvP into a "Pop all your cooldowns and kill that dude." style of pvp and it is boring in my opinion. Pre 1.2 was not perfect, but 1.2 is horrible. The end. Say whatever you want about my reasons, ask if you can have my stuff, and then call me a noob because I couldn't adapt to the new PvP speed. When you realize that it isn't about adapting; it is about just not liking where they are taking PvP. I am telling them with my money that I don't like it. Goodbye SWToR. I really did hope you would be the one that could keep me interested.
  4. The game can "evolve" is a bad direction. PvPers on my server are quitting the game because of 1.2. MMO combat isn't about speed, it is about strategy and positioning. It is not fine.
  5. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this screenshot? Answer: There are 4 healers on one team. Highlight to see!
  6. Yep. That is exactly what it is for.
  7. I would also like to state for the record how lazy and stupid giving every class a 4 second stun is. In lieu of making classes unique they just decided that everyone should get a 4 second stun. It is dumb. And to the guy above me about MMO devs and what not. They knew what they were getting into.
  8. If you could call what they did to arsenal/gunnery a nerf then sure, but I wasn't even talking about that. They nerfed them healing wise. -_- And why is it one extreme or the other? Why is it so black and white to people? Either we go back to exactly how it was before 1.2 or we stay the same? There is room for a middle ground. Shades of grey. Cmon people. PvP in mmos isn't suppose to be about how fast you can kill someone by smashing all your CDs.
  9. Like I said, pre 1.2 may have been too slow, that is why they nerfed mercs and sorcs. But 1.2 is too fast.
  10. There are too extremes. Too fast and too slow. Perhaps before the patch was too slow, but now it is sure as hell too fast. And I have no idea what that is suppose to mean. How is something that is tough to kill in a pug HARDER to kill in a group? I just don't understand what that is suppose to mean I guess.
  11. I don't care if X class can kill me in 4 seconds. I shouldn't die in 4 seconds from any class. It makes for boring gameplay. PvP is more fun in MMOs when strategy and positioning mean more than burst damage. If someone is going to die in 4 seconds it needs to be because healers are CC'd and like 4 people focus them. There are times when healers just can't keep people up because of damage. PvP needs to be slowed down, or it is destined to fail. Look at season 5 of WoW. No one liked that. No one really liked WotLK in general because of the turn towards "POP ALL YOUR COOLDOWNS AND KILL HIM." I still remember fighting that one setup, BM hunter, Enhancement shaman, holy paladin. They would use bloodlust before the gates would open and just blow someone up. It wasn't fun to be on the receiving end of that.
  12. Hey guys. This guy that plays an assassin, the class with the highest survivability and still great damage in the game, says that marauders are fine because he can beat them 1v1. PVP is balanced because of this!
  13. No one specs that so I didn't think about it, and the damage doesn't come all at once like the poster was implying. I might try it though. I've been pyro for most of my time on my PT.
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