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  • Location
    Angus, Ontario
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Drawing, Fixing Computers, Ball Hockey, Soccer, Collecting Star Wars Figures.
  • Occupation
    Canadian Forces
  1. SWTOR has now reached it's 9th anniversary and we have seen players come and go. It is time to make a few changes that would increase player turn-out. 1. Create new "Alternate" class missions; upon character creation players would get an option to play either "Classic" or "Alternate" class story missions. a. Classic would have no changes. b. Alternate would be new missions given by an NPC companion, essentially the character's "Mentor" (Jedi and Sith classes would have a master, Troopers and Commandos would have a Commander, Smugglers and Operatives would have a Handler, and so forth). As a player levels up their NPC mentor gives them missions to complete, and as you level up you must also improve your companion affection in order to unlock new missions (which will usually happen automatically while you level up and find loot drops of companion gifts), making it more of a challenge for players to level up a character and unlock the next mission. Additionally, the Alternate Class Story missions would unlock new achievements, titles, equipment, etc. c. Whichever class story mission is selected, Classic or Alternate, the character will not be able to access the other (if they pick Classic they can not do any of the missions from the Alternate Class Story missions, and vice versa). d. The "Mentor" NPC would also give out missions based on a character's response, and that would affect which missions are given to the player as they level up It may seem like a lot of programming and coding to many players, but this is why it would be it's own expansion to the game, and why new planets would be introduced and why map expansions to started planets would be necessary to allow the new class story missions to be feasible. Sure it will take time to plan, program, and release, but it doesn't have to the the next expansion but something for a future expansion in two or three years and would create new jobs in the process. 2. New planets and starter planet map expansions. a. New planets that players could explore are always nice to have, but bringing in existing planets such as Kashyyyk, Dagobah, Dxun, Mandalore, Ahch-To, and many others, would attract more players and more SW lore to the game. b. Map Expansions are something that many players desire, being able to search new areas of Tython, explore tombs of Sith Lords and catacombs with hidden dungeons, or venturing through Coruscant and looking at the many levels, hidden areas, and places we are told not to go but do anyway to explore and seek out lost relics, datacrons, retrieve unique gear, and find powerful bosses and mobs. So much potential to add new content to the game. 3. Events a. Life Day - Add in new missions. i. Donations for the Less Fortunate: Collect gifts and food for the less fortunate, then take those donations to an NPC collector for rewards. ii. New performance emotes. iii. Modify the "Trade" option to allow a player to gift any amount of credits to another player without the receiving player having to accepts. iv. Find a Gift, Give a Gift: Collect gifts each day from missions and then hand out those gifts to other players. The gifts would react just like a chance cube. You can give only one gift to one player per day, but you can give gifts to as many players as you have gifts in your possession. I'm not saying it's going to happen, these are just some of the things I would like to see happen to make the game that much more enjoyable and "new'ish".
  2. I had a few ideas for the additional content or future expansions; 1. New cosmetic armor slots (Hood - up/down, Cloak/Cape - show/hide, and Visor - up/down). 2. Update Cartel armor to have amplifiers. 3. Tattoo options for races. 4. Droid - as a playable species (IG series, HK series, etc.) 5. Companion Mission Queue (allow players to queue companions for multiple missions to collect resources, the same as crafting items). 6. Increase number of companions available to send on missions (cartel market purchase for each additional companion). 7. Cosmetic - Nautolan, Red Skin / Red Eyes, missing head tails (scar option), tattoos. 8. Cosmetic - all species, missing hand / arm, foot / leg. 9. Event - Capture the Planet, Republic vs. Imp (starts on fleet with players picking up the mission and being drafted into faction vs. faction battle - Eternal Alliance players can choose either Imp or Rep to support - you then arrive at your forward operating base and are assigned to a training squad - NPCs - where you are issued your first set of standard issue faction specific armor that can be upgraded based on your event reputation and squad/platoon/company colors - then you must complete the first series of missions to rank up and gain access to the actual front lines where you will join other players and begin taking orders for offensive or defensive maneuvers. The faction that has control of the planet at the end of the event receives the Event rewards, and the factions that still hold certain locations receive bonus rewards. Still Players will receive rewards based on their time defending, attacking, most damage done, promotion/rank achieved, etc. Players will receive titles for holding the highest rank or taking out specific targets and achieving event objectives. At the end of the event all players will receive a title "Veteran of The Battle for....." depending on the planet on which the event took place. 10. Life Day - Add new missions, Snowball only PvP matches on Hoth or Ilum, Secret Santa gift giving (cartel market - purchase an item and mail it to another player). All players receive a daily Life Day gift in their mail which they can trade to other players, donate to a life day reveller for reputation points, destroy for a chance at rare resources and negative reputation/anti-life day reputation, give to other players, or open for themselves. 11. View Player Cargo Bay (a player can allow other players to view their personal cargo bay). 12. Auction - GTN (post an item and players can bid on an item, highest amount at the end of the auction timer wins the item). 13. Bounty Event - players can take on a mission where they can be the target of other players. The Bounty Hunter can then select a target from a mission board and receives a FOB to hunt the target whenever they are online. Both players will be flagged for PvP at all times and will only log be allowed into PvP instances. The BH will receive a mission alert if they arrive on the same planet as the target. Multiple BHs may have the same mission / target and will be able to kill each other or group to a max of 4 to take out the target. Once the target has been defeated (alive or dead) the BH or group must turn in the mission to receive the bounty reward.
