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  1. Ca annonce du contenue... personne ne sait exactement quoi mais tout le monde ouin ouin... J'ai l'impression de up un reroll lvl 1-15 au début du F2P... Attendez avant de juger...
  2. Some guilds played on PTS 8m... don't know aboud the 16. But it could help. And, maybe the mechanic wasn't intentional... but it wasn't possible without. We did it because, with perfect normal strat, we couldn't pass kill Kephess before god mod... we put him to 8%. We made this pause for CD to come back up, in order to win this 8%. Maybe it wasn't an intentional mechanic, we're trying to talk with developpers to know it, actually... but we did many tries, perfect tries, some tries were so much betters than our first kill, without put Kephess Under this 8% life's points... but, what's wrong. We did it and did it well. No cheats, just brains. We analysed our fights and the fact is that was clearly impossible, to gain 8% on Kephess without these CDs. We thought... again and again. "how can we gain 8% on Kephess"... We changed the way that Kephess was tanked... in order to not have the raid to move and gave a constant dps. We put a healer out of our raid to had one dps class. Only 3 healers! We chosen when the huge dps was essential (trandoshans? Bomber? Walker? Kephess?) Then, we found. Too much DPS kills the DPS. It was smarter to stop dps in order to do more dps in the right time. I don't know what's wrong in it. We prefered to do a smart dps than a huge insane damage just to going to waste and say "I do so much DPS". Again, nothing's wrong, no cheats, just an anlayse of the fight, a comprehension of the mechanics of the game. And, seriously, Kephess wasn't killable without that before his nerf I think. With only 3 healers and all of our tips, we put it at 8%. This pauses for the CDs to come back up were the keys... I don't know if this mechanic was intentionally placed by developpers... but that's a fact : This strategy works, and... it seems that it was the only one that worked! We own kephess... we beat him as much with our brains as with our stuffs. And maybe that... that was the purpose of the developers I honestly believe that Kephess was unbeatable without that strategy. I can't see how to gain 8% dps in an other way.
  3. There"s not only 30 seconds longer but 90 !!! And, as I said, we weren't abble to play on PTS... But if you want to hug me, it's possible I guess...
  4. I'm a sniper for Ace know as "Metos" IG. I d'ont care about the warstalker or not and have a bonus point for it. Juste because Warstalker is a joke now. Zorn & Toth is pretty easy. And, after the Tanks, the rest is a joke. Vorgath is ridiculous... and Kephess isn't so hard anymore (I will talk about it later) This week we made kephess with a deconnection of one of our Main Tank while another had a graphic bug and can't focus nor see Kephess when he appeared, we had some casual members with us that died... but we killed him easily!!! That's not the same fight at all... Kephess is weak now! I mean, comparing with what he was when we killed him... now, he's a joke! I heard the critics about our waitings during the first down... waiting for the CDs came up. That's the mecanic dudes... It was impossible before the nerf to kill Kephess without that! Just open your eyes. I congrat all the guys that had down Kephess after us. But, its clearly not the same Kephess since he was nerfed! We tried hard on Kephess, so much tries... he was really hard, but it's because he was hard that we fought him so intensively! Some people of ours spent hours and hours analysing this fight, trying to find the secrets and keys of this boss. We talked for hours, nights after nights, watching our videos, the battles... where we could gain dps or time, then we tried our tricks and tips during the next night. Searching how to kill the bomber in a better way, how to dps the Walker a maximum, how was the best things to do for every thing. We played hours and hours on Kephess before the down. But, we spent so many time too in analyzing this fight. And all of this was streamed! Every guild could have access to our videos, could have our strats and see that we were waiting for CDs to came back up. I think that's a lack of respect to made us 3rd. We are the only guild that really killed Kephess... and that wasn't a stroke of luck at all, we killed him and killed him again BEFORE the nerf. Who else? Who else was abble to kill Kephess before... who did it? Who else can say "I cleaned EC Nightmare before 2013" ? The weak of the apparition of EC Nightmare, the server was down till 22h for us. And we just played another night after. Ok, we stay a lot on the tanks, our bad. But the other guilds can kill kephess 4 weeks after us... and a "nerfed" Kephess and have so much points that we become 3rd? That's clearly a joke! And I'd like to bring at your attention that Ace wasn't on the PTS! Some guilds were quicker than us for Zorn & Toth, then Firebrand and Stormcalled or Vorgath too... but maybe thay had an access on PTS that we hadn't!!! I think we could have been really quicker if we had played on PTS too... Yes, in order to kill Kephess, we had "delayed"... but is it a cheat? NO! Did we even tried to exploit bugs like the Dark Malgus Statue? NO! Did we cheated or tried to? No We used all the regular mecanics of fight... and it was clearly impossible to own Kephess without before this nerf. All the fight was done according to the state of the art. Make us 3rd is, in my opinion, a real joke and a huge lack of respect. Sorry to say. I really don't want to do a lack of respect to other guilds that killed Kephess after us. Again, all my congrutaltions my friends... But we all know that Kephess isn't the same anymore and we tried so hard to kill him to see that ranking now... that's really not fair.
