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  1. The leaderboards were not resetted after the nerf of the "Concentrate Fire"-Set. So the numbers you are seeing there, are not reachable anymore. You have to relate to the numbers i posted above. The crit chance of Grave Round/Tracer Missile got fixed. If you have for example 38% crit, the following crit- chances of GR/TM should be 38%,48%,58%,68%,78%,88% and then it will repeat. Average Crit: (38+48+58+68+78+88)% / 6 = 63% I have tested it and can confirm the fix. The crit was in average around 58%-68%. 63% is right in the middle of these numbers. It seems relatively consistent now. Here is the post with my newest experiences from the PTS-Forums:
  2. The actual record with "Apex Predator" is around 22,2k on live servers. i have done a parse which is located in this area but not the actual record: http://parsely.io/parser/view/508066 After i have heard that "Apex Predator" got fixed on PTS i did some parses there and confirm that the set got actually fixed. Average tries with Gunnery were around 21.1k-21.7k DPS (live servers: 21,3k-21,8k) Max DPS was around 22,1k: http://parsely.io/parser/view/526464 My estimation was that DPS after the fix would have been risen about 200-250 DPS But my actual parses in average are worse than on live servers. The higher ms on PTS could be a problem. All in all, i would assume that the top parse could be around 22,3k DPS now. To compete with the specs at the bottom, Gunnery/Arsenal needs at least a buff of 900-1000 DPS.
  3. Here are some numbers regarding the main/ offhand issue from an older post of me: Merc vs Commando DPS
  4. After the nerf of the "Concentrated fire"-set, the dps of both specs dropped quite hard. Gunnery: Max dps i reached with the "cf"-set was around 21,4k dps: http://parsely.io/parser/view/508774 Average tries were around 20,7-21k dps. I did NOT use attack-adrenals for these tries. I haven't tested CF for Arsenal yet. I would appreciate if someone can share data in this tread. After this disappointment i changed to the Apex-Predator- Set with gunnery. The dps was in average about 500-600 dps higher. Gunnery: Average tries were around 21,3-21,8k dps. Max dps was around 22k: http://parsely.io/parser/view/508007 Arsenal: Max dps was around 22,1k: http://parsely.io/parser/view/508066 I used attack adrenal for these tries. To conclude, Arsenal/gunnery DPS needs at least a buff of 1k dps to compete with the specs at the bottom. For Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordinance testing i used only the "Concentrated fire-Set" The "Apex Predator-Set" seems not worth a try for this spec, but i would appreciate seeing some data of it. Assault Specialist: Average tries were around 20,6k-21,2k dps Max Dps was around 21,8k dps (outstanding try by far): http://parsely.io/parser/view/508617 Innovative Ordinace: Average tries were around 21,4k-22,3k dps. Max dps was around 22,5k dps: http://parsely.io/parser/view/508662 For an outstanding try i would say you can reach up to 22,8-22,9k dps. i used attack adrenal for all of these tries. To conclude, especially "Assault Specialist" needs at least a buff of 1,4k dps to compete with the bottom of the specs and be a little bit better than Arsenal/Gunnery.(It's a Dot-spec!) "Innovative Ordinance" needs at least a buff of 400 dps. Or just fix the main/ offhand issue of "Innovative Ordinance" to bring it in par to "Assault Specialist" and buff them simontaneously. Last, but not least i have a question to the community regarding the offhand hits. Are the offhand hits triggering the gain of supercharged stacks with cf-set? In comparison to "Assault specialist" it seems i have a more consistent gain of stacks with IO, which would also increase the average dmg, if it is the case.
  5. I think we will see a nerf on the concentrated fire setbonus cause of the heal spec. So it's ok to buff arsenal/gunnery. But why not buff IO/AS, too? On live patch arsernal/gunnery currently parses higher than IO/AS Last but not least, you have to fix the dps-gap between Advanced Prototype and the republic mirror Tactics. It seems a passive doesn't work correctly. Perhaps someone knows more about it. You can compare the two following parses of me and you can see that the highest hits on Tactics are always noticeably smaller than on Advanced Prototype. The parses are before 6.1( buff for the spec and nerf of meteor brawler- set bonus) but the problem still exists. Advanced Prototype: http://parsely.io/parser/view/473036/0 Tactics: http://parsely.io/parser/view/473232/0 Perhaps someone can contribute parses of both for the live patch.
