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SteveTheCynic last won the day on May 7

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  1. To deflate the hugely over-inflated player-to-player economy. When stuff is no longer listed on the GTN because the "natural" price of items exceeds the upper price limit of the GTN, the inflation has gone way far too far. EDIT: my own view of this is that 30 days is longer than necessary, and a week (or maybe even two or three days) would be enough.
  2. "Give us a horse as a mount" is a recurring request on the GW2 forums, to the extent that it's almost a meme. (In GW2's universe, there are no horses, except for some undead horse-like things in some stages of the Prophecies campaign, and yet people ask for them endlessly.)
  3. For sure. The only part of bringing it back that I'm against is the suggestions to put it on the CM. It should be on an in-game vendor, and I favour the Galactic Seasons vendors.
  4. It might well be unavailable.
  5. About eight or nine, in fact, maybe as few as seven, but definitely more than I'd be comfortable calling "a few". The ToC was signed about ten years before the player character starts at level 1, and the SW is probably *not* just an adolescent (by our Earthly standards), so at least 18 or 19. The player character's arrival on DK after Korriban+Fleet speaks against this. Which planet?
  6. Wut? Have I just taken a turn into the Guild Wars 2 forums? A horse? Seriously?
  7. Sure, they could do it. My comment was more about whether the passage of time would affect that ability, and I don't see any reason that the passage of time would change that at all, ni pour, ni contre. At this time, I'd say that it's entirely up to their wish to do it rather than any real constraint for those timescales.
  8. Personally, I'd say, "No, not at all." If they **couldn't** do it back then (that seems unlikely)(1), the passage of five years is unlikely to make the slightest difference. You seem to be confusing "this companion does this thing in a cutscene" with "this companion can do this in in-game combat situations". I hope you can see how ... improbable ... that is. (1) That's my opinion.
  9. Alternatively, the studio should just get on with implementing the alternate mechanism for spawning the DvL bosses (and getting the tokens from them) that they talked about just after 7.0 dropped (two farbling years ago for farble's sake).
  10. Ugh. I suck. Yes, Pub Taris == Imp Balmorra. Sorry. I suck. (Did I say that already?)
  11. Various points in the original "class stories" (now "origin stories") but that disappeared long and longer than that ago.
  12. No. They should implement the new version of DvL bosses that they talked about waybackwhen. The idea was that the new version of the bosses wouldgrant the relevant tokens, and that therefore you could use the vendors more or less as originally intended. Converting DS tokens into LS tokens seems 137% antithetical to "as originally intended".
  13. /stuck exists because, like all(1) other MMORPGs, SWTOR has locations where your character *cannot* extract itself without such a command. (1) "all" here is a bit strong. GW2 has locations where you can't get out of them by "in-game" movement, but I haven't ever been completely unable to extract my character.
  14. They are all going to be pale or very pale versions of the "normal" colour. The only species that doesn't go pale with DS5 corruption is Rattataki. (Er. They are already as pale as it gets, especially the females, so of course they can't get paler.)
  15. At the moment, there's no way to earn the Light Side tokens to buy it from the Light Side vendors on the Fleet.
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