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10 Good
  1. Why do people unquip his starting gear? He can wear his 50 stuff from 1-50. Its a bug..but a beneficial one
  2. Zenarka

    who is OCP?

    just a bunch of people who like to take advantage of low level war zones. quit 50 wz when they lose and same if theey manage to lose low level
  3. Bioware I have a solution to make us OWPVPers happy and everyone else happy who do not want to be forced to pvp. How about you add in a few open world pvp area's like outlaws den. Make them drop Merc comms within this zone. And also add a few daily pvp quest and weeklies. to kill x amount of players within. The merc comm conversion should be 5 merc comms to 1 normal comms to prevent exploiting Bam...open world pvp solved
  4. See here is the thing. I bought HK twice for my low level toons. The first time when the red showed up i took his gear off and couldn't put it back on and had to re-gear him. The 2nd time i left it on him despite what the game says and he is just fine. Each level his dmg and hp increases still. at level 18 he can solo heroic 2 groups with no assistance because he triples my dmg.
  5. I'm 100% sure that posted this last month and did a live interview where the lead dev said class stories were too expensive to continue, but if the game picks back up and continues to be successful they could return in the future. I don't have a problem with that, spend the money you do have on improving and doing what you can. However bioware shot themselves in the foot with the voice acting. The player characters should of had all generic responses, like sports games to have the voice actions record thousands of generic responses. And just have every other va none generic. So they only have to bring in a few actors for new content instead of bringing in all 8 voice actor back along with garza, satele Shan ect every time which cost money. Bioware should of talked to the ea sports studio.
  6. Well i finally came back to the game, i played one day during the first day of early start cpu couldnt handle it so i was forced to quit. Now im back. Now i want to be a tank but since i dont know any of the fights i dont want people to be impatient and quit because its not a fast run. So my question is should i just go dps too make my first 1-50 run smooth and come back to tank later when i know the fights or just give it a shot and people wont mind.
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