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10 Good

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    Where i can
  • Interests
    Eating donnuts
  • Occupation
    Eating more donuts
  1. That's how you destroy the market ,just because some idiots complained about the deposit thing. Bah ,this game is sinking deeper than before just because of some morons.
  2. Blame it on the ********es behind the game ,not the engine.They know about the bugs but still they keep pushing the patches because they don't care( i hope the team will get fired soon because the incompetence behind this game is marvelous) Some bugs from 1.4: My game crash with no error in 2-3 hours (4gb ram) Light sabers still activated when i put it out Enemies freeze in middle air when they die Invisible taxi Laser beams shooting out of my vette asss sometimes My performance is craptastic ,30-50 fps (high settings) Sometimes enemies dissapear underground ,they simply vanish And many more... This game is half baked ,plain and simple.
  3. Those idiots who keeps telling you to get a new computer should be hanged, plain and simple.
  4. Who the hell cares about your stupid cartel coins.This game seems to be in a alpha-beta state and you only care about some lousy stupid worthles coins.
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