  3. The Pritarr Packmaster is located in the Crashed Ship area. I found it at 403, -1024.
  4. Just found the Grefna Gorecrest at 375, 177.
  5. The Swarmlord can be found on the southern bank of the Lake Encampment, under the cliff ledge.
  6. I'm on one of my imperial toons running every inch of Makeb and can't find any Republic aligned guards to kill for the achievement "Ransacking the Republic". I completed the Republic version and killed the Imperial Guards but I just can't find any Republic Guards. Any help is appreciated.
  7. I had an idea the other night and wrote it down. New things I would like to see happen in the game; 1. Map Expansions on original planets. - areas of the map that you can gain access through different ways; a. You find a cave, an elevator, a force field gate, an old tomb entrance, etc, as you level up, b. At certain social ranks you need to group up and complete puzzles that require more than one player to push a button or spin a dial in the correct patter to unlock the area, and c. improve your valor in pvp to gain access to open area pvp sections that have achievements and goals to win for anyone that can survive long enough to make it there. d. Complete a mission, defeat a boss, unlock a lore object, of find a relic or holocron to unlock new missions that help you uncover a new part of the map. e. Fully explore a planet to gain access to a hidden area. Explore a series of planets (or every planet) in the correct order to unlock new map areas. 2. Companion Training; What to do when you hit your own max level and you already have a bunch of characters and are getting bored of doing the same stuff over and over? - Buy a new companion that you can train, - Pick a new companion when you hit certain levels, and - Find a new companion during a missions or class story. It would be fun to have the whole "Master/Padawan" experience, but depending on the way you attain a new companion is how you help them level up. - Select your new companion from several options, depending on your personal preferences or by completing an in game selection process and being presented with the best match from your answers. You can be the teacher or the student. As the teacher you would give your student a mission to complete and must join them on the mission and instead of you gaining experience points they would gain them as you tell them what to do by guiding them through their mission. As they level up they gain more abilities to complete their missions that you give them greater liberty and freedom to complete the missions on their own. - As the student your companion sends you on missions to help you level up and at the same time they gain experience. if you are already at max level then only your companion would gain the xp from instructing you or guiding you on missions. 3. Cartel Market Customizable Companion; This is a companion where you can - buy one per character, - select their race, gender, class, name, and appearance. - as with other companions, you can also select their combat role: Healer, Tank, DPS. 4. How about a new event for the rotation or another annual event? We already have Life Day to celebrate the living during the holidays, - An event in the mid fall (October-November) and - With force ghosts roaming the corridors of the fleet, - Force ghosts on different planets that give out decorations or items you can use/wear. A new event would liven things up in the game, make it different and have it like a "Support your faction" event - a PvP event - go through a tutorial as "Basic Training" to become a standard trooper of your faction and to get your weapon and gear issued to you (based on your class). - deploy on an objective (attack/defend) with other players or NPCs (depending on availability at the time of deployment). - Gain ranking points as you complete objectives and earn medals, mvp, valor, or for having your whole team survive or you are the lone survivor. - Over time your event ranking gets your promotions in field or at a private instance ceremony (you can invite friends to your promotion) - Your promotions then allow you to select objectives in the event and make them available to your own faction to complete as you command the battle field to gain even more rank points. - At the end of the event whomever has the highest ranking is promoted to a General in their faction and receives a title and event bonus next time the event comes around. - Other players also receive titles based on their ranking. - All participating players have access to the event vendor to buy decorations or gear, or trade in their current gear for upgrades during the event based on your ranking or rank points you can exchange instead of ranking up. These are just ideas I've had, so if you are reading this please leave your comments on how you would improve them so that the developers can have better groundwork to go on if they choose to implement anything I've suggested.
