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10 Good
  1. Crap. Should have cleaned my glasses before reading.
  2. Quick observation since a couple of people seem to think "dual spec" means "hybrid spec." Dual Spec is a system where you can, with a single button press, switch your talents, gear and ability bars between two different specs. For example, as an Assassin, I could build my Darkness spec, save it, then press a button to switch to my Hatred spec, complete with a gear and hotbar swap. Back to lurking...
  3. That's kind of the background story for my guild on Shadowlands (previously Davik's Estate and Pot5) We liked to raid but hated try hards that made the experience *********** awful. I'm almost inclined to rebuild with that mission in mind - to form up with like-minded individuals who want to learn and don't mind wiping and a few dick jokes.
  4. Give one preset slot to everyone for free to get them hooked and sell additional slots on the CM for 550 coins each. One slot would allow switching back to your main spec/gear if you have to switch for PvP or whatever. To save more than just your main spec, it would cost you.
  5. If my Commando could have, she'd have jettisoned him out of the airlock already. The only reason I want to take that character through KOTFE is to kill Vik.
  6. Bumping this back up. My Assassin still has no apprentice to smack around. It has been MONTHS, ffs.
  7. Speak for yourself. SCORPIO is one of my favorite companions in the game.
  8. Haven't you learned by now that you need to use italics and colored text to make a valid argument? Better yet, use BOTH at once!
  9. That's what will make it effective. If I already did not buy packs, I would join in this exercise. But I despise gambling packs with every fiber of my being and refuse to buy them. Ever. Even using my accumulated stipend on them might cause some moron reading metrics to think I was a happy customer so I'd rather keep letting it build up.
  10. Yeah but I watch more than an hour of Netflix a month.
  11. The call at the end of April will be quite interesting, indeed. I'm curious to see the YOY numbers for Subscription revenue. They blamed the 10% decline in Q3 on Battlefield 4 Premium. I wonder if we will see an increase in Q4 YOY...
  12. They did hype SWTOR twice in the prepared comments. I'm curious if anyone asked any questions about the game specifically.
  13. This is the real question we all want answered: Will we ever get a romp between the sheets with Hylo?
  14. If I had the receipt, I'd post a pic of it. Bought it at Gamestop in Columbus, OH. I really don't care if you believe me or not but it happened. I have the Malgus statue to prove it.
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