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  1. I agree that there's really not better choices. I mean what's left after you've got your 31 points in immortal is kinda like, Meh. Here or there, it really doesn't matter. I went with stagger instead because, well, tanking EC HM I have yet to come across a point where I couldn't use smash anyways. CC's are always spread out and things that are close together I want hitting me. It really doesn't matter I think, personal preference and tanking styles may vary.
  2. I concur on the notion that improved sundering assault is unnecessary now. You can have five stacks of armor reduction on a target by smashing, then sundering. That leaves crushing blow to spread more armor reduction in its aoe/cone form it takes after 5 stacks are applied to a target. As an aside, is the effect gained on crushing blow a cone? aoe? Curious as to whether positioning around non cc'd targets might come into play.
  3. Yep. Was about to annihilate the Thanaton being better than Baras discussion with what was already said here. But mostly because of RRRRRAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!
  4. Come now, let's not be silly. Just because the Emperor hasn't said how one must die doesn't mean they can't die by being hit by a runaway speeder, or in the case of our current debate, have their head removed. The Previous poster says it best, Immortality is not invincibility and I think you're confusing the two. The Immortal might not ever age, but the vessel of the immortal being is still susceptible to damage. I'll entertain your question though considering it is an intriguing one. The Emperor may have a bitter taste in his mouth after Scourge's defection? I dunno, that's really just speculation on my part. All that being said, I don't think either Nox or Wrath are immortal at all. Nox got the equivalent of a cats 9 lives essentially, and Wrath is just too ****** to die at this point. Might Wrath be granted Scourge's immortality at some point? Maybe.
  5. Well, let's see. There's the whole starting planet of Korriban with all those powerful DEAD sith lord's tombs all over the place? They're all pretty dead man. Immortality in this universe is achieved in one of three ways. One, Vititate's method of consuming entire planets (in the Revan novel it is revealed that the only thing the Emperor truly fears is death, ending his existance after accomplishing so much over a thousand year period), two, Darth Plagueis midichlorian (I shudder to utter that word ) manipulation and three, Palpatine's method of spirit transfer utilizing clone bodies. With Palpatine's method, (first used by the dark jedi set harth via addendu's holocron...i think it was addendu anyways, been a while since i've read that book) he technically physically dies every time and wills his spirit by means of the Force into a new host body, a blank template. sooooooo its established all over the place.
  6. Sure there are different grades of immortality, you're right. The discussion was about Darth Nox and the Emperor's Wrath, not Norse gods? Or did I miss that part of the conversation? I didn't? No I didn't think I did These immortals, in this game, pertaining to this conversation, die if you cut off their head. 100% of the time, everytime. Now, are we dealing with individuals that can spirit jump and have their essence bound and awoken later by some wild ritual? Sure. But they're dead. Force entities or ghosts essentially.
  7. Difficult to say. Probably Baras because,
  8. opposite of this, size 2 looks goofy, size 3 looks awesome.
  9. There is a cure for immortality per the American movie classic that won all the awards for the best movie, ever. Highlander of course, and this gives me a moment in time to scratch something off my bucket list. *use Scary Movie 3 quote in a discussion* check. Granted we have no shovel, and we're not talking about aliens but...I found their weakness. They're powerless without their heads! fighting an immortal? Lop that head off.
  10. Given the experience I've had with both story lines, I'd say lore wise, Wrath is more powerful than Darth Nox/Imperius/Occulus and would win if pitted in a fight, one against the other.
  11. eh, i usually don't do this because you know, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, etc... but, your opinion is wrong. lol, there I said it.
  12. Immortal spec, 50 Basically I stood toe to toe with him and just backed out of the lightning whenever it showed up. Quinn kept me alive, used cool downs, no problem. Really for tanks, just stay out of the lightning and its a cakewalk. For dps it seems the kiting method is the way to go. If you're really having problems bring a friend?
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