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  1. deception pvp fun https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnEK4wuJN4Vmby1a7t3nHqw
  2. Yoda Warzones Assasin/Shadow Link - http://imgur.com/fRXpzpL Killing blows 26 Rank #4 Solo Kills Rank: #3 Lifetime Assasin/Shadow Link: http://imgur.com/hRyEjC4 Lifetime Kills: 100823 Rank #1 Lifetime MVP Votes: 5,084 Rank #1 Lifetime Medals: 70052 Rank #1
  3. Unfortunately I think Bioware/EA realize that their mistakes are unfixable and have been cutting their losses and running ever since. I am sure even they know and accept that this type of headline will never take place again and they made sure of it. http://www.geek.com/games/star-wars-the-old-republic-fastest-in-history-1452703/ Yes PVPers can create problems, myself included but the game's functionality and broken mechanisms are not our responsibility and they create more problems than any player possibly can. The devs team that has taken over this game has to be one of the poorest dev team any mmo have seen in a while. Examples that come to mind as recent as 60 days ago, LOLBrokenSlash, Broken Conquests, Ridding a Ziost quest mount in a warzone and the list goes on. If EA trully cared about their player base and making positive headlines again they would fire the entire team and start over but this is obviously not the case.
  4. That explains it. You should write one for regs too since at least in PoT5, t's the only thing that pops frequently.
  5. Jinre I think you have a lot of valid points on deception and I applaud your effort on guiding new and experienced players but it seems to me you are assuming we are just going to fight kiting classes and the utilities revolve around that. If you are in a full group it is very unlikely you will play the role of the lonely stealthcapper and lacking that 30% dmg reduction while stunned in a game where resolve is broken will most likely mean you will die a lot more often than you should. You said yourself you don't have any problems even against good sorcs which are the #1 kitting class so, why base all your utility setup around them? If I follow your advice thru it means if I don't have cooldowns, phasewalk or force cloak on and I get stunned by an OP i will have a 90% chance of dying. Your hatred utility setup makes sense to me but it doesn't seem like you play deception very often. If you go ahead and say this setup is thinking of ranked pvp only then I can accept it.
  6. Besides only the deception spec has it which, as a spec, isn't even wanted for ranked pvp.
  7. Group matching in the PVP queue to be as acurrate as it if for PVE/FP. You shouldn't be able to queue for ranked group with 4 healers.
  8. Zannah's style was a lot like Obi Wan. They will be defensive as long as it's needed to tire their opponent and make them slip.
  9. Ironically I bet he will enjoy the video more than anything you will post in your lifetime Thanks !
  10. What about this? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200oZrrfRzGoRrozZcrcob.3
  11. Jurakan

    Operative roll

    I love how they say they use it as a gap closer when all you see them do with is reach containers or ANY warzone objectives quicker than anyone else, or to avoid certain death by getting out of range instantly.
  12. When has it ever been a priority? Bolster is not balance.
  13. Jurakan

    Operative roll

    If it was so mediocre you would not see all the crapolas like you defending it as it is with their nails and no you ain't changing the subject. This thread will be long and it will not be because of me but because of people who want Bioware to fix it vs bads like you that will continue to claim the class sucks without it.
  14. cashogy_reborn good point but on that same line of thinking you can't complain when you finish augmenting all of your conqueror gear (i did already) and then the gear gets removed or has expertise taken out of it on the next update. The only difference is that EWH gear was much cheaper to augment than lv 55 gear but it's the same principle. Besides what is the point of the bolster system if their gonna be doing that crap ? Might as well pvp in pve gear and not spend a freaking hour of your life farming ranked coms.
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