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  1. Everytime I kill you in wzs now sranshor Im gonna say "again & again " we are about 50/50 in wzs against each other
  2. God darnit... I watched the swtheoldrepublic youtube channel, which is biowares youtube channel and the devs talking on there made it sound different... thank you for encouraging me to search forthe ptr notes. From reading those i can see, why every post is looking at me like I m a loon. But.. biowares youtube channel and what is written sound different. I like what is written, I hope that is the truth.
  3. It will be easier to get the lower teir gear and harder to get the upper teir gear. The result will be the majority of players getting rolled by a small few. What they are doing isnt new, isnt innovative.. Its a tried and tested fail strategem that is only benificial to the few. For me.. I am a sub and nearly all of my 16 charactors are 3/4s to full dark reaver. I just dont wanna go back, and i know it will, to a place where the casuals, pve'rs and such are afraid to queu or view queuing as a waste of time because they veiw the deck as being stacked against them. Right now, on jungma, pot5 and even the bastion, ranked queus take forever, and who wants to sit there for 20, 30, 40 mins or even an hour or more, waiting for a pop? I like the changes that they did previously, anything that reduces que times is awesome in my book... But this aint gonna end up being that way.
  4. On jung ma, pvp is intense, unless you have the full ranked set already, dont bother showing up. Casuals should be able to get the access if they work for it, so they can have a shot at the end of the srason to queue up and get some rank and get titles and such. Every one, especially subs, should be able to play. The first year sucked, queues took forever. . I thought bioware back then was making a huge mistake, letting the f2ps and casual people in so easy, but I was wrong. .. they need to keep it so casuals have hope so the queue pops are rapid.
  5. https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AwrBT8OHu2tVNM0Abk9XNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA2JlZmhwLXMEZ3ByaWQDRjdJSENodHVULk8uYmNyTTB6SldWQQRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDMTAEb3JpZ2luA3NlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzEEcHFzdHIDcG9uZwRwcXN0cmwDNARxc3RybAMxMARxdWVyeQNwb25nIGtyZWxsBHRfc3RtcAMxNDMzMTIzNzk2?p=pong+krell&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=befhp-s&type=iehp-3.13-1406&fp=1 basilisk!
  6. When this game first started, ranked coms (then they were elite or something) were just for ranked play. But... we discovered that this game is just for casual players. The one or 2 super hard core guilds and some of the hackers per server, got super geared, and no one else really played, because really what was the point... Queue times for wzs were super slow. Then you eased up on coms and how people could accrue them, and the queue times reduced, and more players played because there was a point, they might get gear slower than the hard core... but they would be rewarded for putting in the time, and eventually get some gear to be competitive at the end of the Rainbow... Now you have decided in your infinite lack of wisdom in the next patch to bring it back full circle and discourage the casuals from participating again. I'm thinking that the state you guys are based out of must have legalized weed, because your memory is lacking. Pandering to the jobless couch surfing basement dwellers doesn't work, you gotta concentrate on the people with jobs and lives who are the majority of your subscription players. If you make my queue times go back to 45 minutes to an hour per pop again like it was in the beginning, Im quitting this game, and taking me and my sub money somewhere with a population that provides some better pace of play.
  7. So.. you are saying that when 65, comes it will be nomarlized, then 70, then 75... repackaged as something newer and better but will be the same low numbers ? That's depressing.
  8. Yes, i am comparing pre rthc and pre sor with post 3.0 and post 3.1. I dont think that its wrong to expect to see greater numbers, with newer expansions. This re-normalizing, so that its always the same, makes the game feel so stale And bland. The dps is greater but the damage stays the same? Press the snooze button, the devs are sleeping.
  9. I have 12 level 60s and I play every class. I have almost 10 years mmo experience. I know my damage/healing/tanking rotations very well.... But, the numbers are the same as level 50 in a lot of cases. between a million and 2 million damage or healing, between 300k and a million protection... its boring.... A level 60 is 17% more levels than a level 50, therefor the numbers should be 17% greater with gear and good rotation. But that isn't the case. I doubt any of you are doing better now than you did as level 55s or 50s either, everyone I talk to on my server has similar complaints.
  10. With the nerfing, most people do as much damage and healing as they did when they were level 50 or 55...Why not come back, itll feel like you never left
  11. I am very disappointed in this fantasy game. After 3 years of subscribing Im finally irritated enough to unsub once my time comes to renew. After spending money on a new system, paying monthly high speed internet charges plus your fee, I want to feel epic when I play your game... But I don't. This reven expansion was terrible anyway and felt like a giant nerf patch, my characters died quicker and did less damage than they did at level 55. But I regeared them all and they were finally doing close to the same damage again, and then this last patch.... You nerfed every class but 2. Ridiculous. People are looking for a fantasy experience we are paying to play Heroes with fantastic abilities. But you are not providing that, you are giving us ketchup in the place of hot sauce. The game doesn't feel epic, my 60s are again, doing less damage and dying quicker than they did as level 55s, infact they are doing about as much damage as they did as level 50s. Underwhelming. You need to fix this, all of my friends are leaving and going back to play wow.. Ive tried switching servers but it seems only the bastion and harbinger have a sizable population left, the rest are just as dead as all the others. This is the burning crusade level expansion of your game... you should make it feel like it. I am regretting quitting wow to play this game.
  12. Like wow, they don't care, unlike wow, they should because they don't have the cushion for all the people who are un-subbing for this : /
  13. The game as you had it before was to spicy and fun... Thanks a bunch for the tomato sauce, the blandness is awesome, cant wait for the serving of prune juice and un-flavored oatmeal you serve next...
  14. Some people were saying that the pts notes said that jung ma was being merged with another server. Ive scoured the notes, cant find this. Is it true or false?
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