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  1. My Shadow in his jimjams Face Front 1 Side Yeah from CC shop
  2. So many whiners wanting something for nothing . Want it all ,pay for it. Dont want it all ,play for free. Want some, pay for some. Its business. Simples.
  3. Disagree. If you want to continue paying then do so and reap the rewards. If you want to play for free then you sure as hell aint getting what we pay for. You get to play a game for free for petes sake, and its still not enough? Before yesterday you didnt. So now you get much more than before. Simples.
  4. Oh pulease!! here wait I will give the compensation to you... so 20 hours...lets see...yep.. So heres your $0.49 have fun!
  5. Since, as pointed out, nothing is really MUST have but more want to have, why are people whining about free coins? They are free, for stuff that's not important, and you are QQing about it? Seriously you need to go join Secret World or something lol.
  6. We'll we have Snap Shot I guess. And there's Rapid Fire as such though I guess that isnt what OP means maybe (hard to tell tbh) We seem to get a lot of abilities in the trees that reduce cooldowns like Lay Low or Recoil Control or activation times like Quick Aim . From a GS viewpoint that is.
  7. Did it again with same missions to keep it consistent. Finding our way - Class 5 Box- Rich Yield - 1930 - Returned = 1227 Credits Plug the leak - Class 6 Box - Moderate Yield - 1415 - Returned = 1195 Credits The Azure Databanks - Class 6 - Abundant Yield - 1485 - Returned = 1519 credits Total spend= 4831 Total rewards=3941 Total Gain for maxed out skill = Minus 890 credits.
  8. Finding our way - Class 5 Box- Rich Yield - 1930 - Returned = 1533 Plug the leak - Class 6 Box - Moderate Yield - 1415 - Returned = 1416 The Azure Databanks - Class 6 - Abundant Yield - 1485 - Returned = 1911 credits Total spend= 4831 Total rewards=4860 Total Gain for maxed out skill = 29 credits. Hold me down and call me a taxi , a doctor and a kipper. I am giddy with excitement. Treasure Hunting now returns far FAR more than before and WAAAAYYY more than slicing.
  9. But i prefer my women to look like women and not 14 year old girls in skimpy outfits Tera is a f2p lookalike from the east. Nothing more. Some kids will play to see ******* and it will disappear like many MANY others of this boring style.
  10. STOP! We know that ,what we mean(or at least I do) is that even though a MASTER used this before and died, now we/i a padawan can use it to shield masters and even though it takes part of us to use this ability ,after the dust settles nothing is mentioned about how weak you are and how you managed it. They made it sound like each use ripped part of your soul out lol I mean after all if it doesnt take something from you on each use then why did the Master die from using it before? If it doesnt take something of oneself each use then each new use would just be like the first time and make you feel a bit wiffy lol My main bugbear with classes and storys so far is the companions. Why do I have to take that snivelling **** Tharan who hates force users? Get rid. Get me new companion who is more suited to my clas please lol
  11. Found an issue with Tharan and the Tauntaun pet yesterday. I somehow managed to get the pet damaged ( i jumped over some barricade and it took damage ) .Thereafter Tharan would ONLY heal heal when either of us was near death. I had to manually trigger his heals. Dismissed Tharan and tried again, took off his "infected" customization but in end dismissing pet got him healing instantly right away. Oh ..Nar Shaddar
  12. Most non "hardcore" consular players hate and do not rate the consular story at all. Its rather bland and meh in their eyes (from what I have read.Just look at other forums under story lines thread and the worst and most boring is always Consular) Comparing to smuggler for example, while I didnt like the errand boy feeling of the Smuggler story, it was still more fun that Consular. In Chp1 consular, what was all this nonsense about taking a part of the character and weakening him to cure the ill ,when in the end it didnt have any effect at all? No one ever mentions it again. Feels like ,overall,glorified go here kill this, helps this, find this,Thanks,bye.No reason or "bite" to the storys. 2/10
  13. I'd still love a raid zone,FP,OP etc where it was in space. We could even end up with customizable ships and at least be able to show them off. Wouldnt want an Eve type game just something that added to the Star part of the Wars
  14. Yes had that in past . Always empty from those mentioned and no idea why
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