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  1. Whiteprince

    Solos Ruin PVP

    Make some friends. Everything is better with a friend. I so tired of this toxic solo players that blame me for playing WZ's with friends. Glad theres mute button : )
  2. Yeah. That's what I thought.
  3. Do you personally play 8 man premade wz?
  4. Game does not recognize 7 players as premade. It must be a full group of 8 for wz and 4 for arena.
  5. When we do full premade system looks for another premade for about 30 min. Only then we get a pop against randoms. So, in other word. For solo player every 3d wz will be against premade. (if one in the q)
  6. They did try different queue. 10 years ago. It didn't work then and won't work now.
  7. Absolutely agree with you. Thanks for writing it. Solo group can win against full premade. Premade has no advantage other that being in same discord and having fun talking to each other. Bioware should promote encourage ppl to join pvp guilds. Thanks again for clarifying that you can beat premades. Ps we mainly going 8 man wzs.
  8. We at MVP's have no toxic ppl. We kick them. So please don't blackmail our name. We additionally welcome any newcomers who is willing to join our full premades.
  9. Well...I could write to some ppl from Coral, Drama and Harbinger. They would gladly come to nostalgy the best SWTOR days aka when 8v8 ranked was around. But Im too lazy for that. Plus, I need some synqing to keep rolling.
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