  8. A Road Map for 2017.... 1. Maps.... Literally add more maps, as in expand maps of existing planets. Begin with the starter planets, Tython, Korriban, Hutta, and Ord Mantell. Add map areas that only higher level players can access, like other towns, outposts, temples and dungeons, etc. These areas can be set up as daily mission areas, or class mission areas. Add areas that have multiple levels (dungeons, temples, buildings, etc.) that can only be accessed once you reach a certain character level or rank. Add stuff into these maps that players can interact with to unlock other areas, like a puzzle, and areas that are solo, group, heroic, etc. 2. Missions for finding Gear and training new Abilities..... Add stories behind the abilities that players get throughout the game, or how to find new gear that actually matches their level and class. Once a player levels up they talk to a trainer that sends them on a quick mission to study a holocron, find a wandering Jedi Knight/Master, battle a rival Sith and claim their position/title, find an ancient force relic to build your lightsaber or upgrade your robes/cloak, talk to a Force Ghost, break into a republic armory and get new armor and blasters, sneak onto a cargo ship and steal gear. Access a mission terminal/bounty board to carry out a random mission or collect a bounty on an npc and claim the reward toward tokens for new gear or credits There are countless possibilities for this and would draw a lot of new and old players back to the game. 3. A Customizable Companion..... a companion that can be unlocked by each character and the player can pick the name, race, gender, and appearance. Then the player can select from several background stories to give their companion. Once that is done the companion can be used just like any other companion, with future story lines as the game progresses. 4. Companions allowed into Heroics, FPs, Groups, and Ops Groups.... When you can't find that final Tank, DPS, or Healer for your group or when a member just decides to rage quit and leave the rest of the group hanging, or when you can't get the group finder queue, the group leader can select a member of the group and allow them to summon a companion. Missing two players, select a second player in your group to summon a companion. This would have to have a limit though, for instance; a Heroic says 2+, so you can have 1 player and 1 companion. Heroic says 4 or a Group...you need to have 2 players and 2 companions (not 1 player and 3 companions), or an Ops Group is 8 - 24... you have to have an equal number of player to companion ratio (4 pers group = 2 players and 2 companions, 8 pers group = 4 players and 4 or less companions, 16 pers group = 8 players and 8 or less companions, and the 24 pers group = 12 players and 12 or less companions). A general rule to follow; 1 companion per player, players can revive their companions, companions can not be swapped once you enter an instance or while in combat. 5. Tombs, Crypts, and Dungeons...... I mentioned this before in #1. ....Multiple level areas that can be accessed by walking down ramps, or stairs, using elevators, or climbing/jumping up and down rocks. Areas that are only accessible as you level up, giving you something else to do rather than the same story content over and over again on each character. These dungeons/crypts/tombs would hold gear, weapons, holocrons, resources, parts, that are required for making other items or improving ones you already have. Bring an old lightsaber back to your master to gain an augment, crystal, mod, enhancement, weapon tuning, etc. for your current lightsaber. Find a Sith mask and bring it back to your black market contact and sell for a huge credit bonus, trade it for something else that you want being offered, or trade it to a Reputation Vendor of your choice for a rep token or gear. Find a holocron to bring back to your master to learn or unlock an ability. 6. Race Warzones.... Yes, everyone wants to jump on their speeder bike, strap on a jet pack, or climb on their varactyl and race for 1st place. The only thing you bring is your mount (you may want to max out it's speed) and your skill at navigation. The WZ is just that, a race from start to finish. Each would be different, with short cuts (if you are willing to take the time to find them if they exist....), npcs trying to knock you off your mount, players falling off their mounts being able to set traps to knock other players off their mounts, static mounts in the wz that can be stolen from you by another player, etc. GSF Racing.....race other players in your ship through an obstacle course in space! .... and yes, you can disable other ships, and collect engine and shield boosts. This would be crazy fun! 7. Jet Packs and grappling hooks..... that go up and down, and can make short jumps from a to b. This would be a great item or ability to have, like force Leap or Pull, or the MGGS, allowing a Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Trooper, or Operative to climb up cliffs/buildings to reach random spots that might hide chests, resources, or a hiding spot for an ambush. These would allow less damage during falls if activated (but not if it's an obvious fall to your death off a sky hook or into a canyon) and would also give more reason to pick those classes. 