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  • Location
    Oldsmar, FL
  • Interests
    PCs, Games, SciFi, Comics
  • Occupation
    Self Employed
  1. Never mind I wanted to hide the text of a spoiler so only those who have already seen the content or those who don't cane can see my complaint.
  2. Mine said it finished downloading and I could log into the game and it shows my character list, but it says I haven't finished downloading and will not allow me to use any of my higher level characters.
  3. I find your "only one right way to do something" mentality to be quite disturbing. There is only one way to have fun? That is a very narrow point of view and a bit too socialist for my liking. You completely reject that someone might be able to find an unconventional way of succeeding. I've seen many of these supposed "best builds" and they are all lacking one thing, any sort of explanation as to why their build is best. It is simply stated as fact. The problem is that they don't all agree. I think that choice is best, even if that leads someone to choose a less than "optimal" outcome. This is a game and each person playing it has their own ideas of why they play and what in the game they enjoy doing the most. If someone wants to create their character using someone else's idea of optimal then that is fine. But what else is fine is letting someone choose what they want to do. We don't all have to conform a single idea of perfect. So yeah, I'm on the side of bringing back the old system.
  4. I voted for Space Battles. I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with the current rail shooter if we had a bit more control of the ship movements. By that I mean currently we can control the elevation of the ship but not left/right with the keyboard. If we could control the ship with the keyboard and the aiming with the mouse I would be fine with that. But if you are going to do full 3D Space Combat then do it right, not like Star Trek Online. There is no "up" in space. Sure for those who want simple controls you can have that, but also have the ability to turn that off and take full control of the ship would be very cool. Of course we are now talking about a full flight sim and I would be very surprised if they did that. Additionally, it would be nice if there were "Heroic" quests that required more that one ship to complete. Integrating space battles into the character stories would also be a step in the right direction. You know, having a "reason" to do them other than as a diversion from the primary part of the game.
  5. I am one of the "lazy" players you speak of as many of the datacrons are in locations that I simply do not have the skills to get to. I am only level 28 and I have already had to give several datacrons a pass as they are located in places where you have to have "Super Meat Boy" platforming skills to reach. I don't mind a bit of a "challenge" but I don't have the hand/eye coordination or timing to play "fighting games" like Street Fighter let alone make precision jumps that are required to reach several of the datacrons. If I'm paying for a game I demand a "reasonable" opportunity to experience all the available content. Out of the way locations, okay, big monsters in the way, fine, even needing two or more players to gain access, its pushing it but fine, but I have to draw the line where you need to make several precision jumps reach it. I have a question for the developers. How may players actually collect the datacrons. I don't mean a few, but all of them. If there are datacrons that very few of the players get then it is in a very bad location. Remember, what is "challenging" for a small minority of players is all but impossible for the majority.
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