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  1. Wovon du hier redest ist Multiboxing. Ist zwar nicht gerade nett, aber es wurde geduldet. Aber diese Einstellung zum Multiboxing steht im keinerlei Zusammenhing mit der Einstellung zu mehreren Verbindungen mit selber IP. Eigentlich sind mir nur ein paar wenige f2p Titel bekannt, die Einschränkungen auf 1 Connection pro IP hatten.
  2. Und ich dachte, WoW hatte eine API schon zum Release (zumindest EU Release)... Sorry aber "neues UI" ist das nicht wirklich. Jetzt kommen gerade einmal die Grundfunktionen wie Skalierbarkeit, Alpha-Wert und verschiebbare Frames hinzu. Das ist normal gängiger Standard, der 3 Monate nach Release (wenn überhaupt) implementiert wird.
  3. Just to put the numbers i had from my server in again: Ilum 1: 35 - 55 ( This is probably the closest to playable) Ilum 2: 25 - 85 ( Yeah, rofl) Ilum 3: 05 - 19 (at that point of time, now it's around Ilum 2) Limiting the size of Ilum doesn't fix the core problem. The Faction Imbalance. And the imbalance still is being ignored completely.
  4. And then.. Leave 200 Imps without Reps ?
  5. They decreased the numbers of players allowed per planet instance. It's now a 100 player cap going after my numbers. And i'm Republic.
  6. Ilum 1: 35 - 57 Ilum 2: 25 - 84 Ilum 3: 05 - 19 Population capping at it's best-.-
  7. Great fix... instead of being zerged inside the base, we're now zerged outside the base. Impressive-.-
  8. I'll agree with that it's a great post, but nothing will change with it. But to put it the harsh way: The devs have been ignorant for a very long time (since beta). Georg, Gabe and James are probably some of the most ignorant (or feedback resistant) guys i've seen in a long time.
  9. Yep... Still ignoring the faction imbalance... It's getting ridicolous. The Valor gain is out of hand... Even on republic side i was able to gain about 15k Valor while not controlling Ilum in ONE hour. That's about 4 times you gain for doing Warzones. And Imps got much more valor due to full Ilum control... But yet again, the PvP Dev (or to go further, all "lead" devs seem to do this) is ignoring the issues, and trying to fix things which ways that will never work. (Hint: Population imbalance isn't fixed by capping the zones...)
  10. You're just as ignorant about this as BW was about the Faction Imbalance? 2k/min is possible when one kill alone gives 140 Valor, and your side is zerging the respawn at the republic base.
  11. Yeah. We need a Valor Rank Rollback.
  12. Yep... Man tut halt echt viel um die Subs zu halten... Mal heute Abend das Raidfeedback abwarten um zu gucken wie verbuggte das Zeug ist.
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