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10 Good
  1. Yeah don't care how ugly the mount is, good enough looking for me to hang out with it at the port point of the fleet on Tulak Hord for the next 3 months with it, because that's how we roll there !
  2. Good job Braindead So one could say this should be a headsup to the devs that there is a good raiding scene on Tulak Hord that deserves the same accesses as the "english" and US servers. It's also not very fair to say anything about the state of their life or whatever. From what I can tell they are quite young on average, and I can remember spending counless amount of time on useless stuff too back when I was 18-20. Thank god we had no attendance control at my university I think it's rather cool that they powerraided through the boss. Why not ? (I would have left out the part about "no pts infos" though, that's ridiculous ^^).
  3. Back then (DP/DF/Darvanis) everybody could get on the PTS, which changes everything. I remember having a ton of fun discovering Darvanis on the open PTS with nobody knowing **** about any boss. The first week of release used to be a lot of fun, everybody trying the bosses on it's own etc. Sure you can still do it that way, but with the "5 weeks pressure" and PTS Guilds already writing guides and passing allong videos days before 5.8 went live, everybody is reading up on mechanics. Also doesn't really help that the new operation is less a skill challenge and more a knowledge of mechanics challenge. They are not really hard, but there is a lot of them. Actually there are so much of them that you never see any random groups forming on the fleet to go do the new operation in HC. Maybe it's because the game is half dead, but I think it has also a lot to do with the new boss designs (and also of the way the op was released, nobody likes to form a group for 1-2 bosses).
  4. Also looking forward to PTS guilds selling salesraids of the new boss in the 5 week period for 1 billion
  5. Man it must be great to say this with so much confidence. I could never do that. I would say at least 30% of a guild is made up of idiots, as a general rule. And that would still be a conservative estimation. Certainly it is the case for our guild right now as the posting above shows. We are more at the 50% limit. I certainly am one for sure. But you know what, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. No idiots, 100% great members. The one trolling his achievment half an hour after server up knowing that lot of guilds from that server tried unsuccessfully to gain access to the PTS to no avail ? Great friend, stand up guy, exemplary member of the community. Must have been us misunderstanding his noble intentions. I'm sorry if we offended you by being offended.
  6. One thing is sure: With transfer costs at 1000 CC it will be more expensive for some (#notall) german idiots from DoB or whatever their name is to transfer 20 minutes after serverup and weeks on the PTS just to link their achievment on the fleet of the german server like it means something if you started weeks ahead of the others
  7. Same for me, got everything (the 60 days and the 1050 CC), but not the 65 Character.
  8. They did it today too, some dudes from the same "Force Choke"-something guild. I don't really care if it's against any rule to name them. It's a fact that this group is from their members. Why shouldn't it be known ? For me, bioware is the real guilty part in that stuff though, they should just fix this stupid stupid stupid stealth in ranked pvp, shouldn't last more than 30 secs. There is just no reason for it to last longer from a balancing view.
  9. Like I wrote, we didn't lose. I just wanted to mention that the one guy doing advertissement for this tournament on the german server was the same one trying to ruin people's fun 2 minutes later. Afaik you dont start your 1o1 tournaments with people in stealth for 5 minutes right ?
  10. So K'eiraa (the guy in the posting above me) just wrote about this tournament in the german server pvp chat, inviting guys to come here and sign up. He then listed for teamranked with another guy "playing acid" with 2 stealth classes. Which is like the *******st behavior one can have in team ranked, at least from my perpective (even if they lost, what a waste of time). So I'm not sure if he is part of the organisation of your tournament or not. But if he is, go to hell.
  11. Ich warte auf Li'yaras Nahut-Thread zum gratulieren
  12. :rolleyes: Im Durchschnitt waren beide Server als noch beide nennenswerte Raidbevölkerung drauf hatten exakt gleich was die Leistungen angeht. 90% der Bevölkerung von VC war nicht zum RP machen dort, sondern haben exakt das gleiche gemacht wie die T3M4 Spieler, nur halt zivilisierter.
  13. Die relativ angenehme Atmosphäre vom Flotten Allgemein Chat von VC wirst du auf Tulak (a.k.a 90% T3M4) sicher nicht mehr finden. Allerdings ist es auch nicht immer so schlimm wie gestern. Aber schon ziemlich oft leider, und leider auch einfach immer die gleichen. Auch beim Gruppenaufbau und beim Raiden wirst du dich auf etwas zügigere und aggressivere Heransgehensweise gewöhnen müssen falls du sowas spielst ^^ Eine Lösung wäre halt ein Chatraum für ex-VCler einzurichten. Interessanterweise wird ja auf T3M4 zur Gruppensuche der LFG Chatraum genutzt, während auf VC SNG benutzt wurde. Es sind aber auch sehr viele nette Leute auf T3M4, keine Angst
  14. Hab mal ne Frage zum Arbeitnehmerschutz: Werden Mitarbeiter die ihre Arbeitsklamotten nicht selbst mitbringen im Lohn benachteiligt ? Oder findet Lohndumping statt indem schlecht angelernte Arbeiter die unvorbereitet sind bevorzugt werden und so die gut vorbereitete Arbeiterschaft verdrängen ? Das wäre mir als Kunde schon wichtig !
  15. Wenn 5.5 ohne den dritten boss von God of The Machine released wird (klingt ja fast danach wenn man zwischen den Zeilen liest), kann man die Raidszene von SWTOR wieder begraben.
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