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10 Good
  1. If you can find someone who can craft the custom sets you can use those. Mats aren't too bad but you have to have a valor rank of 60 to equip them.
  2. This is what happens when you only read the first part of something, and not the rest of it. You're an idiot. I'd love to see a judge's face when he accuses them of "ignoring him" for 3 days because he's the only person out there that apparently can't read things that have been on the site in big bold letters.
  3. Who the hell queues for low level fps for comms? More than likely they are past the planet they get them for...as the op said. Almost always I have better gear than each planet gives anyway through crafting armoring and fps. I love how his post got your panties in a twist and you .issed his point entirely... gg
  4. If the devs really were bothered by it they would have brought the servers down and put a hotfix in by removing bolster. . 3 days of power leveling went by unabated and no comments....2 days after the fact and nothing...instant responses about mako and her stupid hair styles but still nothing about power leveling. My best bet is they ars thinking of the best way to say...oh well..what's done is done. Intended or not it was such a vast amount of players and characters, a good amount of which have spent the money on their fresh 50's to get good mods and such, not to mention those that spent real money on the cartel coins for boosts.... They they fix it for next week they may not. But one thing is for certain...rollbacks and such this close to the expansion would make this game's lifespan very short
  5. This is the such a cop out....just because you feel you "earned" your levels more so than others it doesn't mean that bioware actually frowns upon this. First off they made good money on cartel market from players buying xp boosts to either sell or use. Secondly those people that can't play often now have more of a reason to prepurchase the xpac since they now have a level 50 or two. I leveled 4 50's by questing and it gets old seeing the same faction quests over and over. Especially with Makeb on the way it was hard to motivate myself to do so. More fresh 50's means more people queuing for sm ops and heroic flashpoints. Which in turn helps bolster the communith...and don't try and use the argument "well by exploiting they don't learn their class" because there were plenty of 50's before that still didn't know how to play worth a damn. So get off your high horse and get over it. It happened..and rolling back literally thosands of characted s and suspending accounts would be a death sentence for this game. Think before you speak.
  6. /signed Whether it's just a skin available from a vendor or from the cartel market.... I want a set of it that's modable... it was some of the best armor skins TOR has to offer.
  7. This is one of those posts that make my head hit the table. I'm assuming this person has recently looked at pandaland and figured it was the staple of mmo expansions. not like it took blizzard almost three years for achievements five for lfg system two years for new battlegrounds and nearly eight for your scenarios which hardly anyone runs because as it turns out most players are dps and a good majority of them are severly carried by the tank and heal aspect. These expansions also made players quit and rage and tjreats of unsubbing were made blah blah. Not to mention the forty dollar price tags.... Honestly people like you that expect more and threaten with unsubs should just run back home to your mom's teets and do us a favor and just go through with canceling the sub
  8. You must have never been a tank in a WoW progression guild then. I would pay near 2-3k per death (10% durability loss) being in full plate armor and having a shiled with high armor and a weapon. Compared to a clothie paying only 800+ with the same item level gear. Most guilds help their tanks with repair costs more so than dps because even without dying they are always getting hit which wears on ghe durability. So yes even in this game there are people paying more. But its cool you think your opinion is fact.
  9. I agree with you to some point at this sort of feels almost like a glorified content patch but it's a bit more than that. First off we get 5 levels a new planet and skills and who knows what else. The planet alone is a lot of work with full voice acting for the quest lines. Writers have to lay out the story and dialogue, actors have to record multiple dialogue trees, then the programmers and level designers have to create the planet and test quests/terrain (everything). While this isn't a full fleshed out HUGE expansion revamping the classes and game I actually am anxious to see small content expansions like this. I was so sick of WoW's model of completely changing how each class played it seemed with every expansion. This game is still relatively new and the current model still has a decent life span to it before any big changes need to be made. With the 5 additional levels and skills being released it can still offer new play style options for classes. As far as thinking you should get a content patch including a new planet, 5 levels, and everything that goes with, either for free or even more reduced price I think you should look into what goes into creating them. This game is different than WoW, with the voice acting alone it can become costly paying the writing team to come up with interesting stories and dialogue and having voice actors perform. Some of the voice actors for the game's classes are very famous in their field and probably aren't cheap.
