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  1. Oh wasnt just him, there was others too lol I think that guild at the time had 3 or 4 ppl on it or something *shrug* Anyway on a serious note, before I left, Empire didnt want to play teamwork, all they cared about is how much damage they do on the battlefield, no matter how many times you call inc or tell them to do something they never do it. And when you ask why they go something along the lines of they get more points going for medals than trying to win. Republic was completely different however, I dont know why but its all communication and stuff. Even PuGs on Republic was actually decent and can hold well against a Republic Premade ( even though we lose it wasnt a pugstomp even ).
  2. Hrmm I would of thought PvP for Empire would improve because people said I was a terrible player ( especially players from Wrath of Xedrix ). Empire PvP was going down fast after the majority of good PvPers from Empire moved to Bastion. This created a massive vacuum of players gone. There has been a few premades set up but the sheer bads of PuGs on Empire really makes it difficult to PvP. What is ALSO a double whammy when I played a few months back especially on reset was the sheer number of republic premades which made it REALLY hard to play. But that was then I would have though honestly Republic would gotten bored of their easy wins and roll Empire *shrug*.
  3. I havent PvP for about a month now or two. Empire PuG is terrible, lack of effort and cohesion. Its frustrating doubly to see Premades on Republic side. I wouldnt mind doing PvP but unless Empire PuG pick up their game and actively try and make calls and actually do "something" then just herp derp DPS this wont change, and nor do I want to. Especially when I go into PvP and find myself against constant Republic Premades zerging my ***. Republic PuG was alot more fun, and at least there is effort and cohesion most of the time but the last time I played Republic PuG it was starting to become close to the Empire PuG, but at least there are people there at least committing to the effort. I just cant believe it takes a Premade for actually something to happen.
  4. Well it seems to be "sorta" working if they're making you write out threads like this. So how is Republic vs Republic matches these days? Are they still fun and challenging?
  5. Wait till 2.4 comes out with arenas then, you'll have less things to learn because its all about stun locking a guy and whacking him to death. Do I look forward to this? Not really LOL. But not surprised since WZ's shown me how many idiots we have on this server to begin with who cant seem to understand basic tactics. Hopefully with Arenas we'll see some better fighting from Empire ( hahahahaha ).
  6. Wait, did Disciples chase you down and do over 1.5 million damage in a WZ specifically on you? If so screen shots plx!
  7. 2 Weeks ago Republic PuGs was pretty damn good. It took me 1 day ( 4 hours or less ) to do the weeklies, and the funny part was that most of the PvP after reset was mostly Republic vs Republic. I'd wouldn't be surprised if those Empire players rerolled to Republic.
  8. Yea Empire's < 100k damage is quite impressive no?
  9. Nope I beg to differ. I don't think it will change, Imps in general are going to be worse still. Until Imps realizes that objectives and not how much damage you do counts, they will have a hard time getting wins. I also love their attitude ranging from "Republic Premades" to "Oh I played 10 games and not won once" is not exactly going to help Empire's cause.
  10. Well TDM was already "half" implemented on Ancient Hypergates such that I am going to see less WZ with objectives because people are too freaking lazy to try to win through objectives but instead through pure force of DPS. Because pressing random buttons is the *******s. And the bads will be even BADDER than before. I hope some matchmaking design for solo TDM will be implemented well or else PvP forums is really going to be the QQ forums.
  11. So you are saying that Bioware stores all user information and logins on Phyiscal memory and not on a disk. So this would explain why we have lots of issues. But I doubt Bioware would do such a thing, maybe store memory for other things but I would not suggest user information. Thats would be nuts, and requires like 1 Terabyte+ of Phyiscal memory (pretty sure it would store other stuff there besides user login [if they would do so]). What I find odd is that they dont have any centralised DB for alll characters like they would with login details so that we can go to ANY server. I don't get why these DBs are specific on each server personally but I digress I dont know how they create this game.
  12. No its awesome because baddies love it. This is why we're having arena's next. Cause AH is the closest thing to arenas right? Its just got an annoying objective nobody really wanna do, and the reason they love going to mid isnt for orb farming but to kill **** (or try to). I mean people complain ALL the time about Huttball and how its unfair and how their class wasnt made for it.
  13. ^ This. If you cant see this IS the problem then you really need to unsub, Premades have nothing to do with terrible pugs. Its the effort that most PuGs do, even with gear. Its frustrating at best. And getting the 8v8 RWZ is a bit too much because it ends up being a cluster **** of disconnects and issues that its rare to get a solid RWZ game. And at best its not easy to organize 16 people all the time to play, there isn't the bandwidth to do that in the first place.
  14. Nope. Wont work, there are too many of those players and when premade happens they have to deal with the 4v8. It only becomes viable if the pug assist the premade but that is really really rare. The times I do see Midian queue up, they get chomped by the 4 pugs with them who just make their job 10x harder. Not sure how this is going to work in the future but its going to end up like my old server before we merged with Harbinger... But factions reversed on the situation.
  15. Yea that brings me to that point too, it seems that Republic pugs can go naked and pugstomp Empire LOL
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