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10 Good
  1. I thought having a visual timer for Barrage/Curtain of Fire would be useful, but when I check my combat logs, I don't see them activating. Has this always been or is this new somehow the 5.3 changes' fault?
  2. Don't need the event, they have the vendors down in the Cartel Bazaar to the right.
  3. HA! That's funny, cause its actually some of the best
  4. Hey Eric, in the patch notes its said that all crystal vendors will be removed, does this include the vendors that sell the Old Class Armor Sets, and if so, will these be made available with credits?
  5. First, what role do you run, dps or tank? If you'd rather stay on EH, I think Shadow Council is still running there. Harb has Failure, Shadowlands has Enraged, Corrupted Souls and LoS.
  6. Scheduled Star Fortress runs? Wat? Sounds more like something done on a guild to guild basis. Could ask around fleet if you really wanted to do it with someone but I found it easier just to run them the entire thing solo.
  7. Hey! Don't know if this is possible, as this is another Star Wars game, but I'd love to see more SW: The Force Unleashed inspired armors, like the Darth Sion armor already in game. (Yes, I'm aware these are more force-user oriented, but I'm sure some can look just as good on the non.) Sith Robes https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/6e/e8/1f6ee811ca4643ff4b25b7da98a701c7.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081027011840/starwars/images/9/93/SecretApprentice.jpg Jedi Adventure Robe http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v421/Neolilangel/Secretapprenticefullbody_1_zps40a8da62.jpg http://s16.photobucket.com/user/Fixer2020/media/Secretapprenticefullbody_2.jpg.html https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b3/87/82/b3878212766f79e507a9a1a63be443f8.jpg Sith Stalker http://media-minecraftforum.cursecdn.com/attachments/109/708/635669660620277852.jpg https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--vJM9UwzE--/18m3xjr86sr0yjpg.jpg Ceremonial Jedi Robes http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/cb/Star_Wars_Force_Unleashed_Jedi_Robes_01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090709064025 http://i35.tinypic.com/2edbnyu.jpg Sith Assassin http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/118/815194-img_1094.jpg http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/19/18455/SWTFU2_2011-11-11_20-09-45-39.jpg http://www.twinrosesdesigns.com/Custom%20Sith%20Assassin%20Costume.jpg Experimental Jedi Armor https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b4/04/8b/b4048b5e0b66108a025cd2d3a14eda8c.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/5831/7ca7a54b4b14921aeb307e51b8b7d46b851aca3a_hq.jpg http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/theforceunleashed/images/3/3c/Experimental_Jedi_Armor.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20110131031254&path-prefix=en Sith Acolyte http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/55059/images/590/Acolyte.jpg http://p3dm.ru/uploads/download/characters/thumbs/1453071194_sith-acolyte_1.jpg Riot Trooper http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/55059/images/590/RiotTrooper.jpg http://lparchive.org/Star-Wars-The-Force-Unleashed-II/Update%2018/22-2_trooper.jpg Dark Apprentice http://p3dm.ru/uploads/download/characters/thumbs/1453241215_starkiller-dark-pupil_1.jpg http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/65/Dark_Apprentice.png/revision/latest?cb=20131122200838 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/swfanon/images/c/cc/Galen_Marek_dark_clone_looks_at_Juno.png/revision/latest?cb=20101208032638 Jedi Protector http://s459.photobucket.com/user/MajinMikeyX/media/TFU%20II%20-%20Costume%20Pack%201/7JediProtectorOutfitStarkiller.jpg.html Saber Guard http://p3dm.ru/uploads/download/characters/thumbs/1453071135_saber-guard_1.jpg Terror Trooper http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/44/TerrorTrooperConcept.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110120182416 http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/55059/images/590/TerrorTrooper.jpg Jedi Hunter http://orig12.deviantart.net/3155/f/2015/210/1/2/sw__the_force_unleashed_2___starkiller_jedi_hunter_by_elonir-d93akv1.jpg http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c3/TFU2_TBoE.png/revision/latest?cb=20131118114751 Blood Armor http://pre12.deviantart.net/622b/th/pre/f/2015/209/0/d/star_wars_the_force_unleashed_2___sk_blood_armor_by_elonir-d934smp.jpg Neimoidian Shadow http://s459.photobucket.com/user/MajinMikeyX/media/TFU%20II%20-%20Costume%20Pack%201/2NemoidianShadowOutfitStarkiller.jpg.html Dark Lord's Armor https://botwtswfigures.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/galenstalkerarmor-tfuuse.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/7/70801/2705007-star_wars_the_force_unleashed___starkiller__sith__by_mrgameboy2011_d4xi7vg.png I'm guessing this is too gruesome for SWTOR, but the Cybernetic Reconstruction has always been my fav:o: https://fourthingsandalizard.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/mechanical.jpg
  8. Gonna have to see some proof. Of all the "hacks/exploits/glitches" I've heard of, there's nothing that improves heath or damage. That's all server side. 3-6 guys chasing after one person? That's not that strange if that one person knows their class. Kiting, use of defensives, your teammates didn't know what they were doing can all be possibilities.
  9. One week remaining, if you have a team, sign up soon!
  10. Yeah, server transfers down are problematic. Hopefully it'll be fixed this coming Tuesday, otherwise I'll suggest postponing it. To everyone else, I encourage you to sign up if you haven't already, put you and your friends' damage to the test or just come out for the cool Ilum weather and take a break from ranked.
  11. Gotcha! Btw, you don't have to post specs as teams are allowed to respec b/w rounds as long as they don't violate the comp rules. Unless you're planning on not changing.
  12. Begeren Colony’s 3v3 Tournament 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What: <The Krayt Supremacy>, in partnership with <Grim Determination> and <The Risen Empire>, will be hosting a cross-faction 3v3 dueling tournament on the planet Ilum on Saturday, April 23rd, with a prize pool of over 50 Million credits and other prizes! The event will be open to any SWTOR player, so if you’re not from BC and wish to participate you can come on over to the server! Unfortunately, my earlier post was taken down for being "guild recruitment." For more details, check out http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=877569
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