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    Role playing, fiction writing, lesbian rights (proud to be a lipstick lesbian :P ), rts games, poetr
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    Freelance Writer
  1. Same here, a mere few hours in WoW, Eve Online, and NeoCron 2. Here it took them days to get back to my help ticket, and then they ignored the problem, closed the ticket and "forwarded it" to another department (which now even days later still haven't resolved my missing inventory issue >.< ) It's as if they have one CSR per server, and a program that randomly generates a protocol droid moniker and canned reply that auto closes your ticket if it hasn't been gotten to in X # of days. I keep sitting here looking at each new ignored ticket and thinking to myself "I'm expected to pay a monthly fee for this?"
  2. How is lack of customer support not a customer support issue?
  3. /signed! If they don't fix their horrendous customer support come renewal time, many people will be questioning just what it is they are paying for.
  4. Agreed, we need some sort of grace period for disconnects, especially when it hold up 3 other people who are waiting on you to finish a flashpoint.
  5. Nov 7th and got in at 10am today, so Dec shouldn't be far behind, hopefully. (Early access is nice if you aren't waiting on family members who pre-ordered later then you did you get access...
  6. If you quit like that I believe you earn a "deserter" de-buff, locking you out of re-queuing for 30-45 mins. (At least that;s how it seemed to work in beta, could be they removed that for launch?)
  7. "Grace Period:" A period of time after launch where users can play the game without needing to enter their retail product registration key." Traditionally games have a 5-7 day grace period so users who don't get the physical copy of their box in the mail on launch day can still play and enjoy the game with their friends and then enter the code before the grace period expires and continue playing like normal. No grace period means everyone who on the 20th doesn't have their registration key (included in the physical copy of the products box) cannot play the game until they get their copy in the mail. This means those of us who ordered the CE or non digital version will be locked out of the game until it comes in the mail. (and with the holidays many of us won't receive our copy until the 27th or later.) Originally they planned on giving us a grace period, even the PR rep said we would get one, then a week or so ago they went back on their word and yanked it, ticking off the community.
  8. They yanked the grace period after the 20th, people were rightly furious about that a few days ago. By screwing up EGA no ones yelling about the no more grace period any more until it's too late and those screwed over by it can't speak on the forums to voice their dissent. Simple diversionary tactics.
  9. One of the biggest issues with" Waves" is it breaks up grouping with friends/guildmates during EAG. Gain access on the first day: Awesome! Realizing your wife/husband/daughter/son/friend/guildmate, etc.. won't be getting access for at least another 2-5 days due to them saving up enough money to pre-order a CE or perhaps not ordering til later for other reasons:. Not so awesome. Knowing BW doesn't care one bit about this inconvenience: Typical. A large part of the fun of an MMO is playing with your friends/family. Not being able to play until they get early access as well is a major disappointment and makes gaining EAG of questionable value for many, especially since there's no level match/mentor system to allow those 5-10 levels higher to quest with lower levels without removing all hint of a challenge.
  10. If you play 12 hours a day, space bar through the cut scenes, skip the flash points and blaze through the quests then aye, you'll hit 50 in 7 days or less. Play a couple hours a day, maybe 3-4 a day on the weekends, do Flash-points and Operations, actually watch the cut scenes and do the side quests and I'd figure on a good month, maybe 2 before you hit 50? (Even longer if you don't play every day.) Back in 2006ish in WoW it took a round 6 months for someone playing 3-6 hours a day almost every day to reach level 60, and a lot of that was grind, grind, grind. I rather like in SW how I can level without feeling like I'm grinding upward.
  11. The best time table you'll get from them: Approximately between Dec 14th and Dec 20th we expect to have granted all pre-order players access. Unless of course we change our minds, in which case we won't tell you until the last minute and insist it's all your fault for misunderstanding us, much like "grace period" removal." When dealing with EA? Asking them for anything other then an opportunity to give them more money for squat in return is asking to much...
  12. Good point, and the mentality of those power leveling to 50 will prolly enjoy such a pointless activity as well. Then again those doing such will quickly be reported for exploiting their way to 50, and likely get their toon deleted/down leveled soon after...
  13. Last I knew starter areas were off limits for PVP. (Or did that change at some point during beta?
  14. That too, but that's in addition to one of the other choices Mostly likely it'll be a combination of Options B, A & D outlining exactly what a BAD idea the staggered launch concept is.
  15. Ultimate outcomes: Option A: They hit 50, they run out of game content (or the game is boringly easy to play through the lower level missions) they give up on the toon and retire it in favor of one that wasn't speed leveled and is a challenge/fun to play. Option B: They out level their credit income making them level 50's with level 11 training and gear, so need to spend hours farming low level trash mobs for the money to afford level 50 training and gear; get bored doing it and retire said toons for new ones that are fun to play. Option C: They hit level 50, tool around for a bit, run out of stuff to do, get bored, cancel their pre-order and leave the game/server. Unless I'm missing something here this problem looks to be self correcting...
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