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  1. When half the population starts out as sorcs, i think its reasonable to assume that they woud, IDK continue playing them rather than rolling a new toon? IDK maybe my logic doesnt make sense to you? Maybe you werent around at launc where you could type /who and see 50+% of pop as sorcs... IMO this is because it was the only class which appeared to be a caster class.... some people enjoy playing casters too and if its the only one in peoples minds idk they might play it?
  2. +1, Finally someone who realizes nerfs dont effect one class they effect the entire game. If BW nerfs sorc/sages where are the nerf bats going next? maybe the 5-6k aoe thats is usable almost every 20 sec? still hits for 8k on undergeared/squishies.
  3. No im saying that BW should look at top game play not people who think they know and choose to post on forums... if BW comes to the conclusion that top geared sorcs/sages are OP then start the nerf bat... not based on 45 gameplay.... give me a break.
  4. I would loved to equalize utility if it meant as much solo target damage as otehr classes... not to mention armor buffs....
  5. Im sorry but this is fail... you dont nerf a class based on level 20... or 45 gameplay, you nerf it based on level 50 top end gear gameplay... other wise why even hit 50? so you can suck?
  6. Did you ever fight a warlock in pvp? 10x the cc that sorcs have and major burst dps on top of that. Granted this is a different game but if you cant use resolve which procs after 2 sometimes 3 ccs properly, well im sorry but you need to learn to use it, if its broken for you... (the excuse which many seem to cling to in the hopes that it makes them look somehow "bettter" or at the very least less inept), then that sucks, sorry to hear it. You claim that sorcs have more utility then other classes more moves. this is true most of which are on long cds and can only be used in certain situations. While this is certainly OP its not near as OP against various classes, maybe your class got the crap end of the stick should this mean that sorcs/sages be nerfed, so they can then become fodder for other classes? I believe your argument is that utility is the key to a sorcs adv. we will go off that. Do you expect BW to take away these abilites? Seriously what kinda of nerf are you wanting? Class mechanic changes? Damage nerfs? an improved resolve? I think scoundrel smuggler has been mentioned so Ill use that as an example. BW recently did a "nerf" on the class after MUCH qq saying that ops/scoundrels were OPOP OPOP OPOP.... its almost laughable the "nerf" that came out of that. The opening cc now allows you to get 2 free moves, the stealth opener and 1 other of your choosing off before they can even respond and dont say they can trink out because it would be stupid to trink out of a 1.5 sec cc and waste resolve on top of that. Your AP has been taken from 50% to 30% so that means a sorc/sage will now mitigate 12% of your damage as opposed to 10% before =/ YAY for nerfs! And the last nerf to this particular spec was a lower burst damage from hidden stirke. Which can still hit for 4-5k on squishys (at least I'm hoping its only the opening stealth move that can hit that hard gg if its something else) 25% hp is a pretty hefty chunk. If this is the kinda of nerf you want us to take I for one will take it gladly to get rid of the QQ. Nerf our 5k damage move.... wait we dont have one. Nerf all of our armor penetration..... wait we dont have ANY Cut whatever CC you want nerfed in half.... Im fine with this.... And my point is.... you can't compare classes in Warzones. the different levels of gear/skill are too numerous... not to mention circumstances terrain and sheer luck. Please BW wait for rankings and ratings before swinging the nerf bat because someone decides to rant and rave. QQ is the RPG killer of mmorpg's. Let's have everyone run around with the same abilities and no1 be any different. Let's use the same tactics EVERY TIME and NEVER EVER be asked to change said tactics when we come upon different classes. I guarantee you I have run into EVERY class which in some way or another was OP, and I have played almost every class to 30+, sorcs weakness is also their strength, keeping the enemy away, failing to do this and its gg sorc, (assuming of course gear/skill of the players is equal or close).
  7. I switched to dps after 2 weeks of healing and have already gained as much valor in one week as in the last 2 combined.... even losing i still average over 1100 per match while on heals i get about 1100 only if we win and everything went great. I love healing and have only just switched back today in anticipation of the illum pvp "hopefully" /shrug.
  8. I agree with this 100%... valor is much harder to grind as a healer... and you have the added bonus of being stuck in pugs who cant kill anything.. so keeping the scrubs alive = useless.
  9. Vanish is a "full" stealth in fact its an improved stealth which makes it even harder to detect them. plus rogues in wow have even more beastly moves now, shileds, LOS cloud, health regen in combat, many more ccs than assassins. Idk why you think vanish is a ****** small time move but its bread and butter to rogues nowadays. kinda like the cherry on top.
  10. My advice log out and try to log back in... youll figure out everyone is behind you...
  11. They should have made the jedi have another civil war and then hit them.
  12. quiters


    I know I wouldnt....
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