  6. I posted this in another thread. The gap between commando and merc (you can check this in parsely) exists because of much more crit on the mainhand, Even with my parse on AS (http://parsely.io/parser/view/471581/0) with the three more or less guaranted crits on mag-shot (59,19% crit on mainhand) i couldnt match the crit on a mercs mainhand (62,31%). This was a really high crit parse. Normally i couldnt get above 57,8% crit. The bug has been fixed since 6.1 and now my highest parse is 22,4k (55,8% crit). The gap logically grew( 6,51%) The arsenal/ gunnery crit difference on mainhaind goes up to 6,95% Please fix this issue. Otherwise you have to buff the republic mirror to merc lvl (ex: with a passive). But this would be only a temporary solution.
  7. Commando Assault Specialist bug was fixed with last patch. (due it was not mentioned in the patchnotes) The leaderboard isn't reseted for them so far. With actual patch Assault Specialist parses around 21,8-22,4 k dps and gunnery around 21,7-22,5 k dps They have lower numbers than mercs. The crit on the merc's mainhand is higher (up to 7% more crit), while the mainhand is doing 98,8% (Innovative Ordinance) and 98,5% (Arsenal) of the dmg. These are average numbers. This leads to the huge dps gap between them. They should fix the crit-discrepancy on the merc's mainhand to bring it on par with the republic mirror and then adjust the dmg wherever they wanted it to be. I will be more specific with my calclations when the merc/commando changes are getting posted.
  8. The loading screen stucks at 60% on Onderon 3 and pvp-ini again
  9. Wir Bastilas haben uns das Ziel gesetzt im aktuellen Content alle Bosse zu legen. Um dieses Ziel auch verwirklichen zu können, ist es notwendig, unseren Raid-Kader mit fähigen Spielern zu ergänzen. Wir suchen daher vor allem 1 guten DD ( ob Melee oder Range) und einen Heiler. Die Klasse an sich spielt dabei eine untergeordnete Rolle, sofern ihr auch diese gut beherrschen könnt. Interessierte Tanks können auch eingebaut werden, da wir ein paar Mitglieder haben, die gute Allrounder sind. Falls ihr neu oder noch unerfahren im Nim-Content seid, aber meint, ihr habt die Anlagen dazu, dann scheut euch nicht, euch zu melden. Das Mindestalter beträgt 18 Jahre (je nach Reife machen wir aber auch Ausnahmen). Unsere Raidzeiten: Di 19:30-22:00 Do 19:30-22:00 So 19:30-22:00 Wir sind eine spaßige und lockere Gildengemeinschaft, was nicht heißen mag, das wir den nötigen Ernst in Ops nicht aufbringen können Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitige Unterstützung sollten bei euch im Vordergrund stehen. Ihr dürft stets eure Meinung konstruktiv mit einbringen und bei der Operationsauswahl mitbestimmen. Außer OPs sind wir aktiv im PvP, bei der Erfolgsjagd, bei der Eroberung oder auch mal für einen entspannten FP zu haben. Bewerbungen könnt ihr unter bastilas-erben.de im Forum hinterlassen oder ganz einfach mich (Elesandros, Nora-serada, Paxvobiscum) im Spiel anflüstern bzw. eine In-game- Nachricht senden. Ich werde euch dann zu einem TS-Gespräch einladen, wo wir gegebenfalls einen Proberaid vereinbaren können. Parses müsst ihr vorab nicht für die Bewerbung vorlegen, aber Starparse wird spätestens für den Proberaid zur Pflicht. ( Ich schaue mir lieber an, wie Leute in Ops agieren ) Wir haben seit 5.0 folgende Bosse und Operationen gemeistert (Stand: 31.07.17): Götter aus der Maschine Hc (1/2) Die Wüter Hc : (4/5) außer M&B Tempel des Opfers Hc: (5/5) Schrecken aus der Tiefe Nim: (4/5) Abschaum und Verkommenheit Nim: (6/7) Die Schreckensfestung Nim: (4/5) Explosiver Konflikt Nim: (4/4) Der Schreckenspalast Nim: (4/5) Wie zu sehen ist, fehlen uns noch vier Nim-Endbosse und der neue Boss. Das mag vor allem daran liegen, das wir momentan einen sehr knapp bemessenen Raid-Kader haben und daher nicht immer ausreichend qualifizierte Leute zu Verfügung haben, um mit der angemessenen Hartnäckigkeit an der Sache zu bleiben. Vielleicht bist du es schon, der nächste Anwerber, der uns wieder ein gutes Stück nach vorne bringt
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