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10 Good


  1. Just one thing to say : Sandbox > theme park. Even NGE became good, 2 years after the disaster patch. Best crafting system seen in a mmo, JTL, housing, pob housing, player inter-dependency, awesome community, open pvp zone... And ho ... man bounty hunting ! Sure, it could be exploited but I never could enjoy so much excitement in a video game than during those pvp bounty hunts (being the prey or the predator). Player from Kauri here. Swtor 5.0 is worst than the nge patch in my opinion.
  2. Seems they still think they can clean the mess up by "analyzing magic metrics" and doing "emergency" live streams after "emergency live streams". Disgruntled customers and alienated player base not paying their subs anymore, I guess the guys will find this very ... exciting !
  3. - They took away my 200 k pvp coms in order to force me to pay for an endless grind. - They screwed up this expac in the hard way, now trying to save a maximum of subs while maintaining a maximum of grind process. - Their step back did not really solved the main problems : alt gearing and lvl of grind. - There's no chance I am re subbing for their pay to grind economical model. - I will be back when they are making games for gamers and not money investors.
  4. The worst part of the 5.0 patch is that the new gearing system is beyond any salvation, no matters what devs want to do in order to fix it, it is heavily rotten to the core : RNG stuffing punishing alt toons playing after years of promoting it. The only way would be to admit an epic failure and revert it to a classic token system, which won't happen. This just smells like NGE sh*t, looks like all SW mmos are doomed
  5. I am a pvp only player. I play regularly on 4 different toons, when my sub runs out in december I will not renew it. I don't even want to test the 5.0 patch.
  6. What is happening is that Bioware realized that the new content they are bringing with expacks is not sufficient. Story is very easy content without difficulty and can not retain players by itself alone. So they have to retain players with something else than story, they don't have the means to do a lot more flashpoints and operations, so their fix for this is to raise the grind level for acquiring gear. That means that you player will have to work a lot harder to get the same gear as before the expack. This explains why they operated a step back from the previous system, returning to an RNG one for gearing. Re actualizing old content through grind. Less content, more grinding is the price to have a single player story in this game. This also explains why, they wiped out pvp commendations. Changing how gearing works hallowed them to wipe out what you earned by pvping. They don't want you to be full gear as soon as the expack goes live, They want you to work again . They gave you some credits to compensate, And that's all. I bought 2 months of subscription in october, but since the preview of 5.0 gearing I lost all will to log in game and continue to pvp. As far as I am concerned, my reaction is to not renew my subscription for december-january. Sorry for my gibbering, English is not my native language, but I had to post something to explain What I understood from 5.0.
  7. What is happening is that Bioware realized that the new content they are bringing with expacks is not sufficient. Story is very easy content without difficulty and can not retain players by itself alone. So they have to retain players with something else than story, they don't have the means to do a lot more flashpoints and operations, so their fix for this is to raise the grind level for acquiring gear. That means that you player will have to work a lot harder to get the same gear as before the expack. This explains why they operated a step back from the previous system, returning to an RNG one for gearing. Re actualizing old content through grind. Less content, more grinding is the price to have a single player story in this game. This also explains why, they wiped out pvp commendations. Changing how gearing works hallowed them to wipe out what you earned by pvping. They don't want you to be full gear as soon as the expack goes live, They want you to work again . They gave you some credits to compensate, And that's all. I bought 2 months of subscription in october, but since the preview of 5.0 gearing I lost all will to log in game and continue to pvp. As far as I am concerned, my reaction is to not renew my subscription for december-january. Sorry for my gibbering, English is not my native language, but I had to post something to explain What I understood from 5.0.
  8. What is happening is that Bioware realized that the new content they are bringing with expacks is not sufficient. Story is very easy content without difficulty and can not retain players by itself alone. So they have to retain players with something else than story, they don't have the means to do a lot more flashpoints and operations, so their fix for this is to raise the grind level for acquiring gear. That means that you player will have to work a lot harder to get the same gear as before the expack. This explains why they operated a step back from the previous system, returning to an RNG one for gearing. Re actualizing old content through grind. Less content, more grinding is the price to have a single player story in this game. And that's all. I bought 2 months of subscription in october, but since the preview of 5.0 gearing I lost all will to log in game and continue to pvp. As far as I am concerned, my reaction to this is to not renew my subscription for december-january. Sorry for my gibbering, English is not my native language, but I had to post something to explain What I understood from 5.0.
  9. Nom : Vålånce Guilde : Border line Serveur : TOFN Classe : spécialiste prototype acancé Type de record : objectifs 26000 sur un bg cote de Novare http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/908915Screenshot20150713202653954561.jpg
  10. Bioware does not care at all about pvp balance anymore, guys. They just catter to the ones that cry the loudest and the longest on the forum. Then they milk their money by adding new Cartel market things/new tier pvp gear to farm. That's how the game turned to be... So let it be. By the way, Teso's release is just less than two weeks away...
  11. Looks it is working as intended. Sorc dots can not be purged anymore, that's what bioware did in order to upgrade them. Electronet was not sufficient to prevent concealment operatives to tag in pvp, so now Ops have to deal with an other stupid retarded threat. Conceal Op was already not viable but still too much viable in bioware's eye. Bioware compensated this huge nerf by upgrading a useless ability (overload shot) so it is still useless, but they can say it is compensation ... Bioware is just trolling concealment operatives now, may be are they laughing hard at those who still play this spec... Bioware hates concealment spec. I even suspect they regret to have implanted a stealth back stabbing gameplay in their game.
  12. You forgot to say that concealment operatives should be nerfed man !
  13. I tend to agree : my opinion is that the only problem with the 36 AP in ion cell spec is that it is allowed to tag in ranked solo queue as dps. And there is no problem with36 AP in HE cell at all. In my previous post, I was just trying to get the whole picture, reading what different pvprs wrote about class balance in the last page of this forum section.
  14. Full tank spec 1 M damage, indeed ? And you talk about people smoking some crack ? Who is smoking crack here ? Screenshot or it did not happen. Looks like the will to exaggerate things in order to get a nerf is strong with this one. More seriously, When taking a look at the last pages of this forum section, According to the moaning crowd of pvp players (myself included) : - Rage Marauders are OP, - Rage juggs are OP, - Snipers are OP, - heal OP are OP, - Sins are OP, - Powertechs are OP. That's 6/8 classes that have an OP spec, may be aren't we so far from a balanced situation ?
  15. My opinion on the subject is that it's not really smash that is OP, but the combination of 8 k smash + 5 K force scream + 8 K vicious throw + multiple very efficient defensive cooldowns. This means : very high AOE burst + high sustained damage + survivability. I think if we only tone down marauder's survivability then we can come very close to a balanced class without touching smash damages. May be those 8 K dispatch/vicious throw are a problem, too. I think rage juggernaut can not be called overpowered at the moment (nor should we consider them weak anyways) because it does lack defensive cooldowns as efficient as mara's ones. What I know for sure is that the argument that rage spec is more powerful because it doesn't need to stack crit rating is not true anymore. Because at the moment when playing a dps class in pvp, if you are not stacking power and surge exclusively you are doing something wrong. Nerf rage marauder survivability, tone down these dispatches/vicious throw, a little bit, buff annihilation and carnage. Could bring some balance.
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