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  1. correction now patching. had to run launcher repair again and then started patching
  2. they stated that they were removing them from artifact crafting recipes.. NOT that they were removing them from the vendors. otherwise if they had.. people would have complained BEFORE it happened.
  3. if we are removing crit stat from the build to increase damage output... how would removing damage to increase crit make sense
  4. yes the basis being that our own class buff increases the power augments by the same 5 percent.. negating the "added" effect you are speaking of . and if you you switch even jsut 1 augment between power and might you will see the higher bonus damage with a power aug then the might one. and you yourself even state this.
  5. some of your numbers don't make sense especially the less than 100 percent accuracy with the 395 as every time i have tried lower than 100 percent accuracy i miss a Great deal..farm more than the .2 percent would make sense for. as well as i disagree with some of the other gearing points in your post using might augs over power
  6. basically i am wondering which what my gear targets should be if the standard layout is correct for watchman spec of if i should be focusing more on crit accuracy= 100 percent or as close as possible Crit = 25 percent with smuggler buff (20 percent unbuffed) Surge = 70 percent then from there on stack power till your nose bleeds.. the reason i wonder is i am wondering if higher crit would be of use as so many dots ticking with watchman if the higher crit would be useful when zen isn't procing. also with the watchman ark/und gear BW seems to be force feeding us cirt on our set pieces
  7. well just picked up the Republic trooper's chestguard which looks exactly the same , is level 15, and isn't dyable either
  8. very true..however.. if we get to RE dyes then people will complain that we cant learn the schematics from them...
  9. i was hoping i would finally be able to dye my hardened plastifold gear to get the orange stripe/accents to turn red to match my guild's color scheme but it seems the gear is not dyable. any explanation as why this is? any reference by a Dev would be much appreciated.
  10. if you read further down in thread... you will see that the removal of the items has been postponed as it somehow breaks the game.
  11. well from what i have read, it seems that i have the spec close to correct in most eyes, and it really falls down to personal play style and getting the rotation down that i find works best for me. as long as there are 2 dps specs for a single class, there will always be controversy over which one is best for whom.
  12. ok folks here's my current spec http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sentinel/18/?build=002300010000000000000000000003203220212012200120023001002020000000000000000000000000 first off i have NO interest in PVP, and to my mind the constant damage done by me using this spec and rotation i have no problem keeping focus , putting out high consistent damage.. my rotation consists of force leap into the fight, zealous strike, strikex2 (this give me a full focus, then use rotation of blade storm precision slash, master strike, and cauterize , filling in with blade rush/zealous strike/strike as needed for cool down. once 30 stack of centering is built i use the 6 strikes of blade rush with the extra aturu form strike .
  13. had same issue with doc and my Jedi sentinel, i used the trick posted here about walking around the room to warp the companion into the room, he did his range healing and it worked out just fine .
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