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  1. Powertech Adv. Prototype. Stuck at step ""Travel to Tram Market" Wasn't in there prior to any maintenance. Quest stucked before when I had to enter the Zildrog Hideout. Door remained red however. Resetted quest, started over. Now it keeps stucked at step "Travel to Tram Market"
  2. Hmmmmnajanein..ne. Nicht immer. Ich hab aus diversen Gründen immer wieder den Vollkontakt mit den Guten Piloten gesucht, auch wenn die Konsequenz entweder war, dass ich weggerotzt wurde oder aber mit 1% Hülle gewonnen habe, dafür aber vom nächsten Glückspilz zum respawn genötigt wurde. Die Gründe waren folgende: - Es machte einfach, in meinen Augen, mehr Spaß gegen jemanden zu fliegen, mit dem man um jeden % Leben buchstäblich kämpfen muss. - Ich verbessere mich nur, wenn ich gegen bessere antrete und lerne gegen sie zu gewinnen. Ich lerne nix, wenn ich dieselbe arme unerfahrene Socke ein dutzend mal am Spawnpunkt abfarme. - Wenn es notwendig war, das gegnerische *** an mich zu binden und ihn somit davon abhalte am Ende mit 20+ Kills aus dem match zu gehen. Während er mich verfolgt, kann er keinen anderen abschießen. War natürlich alles situationsbedingt. Es gab auch Matches da hab ich die Gegnerasse bewußt links liegen lassen.
  3. Ja. Während du die für die einzelnen Untergruppen "Offensiv, Defensiv, Taktisch und Ingenieur" die Gefährten direkt aktivieren kannst, kannst du als Co-Pilot nur einen der 4 Crewmitglieder wählen, die du in den anderen Rubriken ausgewählt hast. Beispiel: Willst du Yuun als Co-Pilot, mußt du ihn im Ingenieurmenü als aktives Crewmitglied auswählen. Damit du Akaavi also als Co-Pilot nutzen kannst, mußt du sie vorher in der Rubrik "Taktisch" auswählen.
  4. It isn't as bad as it used to be, but I constantly have to reselect the BLC T4+5 upgrades on my Ocula. ;(
  5. In case of seismics, no, cause they ignore shields Edit: I'd like to add: For me as a scout pilot, those mines are the nemesis. They not only ignore sields, but they also do damage when you destroy them and considering your dialogue with Nyghtrunner, it is nearly impossible for me to chase a Rampart and not run into one of those little beasts^^
  6. I don't know, wether it has been asked or adressed yet, so sorry if yes. But what happens to the GSF crew members? Will they stay or will the changes to the companion systems have any influence on that?
  7. It is possible. But until I read your text I was sure, my crosshairs were within the firing arc although at the very edge of it. Now I'm not sure about it anymore. I will pay attention to it during my next matches. But you are describing the issue pretty spot on, so maybe it's that. Crazy
  8. I found out about this one last year by a thread within this forum. Since then I do exactly that, which increased my aiming from terrible terrible bad to almost showable. So we can eliminate that. Now that you mention it, I had situations, where the enemy would pop into pieces without me seeing any shooting animation or hearing any lasersound, yet regarding the killmessage, it was me who dealt the killing blow. So I guess it is an animation bug. Yes....I have a talent for that and I can see rep drones and hyperspace beacons laughing at me at least once a match. Ok, so I wasn't aware that there is a bug. I flew a match today and happened to stumble in a situation similar described as above. I approached a bomber under a node already low on health. I pointed my crosshairs a bit in front of him (as you mentioned) and pressed the left mouse button. Obviously nothing happened but after reading this I payed attention to my blaster energybar and whitnessed my energy pool decreasing 2 times. After the second time, the bomber exploded. So I guess I fired two shots that I didn't see or hear, of which the first one missed and the second one hit. Yes it did. Yet the rocket pod problem remains. In another match I chased a Starguard with my Blackbolt. I was behind him at 600m, his ship was at the border of the rocketpods' targeting arc, my crosshairs within it. No shots went off. I watched the ammo count and it didn't go lower. As the Starguard gained distance, the missiles could be fired again. Maybe the same issue, only that the system thinks, my crosshairs is outside the firing arc? Thanks so far Crazy
  9. I was just about to resurrect this jewel of a thread. Question concerning rocket pods and BLCs. It sometimes happens, that I press the designated mousebuttons and nothing happens. I can't reproduce it but in my subjective impression it happens mostly, when my targeting circle is close to the border of the weapons' firing arc and the target is closer than 1000m (+/- 200). Additionally with BLCs it seems to always occur when there is only one shot needed to finish the opponent. Example for better understanding: I try to kill a bomber circling a node. I have him to almost zero health and find myself behind him. Since we are doing the merry-go-round, he is as well at the border of my firing arc as my crosshairs. I press the left mouse button (for BLCs) and...tilt...when I press the button again and hold it, the shot will go off and sometimes finish the opponent, sometimes not. Rocketpods same issue. Internet connection is stable. And latency issues only in those situations? Anyone else encountering this?
  10. I know, I have to check my equipment, but forgetting it thus resulting in very unpleasant situations keeps frustrating me. Starting a domination match in a Bloodmark, realizing my tensorfield vanished, Launching in a sting without system ability and missiles, having a jurgoran without slug rail...... the list goes on and on. It gets even more frustrating, when you have to wait 30 +/- minutes for a match to pop.
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