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    Pittsburgh, Pa
  1. You'll get an ability in a few levels that make your next three attacks burn.
  2. 100% spot on. People forget that there are different styles of MMO's. This one, Everyquest/WoW style themepark is one of the best options we have here today. This isn't EvE, Darkfall, etc etc. This is a themepark MMO and there is nothing WRONG WITH THAT.
  3. Oh I know where I posted, and it's very relevant.
  4. Once you get the gear, it's all competition. Maybe a little tedious to get the gear, but hey we're playing an MMO afterall that's why I picked up the game in the first place.
  5. The good old altaholics that rolled multiple characters off the bat. They think they should be geared as much as someone who put time into one character/main, before thinking about rolling an alt.
  6. Have you read ANYTHING that I posted. I agreed with him/her about the settings changes, but what I stated is truth getting 0-10FPS is too low for just some setting changes. Think about that 0-10FPS. I even said that I could help him/her if they needed upgrades. And I'm rude? Good god these forums suck.
  7. No I'm not saying we don't need an option like that, it would be good if we did. What I'm saying is that option really isn't going to help you if you are only getting 0-10 FPS. Once again why I mentioned upgrades.
  8. 10-0 FPS is not a fix that can be done by disabling features, for that low of FPS you need hardware upgrades. Does that suck for him/her, yes, but the truth sucks sometimes.
  9. Maybe PC gaming isn't for you. I'm not trying to sound rude or insult you, but PC gaming is more than just buying some random laptop or desktop. You have to know specs and what parts do in order to get the most from what you're trying to do. If you are getting that low of frames (I know the game has FPS issues) then you need to either upgrade like crazy if it's a desktop or just buy new. Turning off features and this and that isn't going to help you when you get that low of frames to begin with.
  10. Ok you ordered a pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and extra cheese. Payed $20 for it. Once received you open the box and start taking all the topping off until there is just cheese, and then it hits you! I JUST PAYED $20 *********** dollars for a cheese pizza!?!?!? FFS I'm never ordering from this pizza place ever again! By the way you could of just got that cheese pizza for less and ate 100% of it instead of wasting 90% of it and thinking you ate 100% of it. Understand? lol.
  11. And the ones who are let down don't understand that it's been less than a month. That patches and expansions fix and expand the game, haven't read up on the game they purchased, oh the list goes on and on and on.
  12. Yet here you are with your awesome life posting on the forums about a horrible game that for some reason has become so important to you that you need to let people know.
  13. Even though they said it's on it's way.
  14. No? Warzones and gear? Level 50 Flashpoints and Operations? Ilum? Crafting and economy? Collectibles? Dailies and weeklys? etc. Oh and the new content patch for Jan 17 that is before the game is even a month old that adds a story driven operation and flashpoint with new features? And the content patch to come out in march that will add guild stuff, the legacy system, and much more? Yeah SWTOR has no content once you reach 50.
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