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10 Good
  1. I romanced Lana the whole time, and picked the option to flirt in the bar in chapter 9 as I was supposed to, but for whatever reason my character's romance with her was dropped and there's no way to get it back. Even though I did everything right. Bummer.
  2. What I enjoy is operations and playing lots of alts, but PVP on one character is by far the most efficient way to grind cxp. Every time the mood strikes me to play a different character, or maybe do something other than PVP, I remember that I have limited playtime, and if I don't stay on my "main" and PVP, I will never get a command rank outside of tier 1.
  3. It's funny you're comparing loot crates in SW:TOR to a monthly salary... since getting geared now feels like a job.
  4. In a few specific instances, they did. For example, in the story, Kaliyo is taken from the agent for a while, and you cannot summon her until she is returned to you in story, even if you're doing things unrelated to the story.
  5. Stop arguing about freedom of speech. If the mods don't like the naughty words, they'll handle it. No point arguing with dumb people who clearly don't understand how their "freedoms" work. That said, I'm disappointed and angry about the lack of communication with these numerous glitches. The SWTOR team just keeps releasing things they must know are faulty. Why even have things running on the test servers if they're going to release the content as-is, knowing it's glitched? At least an employee acknowledged this particular massive fail and took the server down, but there many other things they just leave us guessing about. Meanwhile the CXP system itself is so reviled, I'm waiting for them to say something to address how much everyone hates it. Even just making the levels legacy would alleviate some stress and show us they're listening to us, but so far, nothing.
  6. Then what, it's a feature? xD
  7. The 20 million credits will be easier to get back than the command levels!
  8. BioWare isn't going to respond to you because they don't want you to unsub and/or quit, but it seems obvious that they are done with the story and won't be giving our companions back (aside from through the summoning console on Odessan). Think about it... whenever they have something planned, they spoil it months in advance, trying to get us hyped. If companion returnings were in the works, we'd know. Sigh. I'm pretty sad about this, too. I'll go through a list... Jedi Knight - missing Kira, Doc and Scourge (3/5). This was a huge missed opportunity, since Kira and Scourge had every reason to actually be in the story, since they had a grudge against the emperor. Not that Valkorion seemed like the same character, even. Valkorion makes no sense with the rest of the story at all. Romance? Missing both male and female romances. We got T7 back in the story, and Rusk back in an alliance alert... but Rusk inexplicably can't equip his assault cannon anymore, so I have a useless but super cool looking assault cannon bound to my character now. Jedi Consular - missing Iresso, Nadia, Tharan, and Zenith (4/5). Missing 5/6 if you count Holiday. Again, bizarre choices. We were supposed to get Zenith back but didn't, with no explanation. Tharan should have at least been slapped into an alliance alert. He's a genius and all that. And Holiday is an advanced AI that could have worked her way into the story with SCORPIO. Iresso had a sith holocron in his brain, so it should not have been hard to write something interesting for him into an alert, either. Romance? Missing both male and female romances. We got Qyzen back in an alliance alert. It was cute to see him leading his own lizard pack, at least... but yeah, it's hard not to feel like the least loved class here, isn't it? Republic Trooper - missing Elara (1/5). Technically you're missing Vik, too. Sad, since Vik is my favorite character, and I would have liked to have him on every class, lol. Romance? Missing the male trooper's romance option. Sad. It might have been interesting to see Elara and her brother returned to the empire or some plot twist like that. I know a lot of trooper players would have been happy just to have her back at all. Still, this puts Trooper as the most favored pub character with romances, since if you were a female trooper, you were the sole Republic character to get your romance option back. We got Jorgan in the story. Yuun and M1-4X returned to us through alliance alerts. Vik appeared in the story, but is not actually recruitable, even for the trooper. Jorgan can't use assault cannons anymore, though, which is awful. I know he was leading the deadeyes, but what's wrong with multiple weapon proficiencies? Smuggler - missing Corso, Akaavi, and Risha (3/5). Risha is the queen of a planet, I think my smuggler would have called her in for a favor immediately, but whoever was writing for KOTFE and KOTET obviously wasn't a smuggler fan. Corso could have easily been an alliance alert for Hylo (he'd probably be smuggling humanitarian aid). Akaavi could have easily been in the Mandalorian chapter! I was VERY disappointed when she was not. Romance options? Missing all three. We got Guss and Bowdaar back as alliance alerts. If you summon Corso back with the console, you'll notice he can't equip blaster rifles anymore. WHY?!?! I had him using the rakghoul event one, so I'm bummed here. Sith Warrior - missing Quinn and Jaesa (2/5). I expected to be able to kill Quinn in KOTFE or KOTET just as fanservice (though I wouldn't have on my warrior, because I actually like Quinn). I always suspected Jaesa wouldn't appear, since that would mean going through the trouble of deciding if she is evulz or not. I would have settled for her being an alliance alert matching your own alignment, but I guess even that was too much work! Romance? Missing two of the three options. We