8. Cargo Hold "Search".... I have a lot of stuff in my cargo holds and sometimes I forget that I have things in there. It would be nice to have a search option for Character Cargo Holds and Legacy Cargo Holds to type in a name and have it high lighted in your cargo hold (ex. Satele Shan's Lightsaber: would become high lighted and then the search result would say "Cargo Hold Bay 4"), then you just go to the cargo hold bay it says it's in and you see it high lighted/selected. 9. New Armor/Clothing/Weapons designs.... some of these "recycled" designs are getting old and boring, would like to see more new designs like variations of the Jedi Tunic and Pants, Robes, Boots, Belts, etc. It would also be nice to see a "Cloak" option added in where you could wear a cloak over existing clothing and armor. Hood Up, Hood Down, No Hood, Short Cloak, Long Cloak, Single Shoulder Cloak/Cape. New helmets and hats....tired of the Cowboy Hat designs that just keep getting something added or removed. Maybe add in Head Wraps, Full Face masks, and more Single-lens visors. More Bow Casters, Axes, and Vibro Swords. 10. Cartel Market "Unlock" options.... Having an option to click on an item you received from your cartel pack and click "Unlock in Collections" and "Remove item from inventory" would be much quicker than equipping the item, then un-equipping it, and then having to destroy it to make room in your inventory for the next set of gear. Sometimes it's just impossible to find a companion that uses a "Cannon" or "Sniper Rifle" and you have to find another character that uses these cartel weapons to unlock them. Once an item from Cartel Packs/Market are placed into your inventory you should be able to click and unlock in your collections without having to equip them. 11. Cartel Item "Recycle" Vendor... Rather than destroy a cartel item you have unlocked and is now taking up room in your inventory or a cargo hold you should be able to "Recycle" the item for Jawa Scrap or sell for credits to a vendor. 12. GTN "Trade" option.... Listing an item on the GTN doesn't mean you will always sell it in the 2 day max you are given. There should be another option where you can list it as "Trade" and then select the item on the GTN you wish to trade it for. The owner of the item you want receives and email about your offer and can then select Yes or No. If No, then you receive a reply email saying the owner of the item you wish to trade for has declined your offer. If Yes, then the trade goes through and you both receive the items you have agreed upon. Since no money changes hands the GTN only keeps the deposit. 13. Faction vs. Faction Event.... You start as a new recruit going through Basic Training. Once you complete the tutorial for the event you receive your standard issue armor, weapon, and med kits (armor is the same for all classes, full body trooper armor, but the weapon is a generic issue of your class weapon. Both the Armor and the Weapon are green items and not customizable at the start of the event). Once you complete Basic (tutorial) you are put on a transport and delivered to the event location. You disembark with other players into your main base and report to a squad leader (player or npc) for orders. You and any other players at that time are lead to your position and begin battle (attack or defend) depending on which faction is winning. As you get kills, defense/attack points, and capture positions/npcs/players you can rank up and collect new weapons, armor, and gear. If you surrender your position you get demerit points, if you get killed or lose your position you get nothing, if you ambush a position or patrol and win you may get to roll for a loot drop or several and get more experience to rank up. If your squad leader gets killed and you are the highest ranking member of the group you get a field promotion buff that gives you an experience point boost. As players rank up there will be less positions to be available. These positions start off as NPCs, but as a player reaches the required point level they can have a change of command and are appointed to that position if they accept it. You can decline promotions, which will remove all experience points collected for that level. The higher your position the more responsibility you have on the command field and the more you get to control the battle. You can pick from lists of missions to take your squad on, positions to attack/defend by your section/platoon, defend or attack as a commanding officer, or orbital strikes and gunship attacks on enemy lines as a general. At the end of the event there are rewards and titles and a rankings list published for everyone to view. Save your gear for the next time the event comes around, you'll need it or will have to claim a basic set of gear to enter the event next time. Would be awesome to see all of this added in, great to see some of it.
