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10 Good
  1. I completely agree. I want it for my juggernaut, it'd be so beast. Of course it would go for quite a lot on the market and EA would force you to buy it yourself on the cartel market, but I would still buy it.
  2. Valid points, but I MISS MY TRACER MISSILE!
  3. Bioware has failed the community once again with the 1.2 patch. Don't get me wrong, the legacy stuff is epic (I don't like the prices of training dummies though) but the Mercenary got hit badly. Tracer missile was the main damage output for a Mercenary, and it made the Merc FUN. The animation bugs me a lot, I enjoyed firing it from the back personally, but the overall nerf bugs me even more. How am I supposed to do anything in PvP when I have no useful main attack? A couple suggestions for Bioware: 1. You could just revert TM back to it's original state and then we'd all be happy again. OR 2. Add an animation utility! If you want to be innovative in the MMO industry, this should be a priority! Just some thoughts. PS- Black Talon Hard Mode needs to drop more than Inquisitor gear!
  4. Anyone ever get frustrated when you're sitting there forever waiting to get into a warzone match? That's why I think there should be cross-server PvP if it's possible, or maybe an option for it. Also I'd like to see the ability to move characters to other servers, once every month or so to avoid too much server-hopping.
  5. Thanks guys. I'll start looking at the Dromund Kaas quests. Anyone have any idea which quest I should be looking for?
  6. I walk around... jealousy fills my body... BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS THE AWESOME MASK OF DARTH MALGUS. I've asked about 10 different people, none of them remember where they got it, so now I'm here. Your help will be very appreciated. PS- It's called Ablative Laminoid Headgear in case you're wondering.
  7. No I didn't get there but I've had experience with the bug.
  8. Check his HP. That might be the issue. He might just have so much it doesn't look like you're damaging him. That or he has the health regeneration bug.
  9. Hey guys, I'm having problems with beating Vol Argen at the end of Breaking the Resistance and Major Bessiker at the end of Path to Power. I am a level 18 Sith Assassin. They slice through me and Khem Val like butter with their attacks. The only interrupt spell I have is Electrocute (and Shock but that does nothing) and it takes 55 seconds to recharge-- I'm dead by then though. Please help me out. PS- I'm not as concerned about beating Bessiker right now, I don't think I'm a high enough level for it anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong, though PS (again)- If you want to troll, do it on another forum. Thanks.
  10. FIXED They finally updated the launcher. You should get a Terms of Service agreement. Read it, accept it, then play!
  11. So far this launch has been a DISASTER.
  12. It is dissapointing! How can they do this to us >
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