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    Melbourne, Australia
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    XBOX 360, B.B.Q, Kickboxing, Movies, Books
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    Operations Manager
  1. Not sure how it's cheating each team still has 8 to a side. Each side can be made up of premades. You're just mad because your bad and have no friends to play with. I queue Single and Group. I have been overrun by premades before and simply overrun the other side queued solo. Stop leaving nodes undefended. I know you're that guy.
  2. Yes i think its a smart way to keep those subscribers paying monthly. 3 PVP games a week gives F2P a good idea of how the pvp games are regardless of getting owned or not. It definitely sounds like you are after a handout. My guess is you are either F2P or are fully geared and only want to do PVP so are looking to drop the sub and play for free now. Either way it is a poor idea to offer more for free. If they want a free game they can play guild wars 2
  3. Three concealment Ops guarding a node. You're just dead. Not even a fighting chance.
  4. Concealment ops are bad news. Get two or three of them together and you don't even get a shot off. Not saying they need a nerf at all. I think to many people are quick to call for nerfs these days. You just need to plan a better attack strategy. They are little damn ninjas. I will roll one. Don't nerf them
  5. Seeing as removing ones self from a PVP round can happen for a number of reasons, I cannot see how a viable "quitter punishment" system can be implemented. If you leave a PVP round early it may be for real life concerns or perhaps your internet connect drops out unexpectedly or the game just crashes in the middle of the round. Why should a player be penalised for these reasons? Real Life responsibilities should always trump virtual ones. To add to the above I would like to point out those players that back-fill a position. What if someone quits close to the end of a round and someone replaces them, would you look to penalise the player that back-filled because he/she chooses to leave the round instead of staying to fight. No. Peoples opinions on Quitters should remain as they are now. A personal reflection of how they view the action of the player quitting. No formal punishment because who is going to filter out the disconnections, game crashes or real life emergencies. It's a ridiculous notion that would punish people with valid reasons for removing themselves from a game along with the quitters. Akin to the Empire destroying Alderaan just to catch a few rebels. No. Harden Up Soldier. Quitters be Quitting.
  6. So you are saying you would prefer a tankier PVP build of something like this?
  7. Hello Forum Goers! I wanted to start a thread outlining for players how they should prioritise targets in PVP WZ. Classifications: DPS Heals Tanks Then onto the classes. I would like everyone to list their preference in targeting a Classification then a class to help players understand who to burn first and why.
  8. I am tossing up playing one of these two builds once I get to 50 DPS Tankier Admittedly these two will be for PVP. I am of two minds and I think I will only settle on one once I play both a few times.
  9. You are correct about the definition of insane. That's about all. I take my "fight to the death" mentality into all PVP matches. The result of every PVP match I participate in is not a whitewash every time. Hence it is not the same action repeated with the expectation of a different result. In fact even when faced with a situation that heralds impending doom such as being with an inept team there is still the anticipation of a rally which will end in a win. Although the latter is few and far they still occur. There is no guarantee that a result will end with an L every time I am in that situation. Column: Inept example What is your accuracy like? 100%? 85%? How do you know who wins if you quit before the end of a match? Does this ability to predict the future extend past the realm of PVP games? This is refreshing to see. Honestly. I wish more players shared this mentality when it comes to new players. True. This is an excuse for quitting. Allowing you to justify, to yourself, the reason(s) you may use to quit a match. I suppose you are not really refuting the fact that you are a quitter. Just that your justification of time management makes it OK. From your point of view I suppose you are correct then. You're right, because if you run away from the fight you don't get the opportunity to perform badly. Column: Coward and Quitter
  10. You could have at least posted them in order or at least with the other two in context! The two not directed at you, to be fair, were to address a person that seemed to be unsatisfied with the first answer I gave them. In which I was conferring to the individual that my expectations of them losing sleep over my opinion was nil. My first reply was not satisfactory so it was required of me to post others. For me quitters are bad. I can see that is a reflection of my morals. I however am not stating that I speak for the masses and that my moral opinion *must* be shared by all. I do not feel I need to convert you to this point of view. In fact I do not believe I have asked you to reconsider your actions and join the ranks of the die hard. I do not see how you can have a problem with that? If I was asking you to join me to rule the galaxy or if I was saying "I speak for the masses" I can see where you are coming from. But I am not. Nor have I claimed to throughout this conversation. I do not believe one can offer an opinion on a point not tainted by ones moral values. I can quote statements out of context too. Should we start to play that game in order to change things up a bit? NOTE* I did add a somewhat amusing(imo) out of context quote pilfered from your posts but it infringed on the websites rule. I apologise if I offended anyone.
