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  1. Hay guys, what do you guys think would be the best 3v3 or 4v4 arena comps. I've already considered fotm comps like smash smash bubble op etc, but does anyone have any creative comps? Let's brainstorm now so Jc can run arenas when it inevitably comes around.
  2. They're coming anyway!!!! If gunnery still isn't viable in 2.0 thheyll have to practice as heals or assault
  3. Duh there's gonna be arenas like, this year. If people don't think so they're dense!!!!!
  4. In a duel a pyro pt/vanguardl should win. Unless you pop all cooldowns as soon as the duel starts, a vig/vent knight will be at 30% before they finish their first masterstrike.
  5. We must have because the game continued to the end.
  6. Last night in voidstar, we made it to the second door, the enemy made it to the second door and mopped the floor with is. They had someone w 75 kills, our highest was 36... We won. Whatsup wit that?
  7. No harassing the enemy node does not help at all, it just feeds them kills. I believe that any kills during any round are affected by the current multiplier. I.e, your team has scored 30 kills, all of your kills from Tue previous round and round going forward are worth 7 points. This hypothesis would explain why a team jumps ahead in Tue last round by 300-400 points and each team has held their respective pylons the entire game and have not scored any kills in the new round
  8. No harassing the enemy node does not help at all, it just feeds them kills. I believe that any kills during any round are affected by the current multiplier. I.e, your team has scored 30 kills, all of your kills from Tue previous round and round going forward are worth 7 points. This hypothesis would explain why a team jumps ahead in Tue last round by 300-400 points and each team has held their respective pylons the entire game and have not scored any kills in the new round
  9. Yes to what the above poster has said. There are some variations you can choose however. With the 6%,bonus to strength, you may want to go str/end mods. You lose 1.6 points of bonus damage for roughly 1% more crit. I like to swap specs a lot as vigilance is my favorite spec. That being said, full min max for focus will gimp vigilance. I keep my dps set at 97% accuracy, 28% crit, rest in power/surge all str/end mods. With full buffs and 3% accuracy from vig tree, I have 100% accuracy, 34% crit People will say you don't need crit at all as focus but it helps with every ability other than smash. People negating crit iswhy the fallacy of focus knights hittong like wet noodles outside of smash came about in the first place. I have played over 100 ranked games with an 80% win ratio and top the charts almost every game with this gear set up. That being said the above poster is fully accurate and their specs are accepted as the norm
  10. Does anyone remember warhammer online? Super fun when it started.. 6 months in guilds were established and became well known, premades and cliques formed. 1 year later with no cross server, no matchmaking, and many server mergers... It was a circle jerk of the same premades stomping pugs over and over again farming them at their spawn. I hope that doesn't happen with this game but its well on its course and run by the same people.
  11. I loved vigilance before 1.4. Sure it was frustrating vs smash heavy groups but now there is a guaranteed chance of meeting multiple smashers and its to much. You cannot solo a healer as vigilance. That's fine with me because even if you can't kill them, you can take them out ofa fight indefinetly. However, when it comes time to focus them down, you've created clumping for the smash monkeys. Coordinated smashers will melt you if you focus their healers so that's smart plan a out the window. Some will say hey just kill the smashers! Good idea they are super squishy! Wait.. there is 2 f them and they are focusing targets together.. im dead in 12 seconds from collateral damage and caused a wipe cuz a healer tried to heal me.. so thas smart plan b out the window.. So what now? Harass the ranged dps? But now the healers are freecasting heals and the smashers are going buckwild! GG Guys, maybe next match they will only have 1 smasher. I proposnee aoe reduction talent combined into narrowed focus and self heals on plasmabrand so we can stay in the fray and stay on meaningful targets
  12. Cappadin

    bubble vs smash.

    Well I thought I'd post this even though I know that nothing will change until the expansion is released. I'd like to point out that biowares balance change for 1.4 is working however unfun it may be. We've known all along that hioware balances according to metrics. I assume that these metrics consist of mainly the scoreboards at the end of warzones. It is indeed working according to "metrics" and here's why Before 1.4 knights were putting up huge numbers in rateds. Single target specsvwere reaching 800k and smashers were reaching over a million.. Since 1.4 I have yet to see a smasher break 800k and haven't seen a combat sent break 500k. Imo this is clearly because of all the time they spend stunned from bubbles. So in conclusion, I guess the bubble stun is working as intended, regardless of changes that will come. My only question is, has this made the warzones more fun or interesting? My awnser is no. This is the main problem with balancing by metrics, though the numbers have been reeled in as planned, the flow and fun of warzones has taken a major blow. Thoughts?
  13. Well there's 2 types of points, hard points and soft points. Hard points us your current score. Soft points are potential points. Pylons and kills are soft points that are converted into hard points when the pylons detonate. Kills are added to soft pointa throughout the game. Kills remain soft points until a pylon is capped and are awarded Whether or not a team caps a pylon in a round. To be converted to hardpoints you must cap a pylon Orbs are hardpoints that can be acquired when you have a pylon in posession. They are added to the hardscore instantly. This is how teams win with 2 minutes left to last detonation Orbs award 2 points, kills award 1, they are thenultiplied per the number on the wz objective tracker. Kills seem to be more effective because you can wipe a team multiple times during one orb run.
  14. My problem with the smash buff is that it killed vigilance/vengeance. Vigilance gets melted by the focus trains if they try to kill a focus knight, they can't down a good healer solo so this creates clumping on healers and they get hit with more smashes and they don't have aoe reduction talent so *** do you do besides go focus... Sure they can go tank spec but then they are dependant on pugs for the win.. buff vigilance!!!!
  15. I'd like to see buffs for vigilance/vengeance. Self heal on plasma brand like watchmen dots, focuses armor pen talent, and an aoe reduction talent.
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