got Vette back in the story, and Pierce and Broonmark as alliance alerts. Of all the companions you could have brought back with tenuous plot relevance, BioWare, you seriously chose Broonmark? I've killed him on every single character so far. My apologies to Broonmark fans, if you exist. Sith Inquisitor - missing Khem Val, Andronikos, and Ashara (3/5). My lightside inquisitor was my favorite character, story-wise, so I'm very sad. I'll try not to cry over here too hard, because every character is someone's favorite. Romance? Missing both. We got Talos and Xalek back as alliance alerts. At least Talos missed my inquisitor. Xalek... well... I don't even want to talk about the fake Khem everyone got. That was just adding insult to injury. Bounty Hunter - missing Mako (1/5). Another useful slicer character left out. She could have easily been an alliance alert, but their excuse was not wanting to make "important" characters appear in alerts instead of the story? So the solution was she didn't appear at all? Romance? Missing male bounty hunter's romance. Did anyone else notice that the mirror classes, Bounty Hunter and Republic Trooper, both have everyone but the female love interest back? Probably a coincidence, but sometimes I wonder if one of the writers had a favorite class. Gault and Torian appear in the storyline, while Blizz and Skadge are alliance alerts. Torian can no longer use the blades I had for him, which is a total bummer. Imperial Agent - missing Vector and Ensign Temple (2/5). Won't lie about how sad I was about Vector. He may have been part of a killik hive, but at least he was a nice person. Romance? Missing two of three. Lokin shows up in an alliance alert (one of the more memorable ones; I enjoyed it quite a bit). SCORPIO and Kaliyo return in the story to stab you in the back. You should have seen that coming, agent. Honestly, with the missing romances, and certain other loyal companions, are we just to assume those characters are dead or don't ever want to see you again? The "outlander" is so famous by the end, all of them should have known where to find him or her by now. I know Master Ranos says something to the effect of a certain character being dead, but I only know this second-hand, since I did 100% on DvL and was thus punished by not getting the alliance alert to talk to her at all (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=903803).
  9. Is the issue where people who got 100% DvL achievements but not the Master Ranos recruitment mission at all being addressed, either? I'm afraid to even put nice clothes on her, because of these "she disappeared!" bugs, on top of all that.
  10. Same issue here. Seems everyone who got 100% on DvL did not get the mission. We also got our achievements wiped! I am very unhappy about this!
  11. Jorgan and Torian both had "story reasons", but I couldn't find anything for Rusk. With Jorgan it was pretty glaring. Leader of the deadeyes should be able to equip a sniper rifle. It's nice they fixed that. But why they had to take away his assault cannon proficiency, I don't know. He's in havoc squad. He probably knows how to handle more than one type of weapon! Torian talks about his rifle a lot, as well, and it's nice he can use one now... but he's also a crazy Mandolorian so it was believable that he would also be proficient with some melee weapons. Why take that away? I don't buy that it's just for cutscenes. Our player characters do weird things in cutscenes. Sentinels lose one of their lightsabers, commandos pull out a dinky cutscene blaster. Whatever, we're used to it. Hammerspace rifles for companions would not be a big deal compared to that. So at least give us a choice, BioWare!
  12. I'm cool with the companions equipping different weapons... but at least let them have the option of using what they traditionally used before 4.0. As I slowly get my companions back, I see more and more changes and get sad because now I have gear bound to characters that can't use them, and let's face it Rusk's style is to use an assault cannon. Rusk is a madman. Other character changes... my Corso cannot use his blaster rifle. Before 4.0, he had the choice between that and a handgun. Please let him use his cool blaster rifle again! Jorgan swapped from cannon to sniper rifle like Rusk... and while it makes sense that he can equip a sniper rifle, story-wise, why can't it just be either or? Torian is in the same position as Jorgan. Probably others... :'(
  13. It's hard for me to trust customer support when their response to my inquiry about [inquisitor spoiler] , something I knew full well had been there since launch, was a cheerful instruction to uninstall and reinstall my game. This is not to say I haven't had good experiences with customer support. One of them fixed a conquest issue I was having, and gave me my missing achievement and title. But most of the time, they come off seeming like they have no idea how to answer my question and are forced to BS their way through it rather than go find someone who can. Or they tell me "I couldn't find the issue, submit a big report, you won't get a response to a bug report though, kthxbye".
  14. Yeah, there are either multiple bugs, or there is definitely more to it than "finish chapters 1-9 before a patch". I did chapters 1-9 in one fell swoop back in October. Lana rescued my character, but the cantina scene didn't trigger, and I didn't realize anything was wrong at the time. It's... very upsetting that "early access" just means "early glitches". It's at the point where I don't play the KOTFE story on characters I care about until months after the chapter releases, because I'm afraid that if I do it quickly, a few weeks down the line I'll be informed that I missed lots of content that was supposed to trigger for X class but wasn't triggering, or something.
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