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10 Good
  1. Are they keeping the May 11th deadline for getting the bigger rooms, or did they push that forward too?
  2. reclipsed


    I didn't like the new map at first, I love the old map. But if you run with halfway intelligent people, you can win 6-0 in under 4 minutes. The map seems easier to win compared to the old one. You don't even need a leaper to do it, just pass up the line.
  3. QFT. From past experience with those types of utilities, our conversations consisted of what we ate, what we farted and what we watched on the television. Players that use these devices most likely are very experienced and would kick your butt no matter what.
  4. Or maybe they find those people that use specific items annoying. I'm not agreeing with those people, just playing devil's advocate. I find people that spam certain things constantly very annoying, but I'm pretty easy going so I ignore with my brain not my fingers. My judgements are my own not everyones.
  5. Change your "S" key to stealth and work from there.
  6. reclipsed


    I would love to see a Disarm ability (like the wow rogue one) in this game. The hilarity of seeing a mara throwing fists for 5 seconds makes me smile.
  7. Very true. I was mainly talking about sapping one target at a door and trying to take out the unsapped one and have he-man double swords charge the sapped one.
  8. As long as you sign a promise to never complain about the 45-1 hour queues that would come with choosing which warzone you play.
  9. Isn't there a confirm yes/no window? Did(is) there a way to turn that option off? and if so, why?
  10. It never fails to see a new player tunnel right to the target I just cc'd. It's like a magnet to some.
  11. It is what it is. Bad players complain and complain and complain. Good players adapt and move on. Take your own advice in your sig and change.
  12. The Knights animation seems to flow more and has a gentle whoosh. The Warrior is more brutal and loud. Knight=samba Warrior=twerking
  13. I like the idea of making the bleeds do more damage the more you move. That way when your target tries to run away he bleeds out more, maybe double the crit chance when running?
  14. I have no cares for little play houses, I got my fill with the sims years ago. But who am I to judge what others like or want? Plus, it'll bring in money and that is always a good thing with games.
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