  10. I agree with all of these and I'd love to see a bit on each planet for the new expansion. It would be neat if each planet had an extended area in addition to the new planet Makeb. They did hint at new content for older planets so hopefully it's a bit more than a quest or two. I guess the planet I'd like to see the most done with would be the starting planets. Like the op I think there is so much potential with all of these and it would be a great opportunity to flesh out the planets and lore a bit more. Maybe continuing past the main storyline of each planet and the bonus series and something potentially with the new expansion and touching on a story arch dealing with the Hutt Cartel's plan with any of those planets' especially Hutta. Each planet offers a decent setting and existing story that BioWare could continue with their upcoming expansion I'm interested in seeing what they do with them. Planets like Balmorra could be perfect for something with the Hutts.
  11. I don't understand where you feel entitled you should receive an expansion for free. Five new levels complete with skills new operations flashpoint companion quests a new planet (which no details of size has been released) new warzones and we can only assume new daily quest hubs unlocked on said planet...all of this for 20 bucks tops and you feel the right to complain about having to purchase it? More so you feel nickel and dimmed you can't purchase it through Carmel coins...which you get a decent amount for free each month if you sub. I don't know what games you e played in the past but expansions or updates of this size usually constitute a purchase fee. Look at console games played spend 15-20$ on 3-5 new maps for first person shooters and maybe a handful of new guns all of which are just really new skins and don't make or break gameplay. And you're having a **** fit over 10$ for a decent amount of content. Get over yourself for a minute and before you slander a company over something you should at least make sure it has at least some validation instead of it just being your personal feelings. Believe if or not game companies take everything their players say to heart and when you spend time creating something, time spent away from personal obligations, only to have uneducated people slander them it does weigh on them and as much as they would like to just brush it off it sits with them and effects how they go about future content. Which could be both positive and negative. But in this case ifs more so the latter. I for one recently came back to this game and they have made huge strides as a company to solve some issues and improve upon quality of gameplay. They admit they aren't perfect but the game is still very new. People just need to give it time and keep stupid opinion to themselves imo.
  12. Note sure if this has been brought up yet but I was wondering if BioWare had any intentions for bringing back their weekly updates on Fridays to update the community with news on the expansion content for their new expansion set for later this year. I for one was a big fan of the weekly update preceding the game's launch. It was a neat idea and I enjoyed catching the new dev blog and screenshots each week. I don't think any "over-hyping" will really happen with a smaller expansion size compared to some game's expansions but BioWare has a knack for making pretty videos and it would be awesome if you guys started this up at least a couple months before the release of the digital expansion. Keep up the good work and keep us informed! (Sorry for lame boring text submitting via phone)
  13. I don't understand where you feel entitled you should receive an expansion for free. Five new levels complete with skills new operations flashpoint companion quests a new planet (which no details of size has been released) new warzones and we can only assume new daily quest hubs unlocked on said planet...all of this for 20 bucks tops and you feel the right to complain about having to purchase it? More so you feel nickel and dimmed you can't purchase it through Carmel coins...which you get a decent amount for free each month if you sub. I don't know what games you e played in the past but expansions or updates of this size usually constitute a purchase fee. Look at console games played spend 15-20$ on 3-5 new maps for first person shooters and maybe a handful of new guns all of which are just really new skins and don't make or break gameplay. And you're having a **** fit over 10$ for a decent amount of content. Get over yourself for a minute and before you slander a company over something you should at least make sure it has at least some validation instead of it just being your personal feelings. Believe if or not game companies take everything their players say to heart and when you spend time creating something, time spent away from personal obligations, only to have uneducated people slander them it does weigh on them and as much as they would like to just brush it off it sits with them and effects how they go about future content. Which could be both positive and negative. But in this case ifs more so the latter. I for one recently came back to this game and they have made huge strides as a company to solve some issues and improve upon quality of gameplay. They admit they aren't perfect but the game is still very new. People just need to give it time and keep stupid opinion to themselves imo.
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