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10 Good
  1. Given how horrendous this lag is (3-5 second delay on actions) I would say you are actually in a better position man. You'd find yourself more stressed than you are now. Thanks for your service by the way.
  2. Here is what I noticed -- this new utility system is crap.
  3. Many of us have proposed that like Aion the servers be capped per person per faction. By this I mean for every X amount of Republic there can be 1 Empire. Now, I know people would cry and then go "OMG BUT THEN HOW CAN I PLAY THE DARK EMO RAGE SIDE!?!?!?!" well, make specific servers that do not have this cap. Allow those who enjoy being severely outnumbered the chance to be outnumbered while at the same time allow Empire to continue to stack numbers -- but this time against themselves. At that rate people can have fun on both sides, and for those on those other servers.. we'll they probably just fight eachother.
  4. Yeah, but there whole thing is this game is centered around the story aspect. They don't want to deny anyone the ability to have that story. I totally disagree as it's killing the game. They need to do like Aion. If not enough of one faction is on, the other cannot get even bigger.
  5. If you go to server selection and look at your server there is a tab on the far right called "Population". Mine is always light.. like always now. Even in prime time. Then I rolled a character on a HEAVY server and find way more people to talk to and enjoy the game with.
  6. Has this been discussed? I'm sure i'm not the only one who has watched his/her server's population die and want to move our hard worked on characters to a more suitable and active server. It could even be one of those micro transaction things that go on, or something that you can do once every X amount of time.
  7. Chances are people quit for a reason. That reason being a clear sign of defeat, such as the enemy team arming the bomb 15 seconds into the game. At that point you can bet your ***... the game is over.
  8. The point of my post was not that focus fire was unfair or that this ability has any chance. Honestly, I love it when they spam this. It makes my work very easy on a stationary channeling target.
  9. Agree. Haha, but then you'd have us voting to end it and move on over and over whenever we saw a premade or battlemaster sided team. I love it!
  10. Not a fan of this ability, but at the same time I don't find it overpowered. Any bounty hunter or commando who spends his/her time spamming this same ability over and over is honestly an easy target that i'm going to search for. Interrupt him, force statis him, and just have an easy kill. The ability is more or so annoying because there is a decent amount of them per game all focusing the same person with the least skilled ability. 1v1 it's horrid.
  11. **** you no. I'm going to leave games if I'm in a random pug versus some premade battlemaster/war hero line up. I hope more people leave in instances with them... and their experience is ruined. I love that in those instances premades believe we should stay and provide you fun at expense of our not having fun.
  12. I vote this thread for the most original, unique, and informing post of the year. My god man... if only we could all sit through a month of having no fun in a *game* to have a chance at having fun again.
  13. Just goes to show even more how this game was dedicated to the Empire, not the Republic. Yet again they have something better. I feel like im one of the few non-Caucasian kids in a 98% Caucasian school.
  14. I love how people who run premades are throughout this thread trying to justify premades by saying "it wouldn't be fair for us to have long queue's". **** you, you should have the longest queue's waiting for another premade. The game mechanics should not dedicate to you going in and ruining other players experience. If anything force premades to have to fight other premades or go solo. At the current rate it's genuinely not fun. I'm tired of a daily turning into a 2-daily because I cannot sit through 5 hours of *** kicking from premade battlemasters for a small chance of 3 wins. You all are ruining the game, as from the time of start if you see a premade vs your pug, you have NO CHANCE. Quit that second. I hope people start to quit every game they see a premade and let those scrubs fight themselves.
  15. Funny how petitions work... meaning developers have no obligations to even pay half attention to them. At this rate it's best to realize this game was a waste of your money, effort, and time and just take the hit & move on.
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