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  1. A zone with ~100 people in it usually looks like this to me (the Harbinger server): ~3 Powertech ~4 Operative ~5 Sniper Sidenote: In a Republic zone with ~100 players you'd be lucky to see even a single Scoundrel (Operative equivalent).
  2. You don't find out the Rakghouls are sentient until a ways into questing there. Or am I mistaken?
  3. How do you destroy the antenna on bottom? I've killed every other thing and hit it with 20+ missiles and can't blow it up.
  4. ^^^^ BOOOOOO Is he wearing a tophat?
  5. I'm a guy playing a girl and I love Vector. @_@
  6. In the last two hours questing on Taris I've made about ~5,000 credits from world boxes. Super amazing!
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