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  1. Thank you for summarizing that for me. I was trying to find a way to explain those things without sounding like a jerky, know-it-all.
  2. Hon, I really don't think you understand what subjective means. Offenses are NOT subjective. If I were to call you a nerfherder (you used it, so I'm using it ), I'm trying to be offensive but just because you were not offended, does not make it unoffensive, it makes it ineffective. I said all this in an earlier post to you. Its true that what hurts me, may not hurt you (subjective in that sense) but what I'm asking for is support from the community and support from the GMs/Mods. We need to stop this behavior. If its you doing it, ask yourself, 'why?' If its your kids doing it then take away their privilege until they learn some manners. It would be really nice to have a tool that is easier to use to report people for abuse. Some argue that the tool would be abused but I believe that if we're given reasonable parameters then less people would abuse that system. Its just that I don't want to have to ignore 20 people in 1 day. I don't want to get tells from people on a DAILY basis that tell me I suck and should die. I don't care if it's a PVP server, I don't care that there's anonymity on the internet. BioWare and EA have access to these people's records. They CAN do something about harassment, the question is, will they and do they? The fact that there is so much immaturity in the General Chat channels tells me that they don't. Its ok to joke around with your buddies, it's ok to say things in jest but it's not ok to hurt people's feelings just because you have nothing better to do.
  3. This is the wrong attitude. The thing is, there SHOULD BE NO BULLIES, OR very few. And in real life, there are far less bullies than there are online. Offensive isn't exactly subjective. Just because you aren't offended by something that was deemed to be does not make it inoffensive, it just makes it ineffective. Congratulations, you may have thicker skin than me but that STILL does not make bullying OK. Does it really matter if I'm terrible at the game? I can tell you I'm not but it doesn't matter if I say so or not because you're going to make the assumption that I am because I've been harassed. You really think its OK to harass people and that it's the victim's fault for being harassed? Think about that.
  4. Thanks for all the feedback, positive and negative. To all the people that say, "that's the internet", it really shouldn't be like that in a place that I pay for monthly. I'm paying to enjoy my experience like everyone else. This game IS a privilege and not a right and the people who want to ruin the experience for other people, should be punished. I'm not talking about people joking around in general, I'm talking about people HARASSING other people in general. Sure, you can /ignore them but there will always be another and that's what's bothering me about the community. It's totally fine if everything is done in jest, the problem is when lines get crossed and feelings get hurt. Its a problem when players don't have tact and don't have nice things to say. It's OK to be upset if someone messed up in a PVP group or a mission but it is NOT OK to treat that person as if they were nothing. Chances are, they will listen to constructive criticism. So, I gathered up my friends and left the server I was on and switched to an RP server playing Republic. I really enjoyed my Sith and the Empire but at what cost to my own well being? Its not fair that I had to do that but we as a group decided that it's best. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but with over 10 years online gaming experience, this is the first time I've felt really hurt and threatened by the gaming community.
  5. I guess that's just my problem. The internet culture has been terrible and as I'm getting older, I'm losing my patience with it. I played EQ, I played WOW, I played EQ2, I played AION, I played FF11, I played Phantasy Star Online, I played Diablo 2, I played Q3A... I've played so many games online since I was 16/17 but this is the first game (yes, first) that the culture has gotten to me. 10 years ago, it really wasn't this bad. There is just no respect for our fellow human beings anymore.
  6. I'm on a PVP server because that's where my friends are playing. They haven't been on much and my husband hasn't caught up to me yet in levels because he was away on a trip for a week. So it's been just me. The comments that I've received haven't even been warranted. The people are literally being jerks because they can, not because they find a problem with my play style. I play mostly alone and do a little bit of PVP. I have trouble with the targeting system, I'm just not used to it. It's a little clunky and I haven't mastered it, so I mess up sometimes when in PVP. However, I kill people and I heal people and I protect nodes and do what I need to. I'll admit, I'm far better at PVE but that's because I'm spec'd for it. There are PLENTY of really bad players but you will never hear me tell them that they suck and should reroll or quit and kill themselves. Its just plain not ok. If you don't have something constructive to say, just don't even say it. And yes, I've PVP'd a ton in my lifetime, just not in this game. I played AION and I played WoW. 90% of the time, I've been a healer because its what I'm most comfortable playing in PVP. So, I'm sorry if I suck at damage, at least you survived so you could kill that guy that was hounding you. I'm sorry I died, it was hard fending off the 4 or 5 players that attacked me because I cast a heal spell on you.
  7. Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore. I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want. THAT IS NOT OK. If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN. MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them. **a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion. This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys. I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else. I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists. Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it. You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there? Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players. And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE". And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game. You see these? They're tears. You made me cry. Thanks internet.
  8. Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore. I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want. THAT IS NOT OK. If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN. MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them. This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys. I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else. I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists. Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it. You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there? Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.
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