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10 Good
  1. Wrong. They are ensuring that all population of a current origin server will be able to move to the target server.
  2. Wrong. They are ensuring that all population of a current origin server will be able to move to the target server.
  3. Hotness... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/17/screenshot2012051611144.jpg/ vibros http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/17/screenshot2012051611133.jpg/ sabers http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/526/screenshot2012051611140.jpg/
  4. breather mask won't show for me either, really annoying since i designed my new outfit around the mask =[.
  5. Just a heads up; you lose 8 max damage but gain roughly 8 min damage on weapons when you switch mods/hilts over to vibroswords. War hero has a max damage of 486 when in a lightsaber, but only 478 when switch to the augmented custom-built vibrosword. I switched back to using custom-built lightsabers because of that.
  6. Sushyy


    I'm not annihilation, and if I was, I wouldn't force charge ravage, It'd be more like force charge deadly saber while in air battering>anni>rupture, battering>rupture>anni whatever floats your boat, there are better things to use aside from ravage.
  7. Sushyy


    I hope you realize that when specced into a ravage the will immobilize you, we don't have bleeds to self heal, and are probably getting healed by a healer through undying rage, so HEY here's a thought, kill the healer healing me?
  8. Sushyy


    1. If you're getting into the top 3 heals in a game, you're annihilation, prepatch ravage was ***** to use in an annihilation rotation. Post patch if all your other attacks are down and you dont want to use vicious slash sure, ravage is now a viable option. 2. If you're annihilation, you don't have gore (100% armor mitigation) and aren't putting out the "crazy" ravage numbers people are complaining about nor do you have overwhelm which causes ravage to immobilize a target through the duration of the ability. 3. 1v2 double kills? Most people i pvp with would attempt to cc me once they see the deadly saber graphic, it's not hard to miss, i stop hitting your for a second or 2 and flail my sabers around like a raver. When that happens, where are your bleeds coming from aside from rupture, and if it's 2 dps classes you're 2v1ing, 1.2 every class is pretty much sqiuishy, sure blow undying rage, you're still not going to be outputting bleed damage to heal yourself so you just blew half of your hp and aren't recovering any. Oh, I forgot the possibility that I could be wrong, maybe you're specced 31/31/31.
  9. Sushyy


    You don't have a marauder, pop on over to the marauder forums; who said rage/focus was weak? The weakest tree was carnage (combat) prepatch, and from testing all 3 trees post-patch, while carnage did get buffed most mara's are still speccing into either anni or rage as they still produce the most damage output throughout a wz. Also to the person who told someone to stop 1v1ing in a team environment, lol you hit it right on the head. If people were paying attention, Carnage specced marauders are the ones doing a lot of damage with ravage when they pair it with a gore beforehand (100% armor mitigation) which is on a 15 second cool down. On top of that, ravage is on a 30 second cool down (27 sec cd talented). You people make it seem as if I'm running from target to target immediately hitting gore then ravage and gibbing people? Guess I have some kind of instant cd reset ability eh? Even if i do gore you again right after it comes off cd, ravage would still be on cd for an additional 12 seconds, seeing as gore only lasts 6 seconds on a target this still wouldn't be the case. If it isn't complaining about one spec of marauders, its another; before the patch 2/3 of marauders were running around as annihilation, and the qq was "OH THEY CAN HEAL AND DO DAMAGE ZOMG WTFBBQ". No one was complaining about carnage then, because quite frankly carnage marauders weren't the biggest or a big threat to people. Yes they could still put out some burst and kill you if everything was timed/hit correctly, but even at the end of wz matches their damage output would still be way below a lesser geared anni or rage marauder. However now that bioware made Carnage a viable option (most marauder's I talk to are still going anni or rage quite frankly because rage damage is still up there even with a small nerf to smash damage apparently, and anni self heals when you don't have a personal heal bot are still amazing) they need to be nerfed back down! So now, maybe 1 out of 4 marauders are specced carnage, and everyone is crying over them being able to do a lot of damage when they first hit you with a 100% armor mitigation strike and then hit you with a 3 second channeled strike? An operative with all cd's who catches me when i have my cc break on cd can down me before i even get up from the initial stun, NERFNERFNERF. PvP has always been a paper/scissors/rocks type of environment; but how it is now, there is no paper scissor or rock, why? because you can kill any class at any given time provided their cds aren't up. Those of you going into wz's thinking OH YAH I'M GONNA 1v1 THIS DUDE FOR GLORY!!! You people are why bioware made drastic changes to how medals are gained and how commendations work in wz's, if you're running around trying to 1v1 hero everything that moves, chances are you're not really contributing to your team regarding the overall objective of the game, and will probably be one of the big reasons your team loses. Anyways, continue on with the bashing and crying for nerfs, I'm pretty sure the same people doing that now are going to try to 1v1 an anni marauder or rage marauder, and when/if they lose, they will just have the overall consensus that the whole class needs to be removed from game. Quite frankly, with the changes all classes are squishy, focus fire a mara and he goes down, remember in a wz you're not alone, there's several other players around you, stop trying to be a 1v1 hero.
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