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  1. I quit playing for a few years and came back, and kept trying to set my phase walk in a match. I asked people why it wasn't working, Oh, you don't have it anymore, only sorcs. WHY SORCS?? THEY HAVE A SUPER BALL FOR **** SAKE! GIVE ME A SUPER BALL AND TAKE IT FROM SORCS THEN! I can definitely see lack of phasewalk impacting my ability to be slippery and hard to kill, I am not quite sure the reasoning behind taking it from me because I am a stealth class after all, I am supposed to be slippery and hard to kill.
  2. Unfortunately you probably speak the truth. I'm already not really feeling the expansion. Is it wrong of me that I sort of wish Disney would spike a nail in this game and give a star wars mmo to someone else?
  3. Stop crying about premades holy ****. Seriously STOP. We don't need the queues splintered even more. It's not the change that is needed the only change that is needed is the lack of support for pvp as a whole from Bioware. If they gave a **** about pvp in this game as a whole you wouldn't have to ***** about premades because things would be more balanced. Unfortunately bw doesn't care about pvp in general, and hasn't for the longest time. Which as a pvper and a star wars fan that makes me very dissapointed. But serious stop crying about premades. Playing with my friends is the only thing that keeps me pvping anyway.
  4. I stopped playing for several months because TOR wasn't interesting, I have played a few matches again and shockingly enough nothing has changed. People are crying for certain or specific changes. I think at the end of the day it comes down to need Bioware to actually put effort into PvP. That isn't going to change with 4.0 if anything its going to get worse because they are going to focus on this content expansion ********. Its great we get new story stuff, but I really want PvP in a Star Wars game again. but I guess who am I kidding. I guess we won't ever get new WZ or x-server queues. Does anything know what was supposedly better than x-server? Because I think we just go punked into believing they had something better for us. tl;dr Bioware Please start giving a **** about this game. There once was a time when you actually cared about your fans, but I guess that was before EA ran off your founders.
  5. bluesoldier


    For what its worth I've beaten premades while in a group. Premades chase far less people out of queue than would be lost from queue by having 2 separate regular pvp queues. Also what if its only me and one other buddy that want to play together? Now we have to sit in queue for **** knows how long to hope for a queue against other premades? That would also skew the number of people in queue causing a massive cluster **** to match making in a game that's match making is already flawed. So you will be forcing those types of people to not queue with a friend or two? I'll leave this thread with this thought and you special snowflakes can continue to cry whine ***** and moan about your plight in pvp. This isn't *********** YMCA soccer anymore where you all get a trophy no matter how *********** terrible you are. You aren't special because you Queue solo, just like the people who queue as a group aren't special. I'm an ******e I know, I've accepted it.
  6. bluesoldier


    On low pop servers it would. I am from jung ma, which is basically dead now, but it would litterally keep the queues from popping on that server or any other low pop server. I'm on Ebon Hawk now, and even EH probably wouldn't be able to support it.
  7. bluesoldier


    You are literally telling me how I should spend my dime and my time though. Is it fair? Maybe not but as your parents clearly didn't tell you when you were little so I'll tell you now life isn't fair.
  8. bluesoldier


    You are my new favorite person on this forum. Thanks for being a voice of reason. They will stop popping if you separate them into 2 separate queues, the player base in this game can support 4 separate pvp queues. It can barely support 3. Generally there MIGHT be 2 queues popping but rarely 3 even on the most highly populated servers. And if they are its long waits for all of them. Also what about people who aren't subbed? Those people couldn't queue if it weren't for the fact they were in a group?
  9. bluesoldier


    I am litterally sitting in solo queue right now, I probably solo queue regs more often than I queue with a group. But if I DO queue with a group I ACTUALLY want to get a pop in an objective based wz. Would I rather have it against another premade? YES. Why? Because it is more challenging and it stakes my guilds reputation against theirs. But do I want to wait an hour or 2 for 3 other guilds to get groups into regular queue or until I can get 7 other friends and 8 opponents into a queue to make that happen? **** NO. That right there is why 8v8 Ranked died, because there were never that many people around to queue. Now if we had a game that had full servers all the time? Maybe it would work, but the servers in this game are rarely full if ever. A lot of times when I do have a group Its not even a trinity group any way, we MIGHT have a healer, or we MIGHT have a tank, but some times its all dps.
  10. bluesoldier


    So we are care bears because we want to keep the current meta... meanwhile people have *PAGES* of crying about how premades ruin their fun. I Like competition. There were other issues with 8v8 ranked like not enough people queuing for it period. But there are also a lot of people that would love to see them brought back. Also my team I queued solo for just won. Just saying.
  11. bluesoldier


    You would have 2 separate queues going, meaning people wouldn't be getting pops, if you've ever queued for ranked you know how long it can take for getting that **** going.
  12. bluesoldier


    I do solo queue, I group queue, I do both, it depends on how I want to play. I actually do a lot of solo queue and don't see it as an issue. If I find a group annoying enough I wait a bit after I get out let them get into a match then queue or I switch sides or just do something else. Its really not that hard to avoid a group. I don't want to wait for pops any longer than I have to. Thats why I am making this argument. I mean sure if they could set up a way to make it so that if there are premades in queue they will have the priority to go against each other that would be great, but how often does the match making system fail in ranked and you have 3 or 4 of the same class vs an assortment. I frankly don't think that will work, they have a really hard time balancing in this game for some reason. I'm sure if they did give you exactly what you want you'd be ************ the next hour about how something else wasn't exactly the way you want it. I'd be willing to wager that you are one of those who hates huttball too.
  13. bluesoldier


    Why would you want to fragment queues even more? The frequency with which pops happen is based on the number of people in queue, if I am with a premade and there are no other premades in queue now I am doomed to sit in queue indefinitely, that makes getting premade pops just as challenging as getting ranked to pop mid season or any time for that matter. No we don't need to fragment queues even more. That wont help. Just because you are queuing solo or in a group doesn't make you a special snow flake. All I keep getting from these threads is a bunch of whiny *** crybabies that want to be treated special. I don't care personally if all I get queued against is other premades, I find it challenging and enjoyable to face a good premade whether I am in my own or not. It teaches you to play intelligently and skillfully. Get over yourselves.
  14. bluesoldier


    These threads are among the most retarded on the pvp forum, People need to get over this, or go back to playing one player offline games, this is an MMO I play with friends or I don't you cannot expect other people not to play with their friends just because you choose not to.
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