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    Friends and gaming (and a combination of both!) + Arsenal FC <3
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    Unemployed. Lucky me.
  1. I guess this guy never heard of Resolve
  2. I shall deliver as requested! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/Darth_Vader.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080118044510/starwars/images/c/c7/Malakart_crop.jpg http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Bandon http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Malgus http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100611224218/starwars/images/thumb/6/65/Birth_Darth_Revan_Darth_Malak.jpg/830px-Birth_Darth_Revan_Darth_Malak.jpg You're welcome!
  3. Jedi Guardian Focus spec/Sith Juggernaut Rage spec. Sith ability is called Smash, I don't know the name of the Jedi Guardian equivalent. I haven't seen any other classes reaching as high crits as Warriors/Jedi Knights can achieve with Smash. It seems overpowered, but it is not too bad since the Warrior has to do a lot of stuff to make it happen and the rest of his/her damage is not really up to par with other classes sustained damage.
  4. Yep same here. I don't believe it either. Btw OP, the last video you posted is a video of a Jedi Guardian, but not in the tank spec.
  5. He's fighting pre-50 players, so it's not after 1.1. Also it was uploaded the 12th of January. Go back to your cave troll. On-topic: If tanks can crit 6-7k in pvp they obviously need a nerf.
  6. I know right! I also hate how the healers can instantly heal themselves and all teammates close to them for 6-7k all the time! And then the dps, where do I even begin... I mean, being able to actually ONE-SHOT people is just not fair. 18k crits should not be possible. Nerf dps. And that thing where they hit everyone around them for the same damage? Instant win button. Not fair. Not sure if trolling. EDIT: I seem to be the only one actually questioning those numbers. Can tanks actually crit for 6-7k? I don't care if it's with buffs or not, can they do it at all? If so, then that is insanely overpowered.
  7. Oh for the love of holy Yoda... Why do you insist on getting the Daily done if you dislike it so much? Why don't you just pvp for fun like rest of us? Then skill and gear will come along the way. If you don't like pvp, why gear up at all? Swtor is a GAME play to have fun or stop playing. Stop being a friggin' douche towards those of us who are actually giving our best shot at winning the game.
  8. I love my Commando buddy.. He destroys everything and never dies. That's from a Jedi Sage (healer) perspective.
  9. Just no... Do you not realise that it is balanced around that shield? It's hard enough already to keep reinforcements away from the person who is trying to plant an explosive/capture a node. Of course sometimes you will be held back by the shield, but not your whole team at once. If that happens, then it's your own fault.
  10. There is a reason that reinforcements are only allowed out in waves. It's the same in other MMO's. If that wasn't the case, then it would be impossible to capture nodes/plant explosives, as the enemy team could replace their dead within seconds. Bioware doesn't need to find a workaround for this, they need to fix it.
  11. Okay, I stand corrected then. Well, this surely needs to get to the attention of Bioware.
  12. I've played one Republic character to valor rank 46 and one Imperial character to valor rank 23, so I've seen my fair share of Warzones. 100 matches at least and I have never seen this bug once. My friends that also play a lot of PvP have not mentioned it either. I'm not calling you a liar, but perhaps you are exaggerating quite a bit? Of course Bioware needs to fix this if it can happen at all, but I remain skeptical.
  13. I agree! I've met new friends through pvp as well and I now do premades with them every now and then. I also see the occasional rival and encounters with that rival are simply epic. I don't think those that cry for cross server pvp actually pvp that much. They just want quick queues to get their daily valor farm done, instead of playing for fun. That is just my assumption and I could be wrong. The best solution here is to merge low population servers together.
  14. I feel your pain. However, as a healer I often stumble over players who do NOTHING to protect me. One thing you have to know is that as soon as you "get aggro" from the opposite team, you'll spend the rest of that WZ being gang-*****. UNLESS you get some help from your friends. Sometimes it not confined to one class or role, but instead to one type of people. So don't give us healers a bad name
  15. I just want to add something I noticed. I didn't get lower fps in Bonethrasher's pit than I get anywhere else really and I have an old, outdated system that shouldn't even be able to run SWTOR However, those in my guild with high end computers had horrible fps in the area. How does this make sense!?
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