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  1. a european pvp server that is light as many others.i dont care if the server is light . i have problem that i can not play warzones because of low population and the lack of globally lfg tool. i want to log in 5:00 in the morning and i can play warzone . whithout a globally and region free warzone tool this will never happened
  2. 25% ? what a lie . this 25% was two months ago .... now ? do you want to know what is happening now ? the last weekend i played only one warzone and i was online more thanm 10 hours every day
  3. @Daniel Tools exist to help ..if players want use them they are using them , if not they are ignore them. mmos need many tools. and a lfg tool is an extra feature that help players . it is a plus feature and must be as wide can be ( includes regions free ) . it gives freedom and freedom makes people happy ... this is something that you must undestand it as soon as possible
  4. The current and the upcoming crafting system is not that i was expected from the game ,because the items that i reverse engineer in the levels from 1 up to 50 level are total useless for players. i know that was your choise to give to all the players from the beginning the possibility for an easy leveling route ( now i am sure that you are very dissapointed for your Decision ) but also you discourage players to be dedicated crafters . i have crafted many superior parts in syntweaving but ppls didn't want to buy my work because they are viable in heroics and fp with green or blue armor from drops and quest rewards. In 50 lvl the current system in synthweaving is unfinished . i have 49 war hero armor parts without augment that are waiting from me to take them from email because nobody needs them and i can sell them for only 1 credit in vendors. the upcoming system will resolve one part of the problem but it will not fix the problem that i have as dedicated crafter . as a crafter i want to create really shops ( put level shops if you like ) and not to sell and buy for only two days .i want an neutral area where the two factions can trade items in peace. i want to have better critical change if i have craft 1000 more armors than a crafter that just hit the 400 skill level. i want to be a dedicated crafter in swtor . is that possible ?
  5. the costs of too expensive and without any meaning at all !!! but it is not the only thing that is WRONG in swtor's mmo mechanisms ... note. i was very excited when i crafted the new battlemaster set and i realised that i spent 1m ( removal mods and materials ) just to have NO BONUS SET !!! .... the catastroph was not ended there ... the reverse engineer gave me nothing !!!! and ofc the crafted armor sold in vendors for ONLY 1 credits ....!!! i have 49 returned no augmented and one augmented pvp armors returned in my my mailbox ... i will not take them ever ... i have nothing to do them must i say more ? the whole 1.2 patch for synthweaving crafters was so wrong !!!!
  6. people with no ex-mmo experiense ( and perhaps most of the devs ) can not understand that the problem in swtor is most the mmo part of the game that is so .... not a mmo game. swtor is a a very very good game ... i have said in the open beta that is the best game that i have played , but ... mmos are more than just video games online !
  7. exactly my and my whole guild thoughts . right now most of the times my guild has more people online than the whole republic fleet in hex droid ... june is already too late for merges and character transfers .
  8. only in the ranked warzones with premade teams must implement something like that , else they push the casuals out of the wazones and maybe and the game
  9. i have numbers from greece that will hit the [ remove post ] and i will not post them . be careful bw . you are on a "red thin line" right now !!!
  10. Just Bull***its !!! i hate to say it , but if a bw dev is behind this post , the troll meter have reached the sky !!! the ignorance to find a valid way to catch an afker returned to punish the weaker / less number team in a warzone
  11. the game took so much damage from the warzone changes where these NEW & GOOD pvpve content just disappeared in the ocean of hate against the new warzone,class and gear changes. i have said it in the past . it needs real talent to turn a celebration to funeral !!!
  12. if someone is healer and must be behind of his team to heal them ALL these strategies( except hutball ) are JUST CRAP because HEALERS are the FIRST TARGET !!! Nothing can save a healer if his team choose to not protect him and guess what ! in purgs nobody cares for healers except the very skilled players but you will not find them in purgs but in premades .
  13. and if my role is a healer this would never happen if the team is weaker and with less ppls . nice story / waste of time participate alone in warzones as healer
  14. mvp must earned by the opposite not from the teammates - guildies because it is already so much exploited until now !!! but this would be happened only in the situation where players couldn't create both faction characters in one server . so there is no any possible solution except SYSTEM ( server ) decide and gives mvp points.
  15. as a healer 0 ( zero , nadda , nothing ) points to everything and 10 minutes wasted from my life http://www.swtor.gr/sites/default/files/users-uploads/user3/wz_waste_of_time.jpg was funny ? NO . I was two hitted from any melle char outhere
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