  9. - I would like to see new map areas on original planets (Tython, Korriban, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Hutta, Ord Mantel, and Nar Shaddaa). - These map locations would be for higher level players requiring a minimum level to gain access and completion of specified missions. - Within these new map areas there would be instances you can enter, solo or group, and would be level restricted. - There would be multiple map layers within the area, allowing for greater exploration and harder enemies to overcome the with each descending layer. - You would face new challenges, new puzzles, new enemies, force ghosts (of old enemies or ancient masters/dark lords), new gear, weapons, relics, holocrons, abilities taught by force ghosts, droids, or learned form holocrons. Items and enemies would be random locations, never respawning in the same place so they can be farmed for items. - New abilities learned for successfully defeating an enemy multiple times. - Collecting pieces of an ancient puzzle that would lead you to a hidden secret somewhere in the galaxy, which would end up being a group of ancient Jedi, Sith, Force Users, Mandalorians, etc., and then upon finding them you are initiated into their group. Allowing players the opportunity to really fall to the Dark Side, or see the Light Side, or give up the ways of the Force and pick up a blaster..........or even play both sides without the other being any the wiser. - Missions that you can do for the opposing faction, and once you receive a certain number of faction points for that side you are given the option to change factions. - A third faction, neutral, allowing players to play both sides to a degree, but in the balance lose their more powerful abilities. - Gear that you receive on starter planets being unlocked in collections. - Hoods, as a wearable head piece. - Cloaks, as a new back or shoulder piece. - Allowing players to use any weapon they want to wield; Mastery in their primary class weapon, then basic use in any other weapon they wish to carry....3 or 4 abilities, then additional abilities can be bought or gained through training missions, cartel coin unlocks, or defeating an enemy enough times to understand the use of their class weapon. - PvP, FP, and Ops vendors on each planet or as a deco for each strong hold or guild ship. - A "List on GTN" button in each player cargo bay so they do not need to remove the item from their cargo bay into their character inventory, just to take to a GTN and list it for sale. - A "Send to Cargo Bay" button on received mail that allows the item to go directly to your cargo bay instead of your inventory.
  10. 1. I was having issues with SWTOR after 4.4 game update. I wasn't getting any lag, but anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes after logging in, I would be kicked out of game back to the server selection screen. When I logged back in the character I was just on was sometimes not at the top and it would be the character prior to that one. 2. Ever since the 4.0 game update I have lost multiple achievements that I had already earned or unlocked through items in the cartel collections. I have submitted multiple tickets and nearly all of them have been sent back to me saying there was no evidence in the logs that I completed any of the achievements or unlocked any of the cartel items in my collections. The tickets were closed and only once has anyone asked me to reply through my personal email to provide more details about items not appearing in my collections after I unlocked them and deleted them (because I could now make copies of them). 3. I called EA support and was happy that someone actually answered after only a minute on the phone. I explained my issues and they gave me the ultimate answer of "SWTOR has known compatibility issues with Windows 10, and several of the Windows 10 builds"...specifically my build of 10586". Either that was completely honest or just something random thrown at me to make me do what the operator wanted me to do rather than do anything else on his end to help. 4. I successfully downgraded my system to Windows 8.1, reloaded all of my programs, and SWTOR.....now it works again and I am not being kicked back to the server screen. On a side note, I would really like to see less "new planets" and more expanded map locations on original planets for higher level players. Locations that lower level players can not access until they complete certain missions or attain the required levels; i.e. Korriban and Tython hidden temples with multiple levels that lead to new mobs, bosses, gear, weapons, holocrons, force ghosts, new companions, new abilities, etc. Maybe even new abilities you can earn if you successfully defend against an enemy pvp player using a specified ability.......anything to make the game interesting again.
  11. Thanks for the info. It was combination of the resolution in game and in desktop. Windows 10 also has an app called "Magnifier" that was messing everything up and I disabled it and now I can see the cursor.
