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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    I live in Rocky Mount, NC, originally from Cleveland, OH.
  • Interests
    I love to spend time with my wife and 1yo daughter.
  • Occupation
    I work for Wal-mart and am a full-time Student.
  1. Targets like the bridge and other impenetrable shields do *not* require the proton missiles you get at lvl 50. If you want to destroy these targets before then, you'll need to pump between 20-30 normal missiles into the target. Best done on maps with multiple passes over such targets.
  2. Bump for the addition of Dual Specs. Was an amazing addition in WoW, would be amazing here, too. Plus, Bioware, it would make the large number of people who are paying you $15 monthly very happy .
  3. This morning, after the patch, I ran Boarding Party. Throughout this FP, myself and one other party member were unable to take part in conversations. When all four members initiated the conversation, two would enter the normal dialogue, while the other two would be stuck staring at the console, no conversation would start, but we would be rendered immobile and unable to use abilities, as though we were in a conversation. The first conversation we passed by having the two who could not participate leave the FP. The final conversation was the same, and unfortunately neither myself or one of my party members were able to complete the flashpoint and receive credit for the daily and for the flashpoint mission itself. We tried relogging, rezoning, switching leaders, but nothing changed. Please fix this issue soon.
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