  11. I wonder how alacrity will affect a Merc Arsenal? I wonder if thy will be viable in PVP! interesting.
  12. I have fixed up that mess you wrote somewhat. I would like to know where and how you extrapolated this information? Have you created any online videos to demonstrate this terrible accusation occurring? Lastly have you read the following? LINK
  13. You don't seem to be able to grasp the crux of an 'opinion'. You don't have to like it, im not here to convince anyone else otherwise. You seem and others seem to think I am here to change your minds or in fact make you think "Hey i'm a quitter. Maybe I will stop that." No. you do what you will, it is simply a vent that as digressed into some argument about values because that is the direction you have pushed for. If I was on your server and saw you in game would I rant in chat and point fingers and tell everyone you're a quitter? No. I would probably whisper you and have a little chuckle. You are making more out if this than should be. By definition: Quitter is a person who quits or gives up easily, especially in the face of some difficulty, danger, etc. By self admission you are a quitter no matter how you try and spin it. It is my opinion you do not need to share it, you don't even need to care. When I used "Video Games" before I simply used it indicate a medium not intended as a derogatory phrase. I think that will clear up some confusion you conveyed in your post or perhaps some imagined insult. I do not carry this into RL it is set within the context of the game so it should be kept there. People will have differing values and perceptions it doesn't mean they are not warped. Get used to people not seeing the world as you do. Until people stop believing in an omnipotent all knowing power in the sky that you must worship for eternity and can convict you of thought crime there are far more warped people in the world than I. You're like that spoiled little child that must be heard didn't you see my reply to you earlier? I don't care if you don't care. I am not here trying to convince people. i am sharing my opinion. I don't care if it doesn't affect you in the slightest. Go forth and prosper. You're like that spoiled little child that must be heard didn't you see my reply to you earlier? I don't care if you don't care. I am not here trying to convince people. i am sharing my opinion. I don't care if it doesn't affect you in the slightest. Go forth and prosper. I purposely put it in twice because you clearly have difficulty understanding something unless it is reiterated to you.
  14. Just to clear it up this has not been a discussion meant to persuade or dissuade people from my point of view. This is me being judgmental based on how I view someone quitting. Quitting on your team no matter how random or inept a group you have thrown your lot in with is cowardly and belays your innate need to either only win or just quit when the going gets tough. PUG or RWZ shouldn't matter. It's not that being in a PVP match proves anything, at all, other than you like to PVP - even if you leave early. It's not so much that it proves you to be a better person - you as a quitter may indeed be a far better person that I will ever be. Maybe the other way around too. It just shows, brings to the surface, exposes people without the will to stick it out no matter the adversary(ies) I suppose it does speak to the innate values of honor and frivolous glory found in battle but still it is simple in its application. My signature might belay more about my values that first considered. "over-invested" would be the term I would use to describe an individual that feels the need to have to squeeze a video game in between classes. It's a point of view thing I guess. I hate those players that just sit around a node farming defense medals just as much. Not the defenders but the other three that hang around and only come out when you claw back an advantage. I have a special place in my heart for those. Smiley faces make everything better
  15. I'm just labeling you a quitter and expressing my frustration at the way you play. Not trying to change it. So Quitter, go forth and prosper whoever you are. I think this really sums up the difference - where you see entertainment I see competition. You use the comparisons of an investment when really it is a competition between your fellow player you are bowing out of. Not some failed novel or blue chip stock. While it might not be the honor, blood, sweat or tears that you describe in your UFC example - It is a game that you are playing against an opponent and quitting is just bad sportsmanship. Leaving your team, no matter how inept they are is bad sportsmanship. I think this aspect will never be resolved as we view this one component from vastly different views. While I understand what you are saying and the reasoning you are trying to convey it still ends up that you are a Quitter and belong in that column. Not that it matters anymore than arguing on a forum does but hey it beats playing in a failing WZ. Quitting is like the Dark Side - Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will. Peace~
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