  5. Totally agree... I remember my youth on Wow with 40m Ops and can't even imagine it on SWTOR. 8m seems a joke in relation to 16m, not only by the difference between of difficulty... but clearly because it's hard to fight 16 men really good on just doing their jobs! I really think that's now impossible to make a 25m or 40m Ops on this game like it was in Wow Vanilla... good old time
  6. No, I don't think that it was impossible to clean Denova in less than 2h before the patch. But we (ACE) kill Kephess just before Xmas time. We won't have the time nor enought teammates between X-Mas & the New Year to confirm the boss. Too much people in hollidays these times to make this possible (the confirmation and the Warstalker run). We did Kephess and confirmed it before the nerf. We did the Warstalker juste after, not because of the nerf I think. We could have made it with the old Kephess in 1h45 too. We wera close to do it before the nerf... so close! And Congrats for those who killed Kephes 16 NiM too!!! Good job mates!
  7. It's a wonderfull thing that human language afford us to talk about things we don't even know.
  8. So considering that most of real PVE HL players are gone... GG to the guilds which continue to do 16 HM... Because even in these guilds... that's not always an easy thing to find 16 real PVE HL player.
  9. What's wrong? You need help counting guys ? Step 1 : Clic on the links Step 2 : Watch them Step 3 : Count 16 people Step 4 : say GG boys!
  10. Ca marche aussi pour les blondes aveugles...
  11. déjà, c'est lmey... et pas lmpey... Ensuite, j'ai déjà test le Specia même si je n'en ai pas moi-même (sorry, je n'ai que TE, Merco, Soso et Rava sur mon compte et Assa, Marau, Specia et Agent secret sur celui-de mon frère). Et le Spécia met la mine aux Ravageurs également. Si ta guilde pense que les 2 sont au même niveau, y a un soucis là-aussi. Et pas besoin de jouer le specia pour savoir que c'est fumé et de loin par rapport aux autres. Ca ne vient pas de qu'en dira-t-on ou de téléphone arabe. Ce sont des constatations de toute une guilde dont les membres sont full optis. Même full 61, un Specia dps plus que TE, Merco ou Rava 63. C'est un fait. On le vérifie en raid chaque soirs depuis des mois. Et même nos spécias se vantent de ce gameplay de ouf pour nous taunt en disant "tiens, encore first dps... et malgré une main dans le slip" Et ok, j'exagère... t'as pas que 2 touches, une fois le debuff armure appliqué... t'en as 4! WOW! rafale de flamme, tir alligné, detonateur thermique et point fulgurant (surtout que le debuff armure du missile incendiaire ne se cumule pas avec les autres débuffs technos du raid...). Et la Mort venue du ciel si jamais des trashs se baladent... C'est loin d'être la classe qui demande le plus de skill, sois honnête 2 minutes et arrête de troll. C'est la classe qui demande le moins de gameplay... T'as pas dit que le Spécia ne faisait pas de dps... mais relis, si j'en parle c'est qu'on m'a taunt là-dessus. te sens pas obligé de tout prendre pour toi, ça fait un peu égocentrique... Ca a l'air de te gêner que je sois chez Ace... maintenant tu me reproches de l'avoir dit alors que je ne l'ai dit que dans un post (jusqu'à celui-ci) mais t'as l'air de faire une fixette dessus comme si je l'avais spam.... et je ne l'ai fait que parce que tu sous-entendais que j'étais un mytho!!! Je parle du dps et du