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  1. I'm not exactly "New". Had the game since it came out. However, I've not played in about a year. I think the Revan Chapters were about to come out when I last played. Just need some answers really. 1 - Is it me or have they sacked off a lot of side quests? Landing in Dromund Kaas and there used to be 2 or 3 little side quests you could run there and then. Now...nothing! Is my game glitching or have they taken them out? 2 - Armoring, Mods and Enhancements could all be produced with various Crew Skills. This doesn't seem to be the case anymore....or am I missing something? Finally, why does no one want to run Veteran Black Talon with me?! (This isn't a serious question, it's more of a "NO BODY WANTS TO PLAY WITH ME!!!" Moment. ) Cheers in advance!
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