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    Stacking alacrity, and other unoptimized builds
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  1. That puts things in perspective. I should count my blessings then.
  2. I agree that I'm not enthused by the forklift decoration, but that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned, because doing 100 weekly objectives is quite a lot, at least for me. (I'm kind of picky which objectives I'll do. I basically ignore all PVP and group-based objectives, being a casual solo player.) I'm actually more excited about this season than any of the previous ones, because I really like the design of the Copero SH.
  3. No matter where I am in the new Copero SH, if I log out and log back in, I'm back at the arrival point instead of where I was. This is similar to the bug that's existed since the introduction of multiple arrival points per SH, except I have not set any of the arrival points in the Copero SH. In other SHs, this bug (of always appearing at a selected arrival point on relogging, instead of the position you were previously in) only activates if you've clicked on one of those arrival points to set it as your preferred point. But again, I have not done this on the Copero SH, yet I still encounter this frustrating bug. I know this bug is apparently low-priority for the devs, but it's extremely frustrating, and it shouldn't be getting worse in the meantime! Please address this. Thank you.
  4. This has obviously been an issue ever since the Alderaan SH - and it is still an issue, frustratingly - where selecting a bind point means you always arrive there when reloading, instead of being wherever you were in the SH when you logged out. But why is this is the case for the new Copero SH too? I have not used any bind points on it, so why does it return me to the start by default when I log out and back in? I'm extremely frustrated by this. Not only is it still an issue in Alderaan SH, now it's creeping to new SHs too without ever using a bind point. Please, please, please fix this.
  5. I for one am actually glad there's no new reputation track. For me it was another pointless thing to chase, but I chased it anyway just in case the devs introduce rep vendors for them down the line. Sure, that's unlikely, but it's possible (new things have been added to rep vendors in the past on one occasion), and sure you can get rep after a season's over but it's soooo much slower. So, thank you for not adding another.
  6. Thank you so very much to you and the team, Ms. Jackie!
  7. It's a pleasure when we're given an indication that our feedback is heard and being considered. Thank you for taking it back to discuss it, and also for updating us. I heavily encourage this sort of behavior to continue!
  8. Chiming in to say that I also am very disappointed at the lack of a Collections unlock sale, and I hope this is reversed. I've been looking forward to it. That said, I doubt the devs are the ones who decide sales, it's probably the higher-ups at EA rather than the actual game devs at Broadsword, so don't blame the people who work directly on the game.
  9. Thanks. I was a bit concerned since the only new dyes listed in the Nov 30th article about 7.4 are the ones that are already available as of yesterday, so I wasn't sure there were more coming or not.
  10. Sure, it's the default on the new Suppression Trooper set, but of all the new colours, it's that combo I want most, and I want to put it on other sets, not the trooper set. Does anyone know if it's coming?
  11. The automatic resetting of daily and weekly quests that was implemented some time ago was an atrocious idea imo, but it can be downright frustrating for APAC players for whom the reset time is during peak hours. An Australian friend of mine ragequit the game after nearly completing the Dromund Kaas heroic weekly, only to have the weekly progress for it reset in the middle of one of his heroics, then picking up the heroics again only to discover the heroic transport function was still on cooldown. This new "feature" definitely needs rethinking.
  12. Haven't seen anyone else mention this. Strange thing to add. Just wondering why it's there. At first I thought it might be a signal that something's going wrong, because when I first loaded up the game after the patch and heard it, the server list was missing (because maintenance was still ongoing), but nope, I hear it every time I log in now. Bit annoying honestly, lol, albeit not a big deal.
  13. I feel this, but on the other hand, every time I level a toon from 1 to max, I wind up with a couple million credits on that toon just from quests.
  14. Same as in prior seasons, attaining the first level on the reward track gets the thing that summons the new companion.
  15. No, it took me a minute to find it as well. The GS objectives are now on the Galactic Seasons reward track. There's a Rewards tab (that shows the reward track) and an Objective tab next to that.
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