gameplay du Specia en connaissance de cause, ne t'en déplaise. Tu te fais des films en me parlant comme à un kikoolol sans me connaître puis en imaginant que je spam mon nom de guilde à tout va et que je me la raconte. T'as un problème mon gars. Reposte quand tu auras de vrais arguments... parce que jusqu'ici ça a été : -tu sais rien (et tu ne me connais pas donc tu ne peux pas avancer ça) -dans une grosse guilde? Ohoh mytho (ben ouais et ça a l'air de te déranger) -Ace, tu manques d'humilité. (j'aurai donc dû te faire croire que j'avais dit n'importe quoi pour ménager ta suceptibilité?) -On a compris que t'étais chez Ace, stop nous prendre de haut (oh, zut, je l'ai dit qu'une fois, t'es parano ou quoi?)
  12. Tu parles sans me connaître. Et je suis bien content de ne pas t'avoir dans ma guilde vu que tu n'acceptes pas la critique et ne semble que peu maîtriser le gameplay du jeu. Le Specia est le plus gros dps du jeu, que ça te plaise ou non et il n'est pas dur à prendre en main. Si tu penses le contraire alors que tu le joues, c'est que tu ne le maîtrises pas du tout. Tu fais comme si je me la racontais... Au contraire. J'essaie d'informer l'auteur que son perso est potentiellement imba en PVE... sans mentionner que je fais parti de Ace. Je n'arrive pas en faisant le kikoolol j'suis trop fort. J'expose des faits en disant que le Specia est facile à manier et qu'il a le plus gros dps du jeu. Je me fais taunt comme si je devais être dans une guilde de Peon pour que le Specia soit notre meilleur dps. J'annonce que je suis d'une grosse guilde au contraire et que, donc, on connait un minimum nos classes. Tu me traites de mytho. Alors seulement, je dis que je suis de la guilde Ace... Et là tu viens me dire que je me la raconte. Tu as parlé sans me connaître, en me prenant pour un kikoolol de peon qui casute sur le jeu. Là, tu parles encore sans rien savoir de moi alors que, si tu étais humbles, tu t'écraserais un minimum... pas parce que je suis dans une grosse guilde, mais parce que depuis le début tu dis n'imp et que tu ne sais pas de quoi tu parles. Le spécia est imba en PVE HL actuellement et depuis un bon moment. Il dps tellement que ça en devient un problème car c'est la seule classe qui n'a pas de drop aggro et qu'il doit donc faire gaffe avec ça. Si dans ta guilde tu te fais manger par les autres en dps, c'est que tu joues mal... car même avec un stuff de rang inférieur, tu dps plus que les autres classes. A vrai dire, le spécia est actuellement tellement fumé que nos inquis dps montent des rerolls spécias (car en PVE HL l'inqui est la classe la moins utile... tissus et dps moindre).
  13. Je suis de la guilde Ace sur Darth NIhilus... je te laisse la peine de te renseigner par toi même sur notre ranking mondial. Et si, je suis humble de prime abord mais j'aime pas me faire taunt par des mecs qui jouent une classe et ne savent même pas qu'ils ont le meilleur dps du jeu tellement ils la jouent mal.
  14. Ben, on est une des meilleures guilde mondiale... Si vous voulez apprendre à jouer votre spécia je peux vous donner le pseudo de quelques joueurs qui peuvent vous aider. Apparemment même moi je connais mieux votre classe que vous. Mais oui, le Specia, à l'heure actuelle, est la classe qui dps le plus en PVE HL et elle a besoin de 2 touches à spam. Que ça vous plaise ou non.
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