  12. I just bought an Alienware 15 laptop. Reinstalled the game, and 1. Game launcher is tiny - How do I make the launcher bigger? 2. I launch the game and can not click on anything - sends me back to desktop, how do I fix this? 3. Everything on the screen is stretched out - how do I make it look normal through display settings?
  13. If the Alliance Alert mission was the companion mission for K'krohl not completing after destroying the Star Fortress, then I definitely would have issues on one of my characters. As for all of my other characters that I have run through KOTFE, none of them received any alerts for additional companions aside from the first initial contacts from each of the alliance member reps. I've submitted numerous tickets, but have only been informed by email to resubmit as a bug ticket..........please let this be this be addressed and fixed on this new update.
  14. We have all been asking for the option for a cloak/robe where you can put your hood up or down, well how about this... A Hood that is actually an item that you can put into your Head piece slot. 1. You can wear it with anything; robes, cloaks, or armor. 2. You can wear it with chest pieces that already have a permanent hood, - It forces that chest piece's attached hood to vanish, so you see the hood in the head slot, like when you wear a helmet. - You can hide the head slot and only see your character's head. The chest piece with the attached hood will not appear and will stay down. 3. Different styles, and dye slots to change it's colors.
  15. A customizable companion. This has been a long-time personal wish for this game. Is it fair that Jedi and Sith can have non-force wielding companions but other classes can not? Well, with this customizable companion you can have that Jedi or Sith following you around. How about a Medic Droid or a Mandalorian Mercenary? What about an Imperial or Republic Defector hiding from authorities and looking book safe passage on your ship? Maybe even a Sith that was defeated by one of their rivals, or failed their trials, barely escaping and now needs your help to get revenge? Maybe even a Jedi that has fallen during their trials or has succumbed to the lure of the Dark Side and now seeks power to come back and exact revenge on those that have exiled them? Of course there will be set back stories for your companion, which would be set out by the developers, but it will bring life to the game and to your character's overall story. 1. Unlocking the Customizable Companion; - Purchase from Cartel Market or through a vendor using in game credits. - A mission indicator takes you to a Companion Customization Terminal, on Fleet. - Once you customize the companion a new mission indicator tells you which planet your companion will meet you on. - Once you complete the mission series for that companion it is now unlocked account wide and you do not need to repeat the unlock missions (same as HK-47). 2. Companion Unlock - Initial: One slot per character (unlocked account wide after completing introduction mission series). - Additional Companion Slots (max of 3 per character): Purchased through Cartel Market (same as a character slot unlock). - Account Wide Slot Unlocks available for purchase, max of 3 per character. - New characters will have to pay a fee for unlocking if not already unlocked for account. - Only one customizable companion active at a time (when one is summoned, the others are greyed out and can not be sent on companion missions. If none are summoned, only one may be sent on a companion mission and will grey out the other two until returning from the mission). 3. A companion customization terminal - Used to initially to generate your companion, and grants you a mission to discover your companion on their starting planet. - Used again to make appearance modifications only; i.e. the same as a player character (You can not change class, gender, or name, as these will affect your companion missions. 4. You customize the companion; - Species (multiple to choose) - Gender - Name (pre-selected for class, gender, and maybe species). - Class (minor restrictions such as: droids can't be force users, set origin story and starting planet, etc.) - Weapon (restricted by class and advanced class) - Armor (as per current game settings) - Abilities (restricted by class selected at creation) 5. Companion Missions - Class determines starting planet of companion, and how you meet them. - Future missions can have your companion depart for advanced training depending on their class, when they return (depending on affection level) you can use the companion customization terminal to select an advanced class. - Missions for this companion only: sends your companion on a mission where they might bring back a piece of gear that you can use use to upgrade your character. 6. Affection - At some point you can select an advanced class for your companion or give them promotions in rank. - Relationships are determined by interaction and treatment of companion. 7. Class Trainer. - You can use your companion as a class trainer as you advance in level. I understand that this is just a dream, a wish, but I have thought long about how this customizable companion should fit into the game and I'm not sure of how much programming it would take to figure this all out, however....this is something we need to breathe life back into the game and would be an entire expansion all of it's own. Maybe for Christmas 2016?
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